A detailed explanation based on the Java math API

  • 2020-04-01 01:57:41
  • OfStack

Math. PI records PI
Math. E& Have spent Record e constant
There are other similar constants in Math, which are engineering Math constants.
Math. Abs absolute value
Math.sin sine & Have spent Math.asin arcsine
Math.cos cosine & Have spent Math.acos arc cosine
Math.tan tangent function & Have spent Math.atan arctangent function & Have spent Math.atan2 quotient of the inverse tangent function
Math.toDegrees radians toDegrees & Have spent Math.toradians angles into radians
Math.ceil gets the largest integer not less than a certain number
Math.floor gets the largest integer not greater than a number
Math.h IEEEremainder yu
Math.max find the largest of two Numbers
Math.min is the smallest of two Numbers
Math. SQRT square root
Math.pow raises a number to an arbitrary power, throwing a ArithmeticException to handle the overflow exception
Math. E to the arbitrary power
Math. Log base 10 of 10
Math.log the natural log
Math.rint find the nearest integer to a number (it may be larger or smaller than a number)
Math.round, same as above, returns an int or a long (the previous function returned a double)
Math.random returns a random number between 0,1 & random;

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