Actions to specify default values when @ PathVariable is null

  • 2021-08-28 20:16:18
  • OfStack

Specifies the default value when @ PathVariable is null,

You can specify multiple matching paths, and then set the parameters that are not necessary. The example is as follows

@RequestMapping(value = {"/timeline/{uid}", "/timeline/{uid}/{size}"})
public ModelAndView getTimeline(@PathVariable(value="uid" ) String articleUserId,
@PathVariable(value="size" , required = false) Integer size,
ModelAndView modelAndView) {
if(size == null) size = 50;
// Logic 

It can be handled for the following two URL

Added: @ PathVariable is set to null (required=false)

When learning springMVC recently, after learning @ PathVariable, I found that @ PathVariable has an required attribute, so I set it to false, and found that the access request reported an error.

At first, my code was like this:

 public User getUser(@PathVariable(value="id",required=false) Integer id,@PathVariable(value="name",required=false) String name ){
 User user=new User(id,name);
 return user;

After discovering the above article, change the method to the following:

 * http://localhost:8080/helloWorld/user/1/zhangsan
 * http://localhost:8080/helloWorld/user/1
 * http://localhost:8080/helloWorld/user
 * @param id
 * @param name
 * @return
 public User getUser(@PathVariable(value="id",required=false) Integer id,@PathVariable(value="name",required=false) String name ){
 User user=new User(id,name);
 return user;

The reason is that the addresses are different, and multiple address mappings need to be configured.

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