Solution of invalid Springmvc project jumping to controller

  • 2021-11-10 09:45:28
  • OfStack

Directory Springmvc jumps to controller invalid 1, springmvc-servlet. xml2, web. xml, springmvc cannot enter controller in the configuration file change, and no error is reported in the background 1. Check whether to configure 2, whether to configure 3, whether to add 4 to controller class, whether to configure view parser 5 and web. xml files

Springmvc Jump controller Invalid

In the actual construction of Springmvc project, business processing and logical jump are carried out through controller. It is often found that the interface URL is spelled correctly but the control layer cannot be accessed. Here are two explanations for investigation:

1. springmvc-servlet. xml

(It only shows that other configurations of controller are added by themselves), and add them in the configuration file

 <!--  Automatically scan packages to support annotations IOC -->
<context:component-scan base-package="com.bj58.automation.controller" />  // Path is added based on actual requirements 

2. web. xml. In the configuration file,


Modify to


The controller format is as follows:

public class TaskController {
    InsertTask insertTask;// Injection adds task interface 
    public void insertTask(@RequestParam("productId") int productId,@RequestParam("taskname") String taskname,
            HttpServletRequest request,Model model) {
        insertTask.insertTaskService(productId, taskname);
    public String name() {
        return "demo";      

The interface access path format is as follows: http://localhost: 8080/task/demo

springmvc cannot enter controller, and no error is reported in the background

Talk about the solution

1. Check whether it is configured

Processor mapper, processor adapter

  <mvc:annotation-driven />

2. Whether to configure

Scan controller packets

<context:component-scan base-package="cn.ssm.controller" />

3. Is controller class added

@ contaoller notes

public class ItemController {
    private ItemService itemService;
    public TbItem getItemById(@PathVariable Long itemId) {
        TbItem tbItem = itemService.getItemById(itemId);
        return tbItem;

4. View parser

Is it configured correctly

        <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/" />
        <property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />

5. Is the web. xml file configured

springmvc file startup

<!-- springmvc Front-end controller of  -->
        <!-- contextConfigLocation It's not necessary,   If you do not configure contextConfigLocation ,  springmvc The configuration file of defaults to: WEB-INF/servlet Adj. name+"-servlet.xml" -->

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