Instance analysis of final modifiers in Java

  • 2020-04-01 03:33:52
  • OfStack

Final modifier:

The final modifier member variable must have the programmer display the specified initial value.
Field of a class: the initial value must be specified in the static initialization block or when the Field is declared.
Instance Field: the initial value must be specified in the declaration Field or constructor in a non-static initial block.

Final local variables: must be initialized by the programmer display.

What is the difference between a final modified base variable and a reference type variable?

Final modifies the base variable: the base variable cannot be reassigned.
Final modifies the reference variable: only ensures that the address referenced by the reference type does not change, i.e
Always reference the same object, but this object can be changed.

import java.util.*;
public class Demo5
 public static void main(String[] args)
  final B b = new B(22);
  //Legal   Change the value, but still point to the same reference
  //Illegal < br / >   // b = null;
 fianl Modifier member variable
class A
 //Legal < br / >  final int a = 10;
 //Specifies an initial value
in the constructor or initialization block  final String str;
 final int c;
 final static double d;
  str = "hello";
  //Illegal < br / >   // a = 100;
  d = 100;
 //The constructor can specify an initial value
for a Field that is not specified in the initialization block  public A()
  //Illegal < br / >   // str = "ddd";
  c = 1000;
 public double changFinal()
  //You cannot specify an initial value
for final ina normal method   // return d = 1000.90;
  return 0;
 fianl Modify the array object
class B
 private int age;
 public B()
 public B(int age)
  this.age = age;
 public void setAge(int age)
  this.age = age;
 public int getAge()
  return this.age;
 public void test()
  final int[] arr={23,434,56,898};
  arr[2] = 200;
  // In the face of the Arr To assign a value Illegal < br / >   // arr = null;
   To deepen the final The understanding of the
 public void test2()
  String str1 = " The bright future ";
  //Direct reference to "good future" in the constant pool
  String str2 = " happy "+" In the future ";
  System.out.println(str1 == str2);
  String s1 = " happy ";
  String s2 = " In the future ";
  String s3 = s1+s2;
  //False  S1, s2 is just a variable that cannot be determined at compile time
  //If you want to confirm at compile time, modify s1, s2
with final   System.out.println(str1 == s3);

If you are familiar with the final modifier in Java, I believe that it has been explained to you clearly in the comments

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