jar packages using springboot can be started in service mode

  • 2021-11-29 23:42:34
  • OfStack

jar package of directory springboot starts scene process package (maven) in service mode, authorizes and starts to establish soft connection, starts systemctl through service command, configures Springboot to start, close and restart script in jar mode, starts, closes and restarts

The jar packet of springboot is started in service mode


The typed jar package with java-jar can definitely be started. This method is native and simple, but it is not friendly to operation and maintenance.

Therefore, it is required to transform, hoping to start it with service command.


It is technically feasible.

pom. xml configuration

There are two configuration points in pom. xml:

     <!--  Executable  -->

Note: finalName should be uniqueness, and should not carry a version number such as. 1.1. SNAPSHOT.

Packaging (maven), Authorization, Startup

Package first, and then execute the following script:

#  Authorization 
chmod 755 custom-app ;
#  Start 

If it can be executed, it means that the maven configuration is in effect and the jar package is an execution file.

Note: Looking at the jar package, you can see that the first 2,300 lines include the shell script, which is < executable > true < /executable > The generated content.

Another: java-jar is still usable and will not be affected.

Establish a soft connection and start it through service command

The order is as follows:

#  Establish a soft connection 
ln -s /data/custom-app.jar /etc/init.d/custom-app
#  Then you can use service Command started 
service custom-app start

It is found that the log is not output, so why is it started? How to read the journal?

#  You can see the startup log here 
#  View pid, The template is:  /var/run/<appname>/<appname>.pid

systemctl Configuration

Because it is useless, it is temporarily omitted.

The usage of systemctl configuration is also found in the bottom spring document.


Official website document about configuration

Springboot starts, closes, and restarts scripts as jar packages


 Write startup scripts startup.sh
echo Starting application
nohup java -jar activiti_demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar &
chmod +x startup.sh

Shut down

 Write a shutdown script stop.sh
PID=$(ps -ef | grep activiti_demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }')
if [ -z "$PID" ]
    echo Application is already stopped
    echo kill $PID
    kill $PID
chmod +x stop.sh


 Write a restart script restart.sh
echo Stopping application
source ./stop.sh
echo Starting application
source ./startup.sh
chmod +x restart.sh

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