How to implement dynamic value transfer using @ PathVariable annotation

  • 2021-12-05 06:08:39
  • OfStack

Directory @ PathVariable annotation realizes dynamic value transfer and dynamic parameters are resolved by @ PathVariable

@ PathVariable annotation realizes dynamic value transfer

Dynamic value transfer

public void Test(@PathVariable Integer id){


In action of the page form, write the corresponding method name in controller
public String TZ(@PathVariable String methodName){
              return methodName;

Dynamic parameters are resolved using @ PathVariable

There is now 1 hyperlink as follows

<a href="<c:url value=" rel="external nofollow" /actions/article/readArticle/${}"/> "

The characteristic of this hyperlink is that the id value parsed from the EL expression is added to the URL path.

Therefore, in the Controller layer of SpringMVC, it needs to be parsed using @ PathVariable ("articleId") Long articleId.

@ PathVariable is designed to resolve dynamic parameters in URL requests.

The code in the Controller layer is as follows

public static final String URL_ARTICLE_READ = "article/readArticle/{articleId}";
     *  Go to the article details page 
     *  According to URL Article specified in the path ID Number, to get the content of the article 
     * @param articleId  Of the specified article ID No. 
     * @return           Get the data for this article and go to the Article Details page 
    @RequestMapping(value = {URL_ARTICLE_READ} )
    public ModelAndView readArticle(@PathVariable("articleId") Long articleId){"enter article detail page, articleId = {}",articleId);
        final Article article = articleService.getArticleById(articleId);

Thus, the value of ${article. id} on the page is finally mapped to ES50articleId in Java.

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