The MyBatis insert operation returns the id of the inserted record after inserting data

  • 2021-07-10 19:59:08
  • OfStack

When MyBatis inserts data, the id of the record is returned

<insert id="insert" 

insert into query_rate_config (code,partner_type,search_count, booking_count, ticket_count,rate_type)

values (#{code,jdbcType=VARCHAR},#{partnerType,jdbcType=TINYINT}, #{searchCount,jdbcType=INTEGER},
  #{bookingCount,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{ticketCount,jdbcType=INTEGER},#{rateType,jdbcType=TINYINT})

First of all, we should ensure that the primary key Id of the database is self-increasing, and the other two attributes that need to be set are:


In this way, after inserting data, we can get the object after inserting data, and then get the id of the object through this object.

useGeneratedKeys=”true” ID, which can obtain self-growth, only supports databases with self-growth mode (mysql, mssql, etc., but oracle does not support it)

Examples are as follows:

1. The configuration file of MyBatis is as shown in the previous pass;

2. The Java code used is as follows:

  public int insert(CountRateConfig countRateConfig) {
    int insertNum = Integer.parseInt(countRateConfigMapper.insert(countRateConfig) + "");
    Long id = countRateConfig.getId();
    return insertNum;

3. The above code, if the data is inserted successfully, the corresponding key in the database can be found;

The result is correct, that is, the correct id can be read.


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