Explain the differences between String StringBuilder and StringBuffer in java in detail

  • 2021-08-28 20:12:42
  • OfStack

Do you know the difference between String, StringBuilder and Stringbuffer? When you create strings, have you considered which one to use?

Don't worry, this article will take you to solve these problems.


First of all, String is a string, and we declare it as follows:

String s = "abc";

The String class uses an char array modified by final to store the contents of a string. Its 1 major feature is immutability. How do you understand this immutability?

As we know, if a class is decorated with final, the class cannot be inherited, the methods cannot be overridden, and the properties cannot be changed.

Look at this code:

String s = "abc";
s = s+1;
System.out.print(s); //  Output : abc1

On the surface, the value of s has changed from abc to abc1, but this is not the case. Instead, when the +1 operation is performed, a new String object is recreated and assigned as abc1.

Both StringBuilder and StringBuffer use char arrays to store strings, but they are not decorated with final, so the content they create is variable and does not create a new object like String.

Thread safety

String is a constant, so there is no thread insecurity, but StringBuilder and StringBuffer are variables, so we need to consider this.

Let's look at the source code for StringBuilder:

 public int compareTo(StringBuilder another) {
  return super.compareTo(another);

 public StringBuilder append(Object obj) {
  return append(String.valueOf(obj));

Look at StringBuffer again:

 public synchronized int compareTo(StringBuffer another) {
  return super.compareTo(another);
 public synchronized int length() {
  return count;
 public synchronized int capacity() {
  return super.capacity();

No, synchronized synchronization locks are added to each method of StringBuffer to ensure thread safety, while StringBuilder does not.

Performance comparison

StringBuilder > StringBuffer > String

As a constant, String creates a new object every time it is changed, and the performance is the lowest; The StringBuilder does not have the locks on the StringBuffer, so it performs better.


If it is a single-threaded scenario, it is recommended to use StringBuilder because thread safety is not considered For multithreaded scenarios, StringBuffer is recommended If the data of the operation does not need to be changed, use String

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