SpringBoot configures Actuator component to realize system monitoring

  • 2021-09-24 22:10:03
  • OfStack

Catalog 1. Introduction to Actuator 2. Integration with SpringBoot 2.0
1. Core depends on Jar package 2. Yml configuration file 3. Detailed explanation of monitoring interface
1. Info interface
2. Health interface
3. Beans interface
4. Conditions interface
5. HeapDump interface
6. Mappings interface
7. ThreadDump interface
8. ShutDown interface
4. Source code address

1. Introduction to Actuator

Monitoring classification

Actuator provides Rest interface to display monitoring information. Interfaces fall into three broad categories: Application configuration class: Obtain configuration class information related to SpringBoot application, such as application configuration, environment variables and automatic configuration report loaded in application program. Metrics class: Obtain metrics used for monitoring during application running, such as memory information, thread pool information, HTTP request statistics, etc. Operation control class: It provides operation class functions such as closing applications.

2. Integration with SpringBoot 2.0

1. Core depends on Jar package

<!--  Monitor dependencies  -->

2. Yml configuration file

#  Port 
  port: 8016

    #  Application name 
    name: node16-boot-actuator

        #  Open all monitoring points 
        include: "*"
      #  Custom Monitoring Path  monitor
      #  Default value: http://localhost:8016/actuator/*
      #  After configuration: http://localhost:8016/monitor/*
      base-path: /monitor
      show-details: always
      #  Close by specifying the interface  SpringBoot
      enabled: true
  #  You can customize ports 
  # server:
  #   port: 8089

#  Describe the basic information of the project 
    name: node16-boot-actuator
    port: 8016
    version: 1.0.0
    author: cicada

3. Detailed explanation of monitoring interface

1. Info interface

Basic project information configured in the Yml file

 Path: http://localhost:8016/monitor/info
    "app": {
        "name": "node16-boot-actuator",
        "port": 8016,
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "author": "cicada"

2. Health interface

health is mainly used to check the running status of applications

 Path: http://localhost:8016/monitor/health
    "status": "UP",
    "details": {
        "diskSpace": {
            "status": "UP",
            "details": {
                "total": 185496236032,
                "free": 140944084992,
                "threshold": 10485760

3. Beans interface

It shows the type of bean, single case and multiple cases, alias, full path of class, dependence on Jar and so on.

 Path: http://localhost:8016/monitor/beans
    "contexts": {
        "node16-boot-actuator": {
        "beans": {
            "endpointCachingOperationInvokerAdvisor": {
                "aliases": [],
                "scope": "singleton",
                "type": "org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.invoker.cache.CachingOperationInvokerAdvisor",
                "resource": "class path resource [org/springframework/boot/actuate/autoconfigure/endpoint/EndpointAutoConfiguration.class]",
                "dependencies": ["environment"]

4. Conditions interface

See under what conditions the configuration works, or why automatic configuration does not work.

 Path: http://localhost:8016/monitor/conditions
    "contexts": {
        "node16-boot-actuator": {
            "positiveMatches": {
                "AuditAutoConfiguration#auditListener": [{
                    "condition": "OnBeanCondition",
                    "message": "@ConditionalOnMissingBean"

5. HeapDump interface

Automatically generates the heap dump file HeapDump for Jvm, which can be opened to view a memory snapshot using the monitoring tool VisualVM.

 Path: http://localhost:8016/monitor/heapdump

6. Mappings interface

Describe the mapping relationship between URI path and controller

 Path: http://localhost:8016/monitor/mappings
    "contexts": {
        "node16-boot-actuator": {
            "mappings": {
                "dispatcherServlets": {
                    "dispatcherServlet": [ {
                        "handler": "Actuator web endpoint 'auditevents'",
                        "predicate": "{GET /monitor/auditevents || application/json]}",
                        "details": {
                            "handlerMethod": {
                                "className": "org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.web.servlet.AbstractWebMvcEndpointHandlerMapping.Operat
                                "name": "handle",
                                "descriptor": "(Ljavax/servlet/http/HttpServletRequest;Ljava/util/Map;)Ljava/lang/Object;"
                            "requestMappingConditions": {
                                "consumes": [],
                                "headers": [],
                                "methods": ["GET"],
                                "params": [],
                                "patterns": ["/monitor/auditevents"],
                                "produces": [{
                                    "mediaType": "application/vnd.spring-boot.actuator.v2+json",
                                    "negated": false
                                }, {
                                    "mediaType": "application/json",
                                    "negated": false

7. ThreadDump interface

Shows thread name, thread ID, whether to wait for lock, thread state, thread lock and other related information.

 Path: http://localhost:8016/monitor/threaddump
    "threads": [{
        "threadName": "DestroyJavaVM",
        "threadId": 34,
        "blockedTime": -1,
        "blockedCount": 0,
        "waitedTime": -1,
        "waitedCount": 0,
        "lockName": null,
        "lockOwnerId": -1,
        "lockOwnerName": null,
        "inNative": false,
        "suspended": false,
        "threadState": "RUNNABLE",
        "stackTrace": [],
        "lockedMonitors": [],
        "lockedSynchronizers": [],
        "lockInfo": null

8. ShutDown interface

Elegantly close the Spring Boot application, and only support POST requests by default.

 Path: http://localhost:8016/monitor/shutdown

4. Source code address

GitHub Address: Cicada 1 Smile
Code Cloud Address: Cicada 1 Smile

The above is SpringBoot configuration Actuator components, the implementation of system monitoring details, more information about SpringBoot configuration Actuator please pay attention to other related articles on this site!

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