Basic introduction to Netty components

  • 2021-10-15 10:29:05
  • OfStack

Introduction to Netty

netty is an asynchronous event-based framework, which is mainly aimed at developing highly concurrent applications for clients under tcp protocol.

netty is essentially an nio framework.

IO model

Java supports three io models: BIO, AIO, NIO


Synchronous blocking, one thread for one connection, when there is a connection request, the server needs to start one thread for processing. If this thread doesn't do anything, it will cause unnecessary overhead. When the number of concurrency is large, a large number of threads need to be created to handle the connection.


Synchronous non-blocking, one thread can handle multiple operations.

NIO has three core parts, Channel, Buffer and selector

Relationship among selector, channel and buffer

Each channel corresponds to one buffer selector corresponds to one thread, and one thread corresponds to multiple channel Which channel the program switches is determined by events. event selector switches on each channel according to different events Buffer is a memory block with an array at the bottom Data can be read and written through buffer, which can be read or written. The method of switching between the two is flip channel is bidirectional

Buffer Buffer

A memory block that can read and write data can be understood as a container object. It is responsible for reading data from channel and encapsulating it into Buffer objects. Buffer provides implementation classes for every 1 basic data type. It has three main attributes:


Fixed size value of memory block


Index of the next location to read and write


In write mode, limit = position, and in read mode, it means that you can read at most the maximum value written before

Important methods

allocate (int count) initializes buffer capacity

get () reads from position position

flip () switches from write mode to read mode

Channel channel

It acts like a stream, but it can be read and written simultaneously or asynchronously.

Channel is an interface in NIo, and its implementation classes are:

FileChannel is used to read and write files ServerSocketChannel TCP data reading and writing DatagramChannel is used to read and write UDP data

Main methods:

read reads data from the channel and puts it into a buffer write writes the data from the buffer to the channel transferfrom transferto

Selector selector

It can monitor whether there are events on multiple registered channels, and if there are events, get the events and hand them over to the channels for processing.

Main methods:

open Get 1 selector object SelectionKey register (seelctor, constant) registration channel, there are 4 kinds of constant 1, read read, write write, connect connection established, accept (new network connection can be accessed) select () monitors all registered channels, blocking

Problems existing in native NIo

Class library and API are complex and difficult to develop, including bug

Netty model

netty abstracts two groups of thread pools, bossGroup is responsible for accepting client connections, and workGroup is responsible for reading and writing bossGroup and workerGroup are both NioEventLoopGroup Each NioEventLoopGroup corresponds to a group of event loops, each of which is an NIoEventLoop NIoEventLoop represents a thread that continuously loops through executing tasks

Netty Core Module Components




All operations in netty are asynchronous, so we need a method that can determine the result. The notification is obtained through the addListener () method.


A container that handles inbound and outbound logic.

Life cycle method

handlerAdded Called when ChannelHandler is added to ChanelPipeLine

Called when handlerRemoved is removed

It mainly has two sub-interfaces, ChannelInboundHandler and ChannelOutBoundHandler


It is the container of ChannelHandler, which defines a set of ChannelHandler and is a set of filter chains


Used for association between ChannelPipe and ChannelHandler, interaction with ChannelHandler in 1 ChannelPipeline.


The data container of netty is the data structure of netty to realize data transmission.

Two different indexes, readIndex and writeIndex, are maintained internally. The data is divided into three regions by these two indexes. Read bytes, readable bytes, writable bytes. Compared with the native bytebuf of jdk, it has two pointers and does not need flip () for read-write conversion

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