Array Type Valuation in SpringBoot yaml

  • 2021-11-10 09:41:48
  • OfStack

Directory yaml Array Type Value First the following simple configuration how to value springboot configuration file yml Array Form Configuration File Entity Class

Array Type Values in yaml

The simple style in yaml is popular with everyone for 10 points

First, let's talk about how to take the value of simple configuration

# application-dev.yml
  testValueChild: testValueChildValue
public class SomeServiceImpl {
 //  So you can get the configuration information directly 
  private String testValueChild;

Sometimes we will need some array types. Here is a brief introduction to the writing of array configuration information, such as the configuration of the following formats, whether data synchronization is turned on, and the data types that data synchronization needs to be synchronized.

  enable: true
    - "1"
    - "2"
    - "3"

You can't use @ Value to take the value at this time, but you can take the value in the following ways.

//  Separate registration 1 A bean For storing such configuration information 
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "data-sync")
public class DataSyncConfig {
    private Boolean enable;
    private List<String> types;
public class SomeServiceImpl{
  private DataSyncConfig dataSyncConfig;
public void youerMethod() {
  List<String> types = dataSyncConfig.getTypes();

Array form of springboot configuration file yml

Configuration file

    - ""
    - ""   

Entity class

@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "proxy")
public class ProxyConfig {
    private String[] url;

The reference name ('url') in the object must match the ('url') 1 in the yml file, otherwise the data will not be retrieved.

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