mybatis Transaction Rollback Configuration Action

  • 2021-08-28 20:07:42
  • OfStack

In mybatis batch operation, when inserting multiple pieces of data, set rollback, but the previous pieces are still inserted. After trying

The problem is:

openSession (false) on the official website api can be rolled back, but it is still true to view it with session. getConnection (). getAutoCommit ()


Change DataSource configuration to AutoCommit (false)

Set setAutoCommit (false) to conn, and submit and roll back with conn


SqlSession session = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(false);
  Connection conn = session.getConnection();
  try {
   UserMapper mapper = session.getMapper(UserMapper.class);
   for (String name : names) {
     // Various operations 
    User user = new User();
    // Insert, require rollback 
  } catch (Exception e) {
   // There are repeated rollbacks 
   throw e;
  } finally {

Added: Spring Boot + Mybatis Plus manually triggers transaction rollback

Using the first method (omitting the code of database operation) to operate the transaction of Mybatis Plus, if there is an exception entering catch, the database operation will not be rolled back, but the error of No transaction aspect-managed TransactionStatus in scope will be reported instead. Modify to the second method to manage and roll back the transaction normally

See an explanation for this situation:

The @ Transactional must trigger the aop proxy to take effect, so the non-public method does not execute a transaction, and the public method is referenced in this class and does not execute a transaction

Method 1:

public boolean action01() {
 return action00(); 
public boolean action02() {
 return action00(); 
private boolean action00() {
 String result = true;
 try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
  result = false;
 return result;

Method 2:

public boolean action01() {
 boolean result = action00();
 if (!result){
 return result; 
public boolean action02() {
 boolean result = action00();
 if (!result){
 return result; 
private boolean action00() {
 String result = true;
 try {
 } catch (Exception e) {
  result = false;
 return result;

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