Functional Programming in Java

  • 2021-11-29 07:10:56
  • OfStack

Directory 1, Lambda2, Function Interface 2.1 Function Descriptor 3, Java Function Interface 3.1 Predicate3.2 Consumer
3.3 Function3.4 Supplier3.5 Primitive Specializations
4. Type Check4.1 Capturing Lambda5, Method Reference 5.1 Constructor Reference 5.2 Combination Lambda5.3 Comparators5.4 Predicates5.5 Functions6, Summary

Functional programming is a programming paradigm in which programs are constructed by applying and combining functions. It is a declarative programming paradigm, in which function definitions are expression trees, and each expression tree returns 1 value instead of a series of command statements that change the state of the program

Java8 Introduced Lambda Functional programming in the form. Terminology Lambda From Lambda Calculus, used to describe calculation.

1. Lambda

We can put lambda An expression is treated as an anonymous function that can be assigned to a variable and passed to a method that accepts the function interface as an argument. The Lambda expression has no name, but it has a parameter list, a body, and a return type.

(parameters) -> expression

lambda Expressions can be used in the context of function interfaces.

2. Function interface

A function interface is an interface that specifies only one abstract method.

public interface Comparator<T> {                           
    int compare(T o1, T o2);
public interface Runnable {                                
    void run();

Lambda Expressions allow us to directly inline the implementation of an abstract method that provides a function interface and treat the entire expression as an instance of the function interface.

2.1 Function descriptors

We call the signature of the abstract method of the function interface a function descriptor. Function descriptor description lambda The signature of the expression. For example, we can put Runnable The function descriptor of is regarded as Lambda0 Because it has an abstract method that accepts nothing and returns nothing ( Lambda1 ).

3. Java function interface

3.1 Predicate

Lambda2 Interface defines a file named Lambda3 That accepts a generic type of Lambda4 And returns 1 Boolean value. This interface can be used to represent Boolean expressions that use T type objects.

Function descriptor: Lambda5

public interface Predicate<T> {
    boolean test(T t);

3.2 Consumer

Lambda6 Interface defines a file named Lambda7 That accepts an object of generic type T and returns no results (void). We can use this interface when we need to access and perform some operations on objects of type T.

Function descriptor: Lambda8

3.3 Function

Lambda9 Interface defines a file named Lambda0 That takes an object of generic type T as input and returns an object of generic type R. When we need to define a lambda You can use this interface when mapping information from input objects to output.

Function descriptor: Lambda2

3.4 Supplier

Interface Lambda3 Defines a file named Lambda4 That accepts nothing and returns an object of type T.

Function descriptor: Lambda5

3.5 Primitive Specializations

A primitive interface is a dedicated interface used to avoid automatic boxing when the input or output is a primitive.

public interface IntPredicate {
    boolean test(int t);

4. Type check

lambda The type of is derived from using the lambda Deduced from the context of. In context lambda The type required by an expression (for example, a method parameter passed to it or a local variable assigned to it) is called the target type. Lambda An expression can get its target type from an assignment context, a method invocation context (parameters and returns), and a cast context.

Object o = (Runnable) () -> System.out.println("Hello");

4.1 Capturing Lambda

lambda Instance variables and static variables can be captured (referenced in their bodies) without restriction. But when local variables are captured, they must be explicitly declared as final or actually Lambda1 .

Why do we have this restriction?

Instance variables are stored on the heap, while local variables are on the stack. If lambda You can access local variables directly, and lambda Use in a thread, then use the lambda You can try to access a variable after the thread that allocated it has unallocated it. Therefore, Java Implement access to a free local variable as access to its copy, not to the original variable. If the local variable is assigned only once, it makes no difference, so there are restrictions.

5. Method references

There are three main method references:

A method reference to a static method. For example, – Integer::parseInt A method reference to an instance method of any type. Example – String::length A method reference to an instance method of an existing object or expression. Example – student::getRank , of which student Is a method getRank() Adj. student Local variables of type

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a","b","A","B");
list.sort((s1, s2) -> s1.compareToIgnoreCase(s2));

It can be written as

List<String> list = Arrays.asList("a","b","A","B");

5.1 Constructor Reference

You can use the ClassName::new Reference to an existing constructor

Supplier<List<String>> supplier = ArrayList::new  ; And  Supplier<List<String>> supplier = () -> new ArrayList<>()  Same; 

5.2 Combination Lambda

Many functional interfaces contain functions that can be used to combine lambda The default method of the expression. Combination sample-

Combine two predicates into a larger predicate and perform or operation between the two predicates
Reverse or chain comparator

5.3 Comparators

Arrange students in reverse order

Comparator<Student> c = Comparator.comparing(Student::getRank);

Sort students by name (reverse), and then arrange them in reverse order


5.4 Predicates

The Predicates interface includes three methods: negate , and , and or Which can be used to create more complex predicates.

Predicate<Integer> naturalNumber = i -> i > 0;                                     
Predicate<Integer> naturalNumberLessThanHundred = naturalNumber.and( i -> i < 100);

5.5 Functions

The function interface has two default methods, andThen And compose .

Consider f(x) = x2 and g(x) = x3 + 1 then

(parameters) -> expression0

public interface Predicate<T> {
    boolean test(T t);


(parameters) -> expression1

public interface Predicate<T> {
    boolean test(T t);


Applying Lambda

Let's see how to write a general method based on (parameters) -> expression2 Property filters 1 group of books as (parameters) -> expression3 Adj. (parameters) -> expression4 Clause).

public interface Predicate<T> {
    boolean test(T t);


Lambda Expression filters different books through different filters

List<Book> javaBook = filter(book -> book.getCategory().equals(JAVA));               
List<Book> joshuaBlochBook = filter(book -> book.getAuthor().equals("Joshua Bloch"));

6. Summary

lambda An expression can be considered an anonymous function and can be used in the context of a function interface. A function interface is an interface that specifies only one abstract method.

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