Solve the problem of slow response speed of RestTemplate's first request

  • 2021-12-04 18:53:27
  • OfStack

Directory RestTemplate First Request Slow Response Problem RestTemplate Request Timeout Setting

Slow response speed of RestTemplate first request

Using the interface of RestTemplate to request WeChat, it was found that the first request took about 8 seconds. After consulting JDK data, it was found that it was IPv6

Simply add-Djava. net. preferIPv4Stack=true at startup.

Timeout settings for RestTemplate requests

// Settings rest Requested timeout 
// SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory simpleClientHttpRequestFactory = new SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory();
// simpleClientHttpRequestFactory.setConnectTimeout(20000);
// simpleClientHttpRequestFactory.setReadTimeout(30000);
// restTemplate = new RestTemplate(simpleClientHttpRequestFactory);

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