Matrix multiplication example written using java (Strassen algorithm)

  • 2021-08-12 02:47:45
  • OfStack

Strassen algorithm was proposed by German mathematician Strassen in 1969. This method introduces seven intermediate variables, and each intermediate variable only needs to multiply once. However, the naive algorithm requires 8 multiplications.


The principle of Strassen algorithm is as follows, and sympy is used to verify the correctness of Strassen algorithm

import sympy as s
A = s.Symbol("A")
B = s.Symbol("B")
C = s.Symbol("C")
D = s.Symbol("D")
E = s.Symbol("E")
F = s.Symbol("F")
G = s.Symbol("G")
H = s.Symbol("H")
p1 = A * (F - H)
p2 = (A + B) * H
p3 = (C + D) * E
p4 = D * (G - E)
p5 = (A + D) * (E + H)
p6 = (B - D) * (G + H)
p7 = (A - C) * (E + F)
print(A * E + B * G, (p5 + p4 - p2 + p6).simplify())
print(A * F + B * H, (p1 + p2).simplify())
print(C * E + D * G, (p3 + p4).simplify())
print(C * F + D * H, (p1 + p5 - p3 - p7).simplify())

Complexity analysis

$$f(N)=7\times f(\frac{N}{2})=7^2\times f(\frac{N}{4})=...=7^k\times f(\frac{N}{2^k})$$

The final complexity is $7 ^ {log_2 N} = N ^ {log_2 7} $

java Matrix Multiplication (Strassen Algorithm)

The code is as follows, you can look at the definition of data structure, time for space.

public class Matrix {
	private final Matrix[] _matrixArray;
	private final int n;
	private int element;
	public Matrix(int n) {
		this.n = n;
		if (n != 1) {
			this._matrixArray = new Matrix[4];
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
				this._matrixArray[i] = new Matrix(n / 2);
		} else {
			this._matrixArray = null; 
	private Matrix(int n, boolean needInit) {
		this.n = n;
		if (n != 1) {
			this._matrixArray = new Matrix[4];
		} else {
			this._matrixArray = null; 
	public void set(int i, int j, int a) {
		if (n == 1) {
			element = a;
		} else {
			int size = n / 2;
			this._matrixArray[(i / size) * 2 + (j / size)].set(i % size, j % size, a);
	public Matrix multi(Matrix m) {
		Matrix result = null;
		if (n == 1) {
			result = new Matrix(1);
			result.set(0, 0, (element * m.element));
		} else {
			result = new Matrix(n, false);
			result._matrixArray[0] = P5(m).add(P4(m)).minus(P2(m)).add(P6(m));
			result._matrixArray[1] = P1(m).add(P2(m));
			result._matrixArray[2] = P3(m).add(P4(m));
			result._matrixArray[3] = P5(m).add(P1(m)).minus(P3(m)).minus(P7(m));
		return result;
	public Matrix add(Matrix m) {
		Matrix result = null;
		if (n == 1) {
			result = new Matrix(1);
			result.set(0, 0, (element + m.element));
		} else {
			result = new Matrix(n, false);
			result._matrixArray[0] = this._matrixArray[0].add(m._matrixArray[0]);
			result._matrixArray[1] = this._matrixArray[1].add(m._matrixArray[1]);
			result._matrixArray[2] = this._matrixArray[2].add(m._matrixArray[2]);
			result._matrixArray[3] = this._matrixArray[3].add(m._matrixArray[3]);;
		return result;
	public Matrix minus(Matrix m) {
		Matrix result = null;
		if (n == 1) {
			result = new Matrix(1);
			result.set(0, 0, (element - m.element));
		} else {
			result = new Matrix(n, false);
			result._matrixArray[0] = this._matrixArray[0].minus(m._matrixArray[0]);
			result._matrixArray[1] = this._matrixArray[1].minus(m._matrixArray[1]);
			result._matrixArray[2] = this._matrixArray[2].minus(m._matrixArray[2]);
			result._matrixArray[3] = this._matrixArray[3].minus(m._matrixArray[3]);;
		return result;
	protected Matrix P1(Matrix m) {
		return _matrixArray[0].multi(m._matrixArray[1]).minus(_matrixArray[0].multi(m._matrixArray[3]));
	protected Matrix P2(Matrix m) {
		return _matrixArray[0].multi(m._matrixArray[3]).add(_matrixArray[1].multi(m._matrixArray[3]));
	protected Matrix P3(Matrix m) {
		return _matrixArray[2].multi(m._matrixArray[0]).add(_matrixArray[3].multi(m._matrixArray[0]));
	protected Matrix P4(Matrix m) {
		return _matrixArray[3].multi(m._matrixArray[2]).minus(_matrixArray[3].multi(m._matrixArray[0]));
	protected Matrix P5(Matrix m) {
		return (_matrixArray[0].add(_matrixArray[3])).multi(m._matrixArray[0].add(m._matrixArray[3]));
	protected Matrix P6(Matrix m) {
		return (_matrixArray[1].minus(_matrixArray[3])).multi(m._matrixArray[2].add(m._matrixArray[3]));
	protected Matrix P7(Matrix m) {
		return (_matrixArray[0].minus(_matrixArray[2])).multi(m._matrixArray[0].add(m._matrixArray[1]));
	public int get(int i, int j) {
		if (n == 1) {
			return element;
		} else {
			int size = n / 2;
			return this._matrixArray[(i / size) * 2 + (j / size)].get(i % size, j % size);
	public void display() {
		for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
				System.out.print(get(i, j));
				System.out.print(" ");
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		Matrix m = new Matrix(2);
		Matrix n = new Matrix(2);
		m.set(0, 0, 1);
		m.set(0, 1, 3);
		m.set(1, 0, 5);
		m.set(1, 1, 7);
		n.set(0, 0, 8);
		n.set(0, 1, 4);
		n.set(1, 0, 6);
		n.set(1, 1, 2);
		Matrix res = m.multi(n);


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