Explanation of the difference between Array and List in Scala

  • 2021-11-24 01:21:49
  • OfStack

The difference between Scala, Array and List in catalogues Scala fast row List and Array array efficiency measurement

Differences between Scala, Array and List

Difference between Array and List in scala

Q: When will Array (Buffer) and List (Buffer) be used?

A: List in Scala is immutable recursive data (immutable recursive data), which is a kind of infrastructure in Scala. You should use List instead of Array (Array is actually mutable, Array immutable (immutable) is IndexedSeq)

Mutable Structures

ListBuffer provides a constant time conversion to List.

An Array of an Scala should be generated by an Java array, so an Array [Int] may be more efficient than an List [Int].

However, I think arrays are used as little as possible in Scala, because it feels like you really need to know what's going on at the bottom to decide whether Array will back up the required basic data type, or maybe boxed as a wrapper type.

Performance differences Array List
Access the ith element O(1) O(i)
Discard the ith element O(n) O(i)
Insert an element at i O(n) O(i)
Reverse O(n) O(n)
Concatenate (length m,n) O(n+m) O(n)
Calculate the length O(1) O(n)
memory differences Array List
Get the first i elements O(i) O(i)
Drop the first i elements O(n-i) O(1)
Insert an element at i O(n) O(i)
Reverse O(n) O(n)
Concatenate (length m,n) O(n+m) O(n)

So unless you need quick random access or count batches of elements, lists are better than arrays.

Efficiency measurement of List and Array arrays in Scala fast row


package com.tingfeng.scala.test
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.{Random, Sorting}
  *  Quick sort test 
object SortTest {
    *  Initialization 1 An array of random numbers to fill 
    * @param size
    * @return
  def initRandomList(size :Int):List[Int]={
    val random = new Random()
    def initList(size :Int,random: Random):List[Int] = size match {
      case 0 => Nil
      case 1 => List(random.nextInt())
      case s:Int =>
        val value = s / 2
        if( s % 2 == 0) {
          initList(value,random) ++ initList(value,random)
          initList(value,random) ++ initList(value + 1,random)
    *  Print out the time used 
    * @param call
  def printTime(call : => Unit,tag: String = ""){
    val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
    println(s"use time : ${System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime}\n")
    *  Swap the values of two positions in the array. After testing, this bitwise AND method is more efficient than ordinary variable exchange 
    * @param array
    * @param x
    * @param y
  def swap(array: Array[Int],x:Int,y:Int):Unit ={
      val t = array(x) ^ array(y)
      array(x) = t ^ array(x)
      array(y) = t ^ array(y)
    *  Returns the passed-in value directly , And execute the logic 
    * @param call
    * @param any
    * @tparam A
  def doThing[A<:Any](any: A,call: A => Unit):A = {
    *  Print list 
  def printList[A<%Seq[Any]](seq:A,size :Int = 10):Unit={
    seq.splitAt(size)._1.foreach(it => print(s"$it,"))
  def shuffleIntSeq(seq: Array[Int],size: Int):Unit={
      val random = new Random()
      val maxSize = size/2
      for(i <- 0 to maxSize){
          swap(seq,i,maxSize + random.nextInt(maxSize))
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val size = 5000000
    val printSize = 10
    val list = initRandomList(size)
    // Print out the money 100 A, and List Time spent on quick sorting 
    val array = list.toArray
    *  Right List Quick sort 
    * @param list
    * @return
  def qSortList(list: List[Int]):List[Int] = list match {
    case Nil => Nil
    case head :: other =>
      val (left, right) = other.partition(_ < head)
      (qSortList(left) :+ head) ++ qSortList(right)
    *  By comparing arrays every time ' head' Value and the rest of the values 
    *  Than ' head' A smaller value moves to its front than ' head' The big one moves behind it 
    * @param array
  def qSortArray1(array: Array[Int]):Unit = {
    def sort(ay : Array[Int],start: Int,end: Int):Unit={
      if(start >= end) {
      val head = ay(start)
      var spliteIndex = start
      for (i <- start + 1 to end){
        if(ay(i) < head){
          spliteIndex += 1
      if(start != spliteIndex){
        sort(ay, start, spliteIndex)
      if(start == spliteIndex){
        spliteIndex += 1
      if(spliteIndex != end){
        sort(ay, spliteIndex, end)
    sort(array,0,array.size - 1)
    *  Split the left and right parts of the data with the center line, and exchange the values so that the value on the right side is larger than that on the left side. 
    *  Then divide the boundary of left or right exchange into two parts for recursion 
    * @param array
  def qSortArray2(array: Array[Int]) {
    def sort(l: Int, r: Int) {
      val pivot = array((l + r) / 2)
      var lv = l; var rv = r
      while (lv <= rv) {
        while (array(lv) < pivot) lv += 1
        while (array(rv) > pivot) rv -= 1
        if (lv <= rv) {
          swap(array,lv, rv)
          lv += 1
          rv -= 1
      if (l < rv) sort(l, rv)
      if (rv < r) sort(lv, r)
    sort(0, array.length - 1)
    *  Filter function of the system , Unable to sort successfully because filter Returns a reference 
    * @param xs
    * @return
  def qSortArray3(xs: Array[Int]): Array[Int] ={
    if (xs.length <= 1){
    }else {
      val pivot = xs(xs.length / 2)
      val left = xs filter (pivot > _)
      val cu = xs filter (pivot == _ )
      val right = xs filter (pivot < _ )
    *  Segmentation function of the system , Unable to sort successfully because partition It returns a reference, and when the amount of data is large, the stack overflows and fails 
    * @param xs
    * @return
  def qSortArray4(array: Array[Int]): Array[Int] ={
    if (array.length <= 1){
    }else {
      val head = array(0)
      val (left,right) = array.tail partition  (_ < head )

Test results

use time : 28808

use time : 773

use time : 1335

use time : 629

use time : 10617

use time : 6904

Process finished with exit code 0

Environment: Versions Scala2.12. 6, win10, ryzen51600, 8G

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