Spring Cloud Gateway Remove url Prefix

  • 2021-10-27 07:31:09
  • OfStack

Spring Cloud Gateway Remove url Prefix

Mainly add one route, and other configurations remain unchanged

  - id: service_customer
    uri: lb://CONSUMER
    order: 0
      - Path=/customer/**
      - StripPrefix=1
      - AddResponseHeader=X-Response-Default-Foo, Default-Bar

The newly added StripPrefix can accept a non-negative integer, and the corresponding specific implementation is StripPrefixGatewayFilterFactory. From the name, it can be seen that its function is to remove prefixes, and that integer is the corresponding number of layers.

Specific to this example, we accessed the/customer/hello/windmt through Spring Cloud Gateway, so when the gateway service forwards the request backward, the/customer will be removed, and the microservice will receive the/hello/windmt.

Description of Common Configuration Parameters Prefixed with eureka. instance in Spring Cloud

参数名 说明 默认值
preferIpAddress 是否优先使用IP地址作为主机名的标识 false
leaseRenewalIntervalInSeconds Eureka客户端向服务端发送心跳的时间间隔,单位为秒 30
leaseExpirationDurationInSeconds Eureka服务端在收到最后1次心跳之后等待的时间上限,单位为秒。超过该时间之后服务端会将该服务实例从服务清单中剔除,从而禁止服务调用请求被发送到该示例上 90
nonSecurePort 非安全的通信端口号 80
securePort 安全的通信端口号 443
nonSecurePortEnabled 是否启用非安全的通信端口号 true
securePortEnabled 是否启用安全的通信端口号
appname 服务名,默认取spring.application.name的配置值 unkonwn
hostname 主机名,不配置的时候将根据操作系统的主机名来获取



Class, you can view the default values of each parameter.

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