Solve the problem of springdataJPA supporting native sql

  • 2021-09-12 01:29:33
  • OfStack

springdataJPA support for native sql

In the project, springdataJPA is used to connect to the database for operation, but the hql statement in JPA can not meet the business requirements, so the native sql is needed

But there is one problem:

  @Query(value = "SELECT ppd.* FROM  zt_productionplandetails AS ppd \n" +
            "       \tLEFT JOIN zt_salesplan  sp ON \n" +
            "         \tLEFT JOIN zt_employee  e ON\n" +
            "          \tWHERE ppd.enabled = TRUE \n" +
            "          \tAND ppd.`status`=1 \n" +
            "\tAND IF(:clientName !='', sp.clientName LIKE %:clientName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "           \tAND IF( :productName !='', sp.productName LIKE %:productName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :empName != '', LIKE %:empName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :startDate != '', DATE_FORMAT(ppd.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s' ) >=:startDate, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :endDate != '', DATE_FORMAT(ppd.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s' ) <=:endDate, 1 = 1 )"
            ,nativeQuery = true)
    Page<ProductionPlanDetails> findNewPlan(@Param("productName") String productName, @Param("empName") String empName, @Param("endDate") String endDate, @Param("startDate") String startDate, @Param("clientName") String clientName, Pageable pageable);

When using this sql, an error will be reported

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: Unknown column 'ppd' in 'field list'

It means that the field for ppd can't be found, but it is obvious here that ppd is an alias

After viewing the project to start the query data call, the sql is:

select count(ppd) FROM  zt_productionplandetails AS ppd 
        LEFT JOIN zt_salesplan  sp ON 
          LEFT JOIN zt_employee  e ON
           WHERE ppd.enabled = TRUE 
           AND ppd.`status`=1 
 AND IF(? !='', sp.clientName LIKE ?, 1 = 1 )
            AND IF( ? !='', sp.productName LIKE ?, 1 = 1 )
             AND IF( ? != '', LIKE ?, 1 = 1 )
             AND IF( ? != '', DATE_FORMAT(ppd.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s' ) >=?, 1 = 1 )
             AND IF( ? != '', DATE_FORMAT(ppd.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s' ) <=?, 1 = 1 )

The problem is found here. When the project executes sql, the query is count (ppd). The query document knows that by default, jpa will add count () when executing the query sql

So make the following changes:

@Query(value = "SELECT ppd.* FROM  zt_productionplandetails AS ppd \n" +
            "       \tLEFT JOIN zt_salesplan  sp ON \n" +
            "         \tLEFT JOIN zt_employee  e ON\n" +
            "          \tWHERE ppd.enabled = TRUE \n" +
            "          \tAND ppd.`status`=1 \n" +
            "\tAND IF(:clientName !='', sp.clientName LIKE %:clientName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "           \tAND IF( :productName !='', sp.productName LIKE %:productName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :empName != '', LIKE %:empName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :startDate != '', DATE_FORMAT(ppd.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s' ) >=:startDate, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :endDate != '', DATE_FORMAT(ppd.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s' ) <=:endDate, 1 = 1 )",
            countQuery = "SELECT count(*) FROM  zt_productionplandetails AS ppd \n" +
            "            \tLEFT JOIN zt_salesplan  sp ON \n" +
            "            \tLEFT JOIN zt_employee  e ON\n" +
            "            \tWHERE ppd.enabled = TRUE \n" +
            "            \tAND ppd.`status`=1 \n" +
            "\tAND IF(:clientName !='', sp.clientName LIKE %:clientName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :productName !='', sp.productName LIKE %:productName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :empName != '', LIKE %:empName%, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :startDate != '', DATE_FORMAT(ppd.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s' ) >=:startDate, 1 = 1 )\n" +
            "            \tAND IF( :endDate != '', DATE_FORMAT(ppd.createDate, '%Y-%m-%d %k:%i:%s' ) <=:endDate, 1 = 1 )"
            ,nativeQuery = true)

Add countQuery parameters

Solve the problem ~

Spring Data JPA Write Native sql Statement

When using Spring Data JPA, we usually only need to inherit JpaRepository to get most of the commonly used methods of adding, deleting and modifying. Sometimes we need to customize some query methods, and we can write custom HQL statements

However, when using Spring Data JPA, we usually only need to inherit JpaRepository to get most of the commonly used methods of adding, deleting and modifying. Sometimes we need to customize some query methods, and we can write custom HQL statements

@Query(value = " Customize sql Statement ", nativeQuery = true)
List<Long> findFriendsByUserId(Long userId);

As above, just add nativeQuery = true after the query statement

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