Java basic Java processing IP utility class

  • 2020-04-01 03:32:00
  • OfStack

Java processing IP tool class, including the long type of IP to the general IP type, xx.

package com.hh.test;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
* IP Utility class
* @author bl
* @email
public class IPUtils
     * the long The type of Ip To the general Ip Type: xx.xx.xx.xx
     * @param ip
     * @return
    public static String getIpFromLong(Long ip)
        String s1 = String.valueOf((ip & 4278190080L) / 16777216L);
        String s2 = String.valueOf((ip & 16711680L) / 65536L);
        String s3 = String.valueOf((ip & 65280L) / 256L);
        String s4 = String.valueOf(ip & 255L);
        return s1 + "." + s2 + "." + s3 + "." + s4;
     * the xx.xx.xx.xx Conversion of type long The type of
     * @param ip
     * @return
    public static Long getIpFromString(String ip)
        Long ipLong = 0L;
        String ipTemp = ip;
        ipLong = ipLong * 256
                + Long.parseLong(ipTemp.substring(0, ipTemp.indexOf(".")));
        ipTemp = ipTemp.substring(ipTemp.indexOf(".") + 1, ipTemp.length());
        ipLong = ipLong * 256
                + Long.parseLong(ipTemp.substring(0, ipTemp.indexOf(".")));
        ipTemp = ipTemp.substring(ipTemp.indexOf(".") + 1, ipTemp.length());
        ipLong = ipLong * 256
                + Long.parseLong(ipTemp.substring(0, ipTemp.indexOf(".")));
        ipTemp = ipTemp.substring(ipTemp.indexOf(".") + 1, ipTemp.length());
        ipLong = ipLong * 256 + Long.parseLong(ipTemp);
        return ipLong;
     * Gets the mask based on the mask bit
     * @param maskBit
     *            Mask bits, such as "28" , "30"
     * @return
    public static String getMaskByMaskBit(String maskBit)
        return StringUtils.isEmpty(maskBit) ? "error, maskBit is null !"
                : maskBitMap().get(maskBit);
     * According to the ip/ A mask To calculate IP Period of the beginning of IP Such as IP string
     * @param ip
     *            A given IP , such as
     * @param maskBit
     *            The given mask bit, such as 30
     * @return The starting IP String representation of
    public static String getBeginIpStr(String ip, String maskBit)
        return getIpFromLong(getBeginIpLong(ip, maskBit));
     * According to the ip/ A mask To calculate IP Period of the beginning of IP Such as IP string
     * @param ip
     *            A given IP , such as
     * @param maskBit
     *            The given mask bit, such as 30
     * @return The starting IP The long integer representation of
    public static Long getBeginIpLong(String ip, String maskBit)
        return getIpFromString(ip) & getIpFromString(getMaskByMaskBit(maskBit));
     * According to the ip/ A mask To calculate IP Period of the termination of IP Such as IP string
     * @param ip
     *            A given IP , such as
     * @param maskBit
     *            The given mask bit, such as 30
     * @return Termination of IP String representation of
    public static String getEndIpStr(String ip, String maskBit)
        return getIpFromLong(getEndIpLong(ip, maskBit));
     * According to the ip/ A mask To calculate IP Period of the termination of IP Such as IP string
     * @param ip
     *            A given IP , such as
     * @param maskBit
     *            The given mask bit, such as 30
     * @return Termination of IP The long integer representation of
    public static Long getEndIpLong(String ip, String maskBit)
        return getBeginIpLong(ip, maskBit)
                + ~getIpFromString(getMaskByMaskBit(maskBit));
     * Converts to mask bits according to subnet masks Such as Converts to a mask bit for 30
     * @param netmarks
     * @return
    public static int getNetMask(String netmarks)
        StringBuffer sbf;
        String str;
        int inetmask = 0, count = 0;
        String[] ipList = netmarks.split("\.");
        for (int n = 0; n < ipList.length; n++)
            sbf = toBin(Integer.parseInt(ipList[n]));
            str = sbf.reverse().toString();
            count = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
                i = str.indexOf('1', i);
                if (i == -1)
            inetmask += count;
        return inetmask;
     * Calculate the subnet size
     * @param netmask
     *            A mask
     * @return
    public static int getPoolMax(int maskBit)
        if (maskBit <= 0 || maskBit >= 32)
            return 0;
        return (int) Math.pow(2, 32 - maskBit) - 2;
    private static StringBuffer toBin(int x)
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        result.append(x % 2);
        x /= 2;
        while (x > 0)
            result.append(x % 2);
            x /= 2;
        return result;
     * Stores all the mask bits and their corresponding masks key: A mask value: Mask ( x.x.x.x )
    private static Map<String, String> maskBitMap()
        Map<String, String> maskBit = new HashMap<String, String>();
        maskBit.put("1", "");
        maskBit.put("2", "");
        maskBit.put("3", "");
        maskBit.put("4", "");
        maskBit.put("5", "");
        maskBit.put("6", "");
        maskBit.put("7", "");
        maskBit.put("8", "");
        maskBit.put("9", "");
        maskBit.put("10", "");
        maskBit.put("11", "");
        maskBit.put("12", "");
        maskBit.put("13", "");
        maskBit.put("14", "");
        maskBit.put("15", "");
        maskBit.put("16", "");
        maskBit.put("17", "");
        maskBit.put("18", "");
        maskBit.put("19", "");
        maskBit.put("20", "");
        maskBit.put("21", "");
        maskBit.put("22", "");
        maskBit.put("23", "");
        maskBit.put("24", "");
        maskBit.put("25", "");
        maskBit.put("26", "");
        maskBit.put("27", "");
        maskBit.put("28", "");
        maskBit.put("29", "");
        maskBit.put("30", "");
        maskBit.put("31", "");
        maskBit.put("32", "");
        return maskBit;
     * Gets the mask based on the mask bit
     * @param masks
     * @return
    public static String getMaskByMaskBit(int masks)
        String ret = "";
        if (masks == 1)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 2)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 3)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 4)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 5)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 6)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 7)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 8)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 9)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 10)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 11)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 12)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 13)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 14)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 15)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 16)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 17)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 18)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 19)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 20)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 21)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 22)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 23)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 24)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 25)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 26)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 27)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 28)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 29)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 30)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 31)
            ret = "";
        else if (masks == 32)
            ret = "";
        return ret;

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