java Constructor Default Constructor and Parameterized Constructor

  • 2021-11-24 01:27:05
  • OfStack

Directory 1, Constructor 1.1 Permission modifier is public
1.2 Display Definition Constructor

1. Constructor

Constructor, also called constructor, constructor, is a special type of method, which is responsible for the initialization of member variables (fields) in a class. The constructor is used to perform initialization when an object is created. When an object is created, the system initializes an instance of that object by default.

There are two types of constructors:

1. Default constructor (no parameter constructor) 2. Parametric construction method

1.1 The permission modifier is public

The permission modifier is public That indicates that internal properties can be accessed by other classes.

java The default constructor is parameterless.

The Java compiler automatically creates a parameterless constructor, so we can omit parameterless constructions in classes even if they don't exist. You do not need to assign a value when instantiating an object

Create a new one Person Class, and then instantiate it with new person Object. After running, it will generate 1 Person.class Object.

public class Demo02 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //new  Instantiation 1 Objects 
        //1 A class exists even if it doesn't write anything 1 Methods with the same method name as the class name. 
        Person p=new Person(); Create an object without assignment in parentheses , Without assignment, , Character type defaults to null, The default value of numeric type is 0

public class Person {


If nothing is written in the class, it will be 1 more by default after running Person() Method, the following is Person.class Code of:

// Source code recreated from a .class file by IntelliJ IDEA
// (powered by Fernflower decompiler)

package Demo01;

public class Person {
    public Person() {

Therefore, even if a class writes nothing, it will still have a default method

Parameterized construction method:

Parameterized constructors are used to provide different initialized values for different objects. If a parameterized constructor already exists in the class, the compiler no longer provides the default parameterless constructor. When instantiating an object, you need to assign a value, otherwise you will report an error

1.2 Display Definition Constructor

package Demo01;

public class Demo02 {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        //new  Instantiation 1 Objects 
        //1 A class exists even if it doesn't write anything 1 Methods with the same method name as the class name. 
        Person p=new Person();

package Demo01;

public class Person {
    String name;
    // Instantiate initial value 
    //1 , using new Keyword, essential reality constructor 
    //2 Which is used to initialize the value 
    public Person(){// Default constructor"xiaoming";

    // Parametric structure: 1 Once a parametric construction is defined, a parametric construction must show the definition, otherwise it is invalid , Also overloaded 
    public Person(String name){;

    // Shortcut keys:  alt + insert      Generate constructor, automatically generate constructor, and choose whether there are parameters or not. 



1. Same as class name 2. No return value


1. new essentially calls the constructor 2. Initialize the value of the object

Note: After defining a construct, if you want to use a parameterless construct, the one shown is a parameterless construct; Otherwise, you cannot use the parameterless constructor ALT + INSERT to generate the constructor

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