springboot Temporary File Storage Directory Configuration

  • 2021-10-15 10:36:46
  • OfStack

springboot Temporary File Storage Directory Configuration


Upload the file function to report errors, and then check the log.

Error log:

The temporary upload location [/tmp/tomcat.7957874575370093230.8088/work/Tomcat/localhost/ROOT] is not valid


In the linux system, when the springboot application service is restarted (java-jar command starts the service), a file directory of tomcat* will be generated under the /tmp directory of the operating system, and the uploaded files should be converted into temporary files and saved under this folder.

Due to temporary/tmp directory files, in the long time (10 days) without use, will be automatically deleted by the system mechanism. Therefore, if the system does not use the temporary folder for a long time, it may cause the above problem.


1. Create a temporary folder:

mkdir -p /tmp/tomcat.7957874575370093230.8088/work/Tomcat/localhost/ROOT

This may happen later

2. application. properties reconfigure 1 file directory and restart the project

#  Storage Tomcat The log of, Dump Temporary folder for files such as, default to the system's tmp Folder 

3. The configuration class configures the temporary file storage directory

    MultipartConfigElement multipartConfigElement() {
        MultipartConfigFactory factory = new MultipartConfigFactory();
        return factory.createMultipartConfig();

Springboot Modify the storage location of temporary files

Report an error

After the project has been running online for 1 period of time, the following exception is thrown when uploading files:

The temporary upload location [/tmp/tomcat.*.80/work/Tomcat/localhost/ROOT] is not valid

After searching, the following solution was adopted: "Modify the location of temporary files."

Add in the application. yml file

  tempDir: /opt/location/tempDir # Here is *unix System-related location of 

To add a configuration class to a project

public class MultipartConfig {
   private String tempDir;

   MultipartConfigElement multipartConfigElement() {
      MultipartConfigFactory factory = new MultipartConfigFactory();
      File tmpDirFile = new File(tempDir);
      //  Determine if a folder exists 
      if (!tmpDirFile.exists()) {
      return factory.createMultipartConfig();

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