Java tutorial on how to use FFmpeg to process video files

  • 2021-07-03 00:01:04
  • OfStack


This paper mainly describes how to use Java + FFmpeg to achieve video file information extraction, rate compression, resolution conversion and other functions;

Before browsing a large circle of Java using FFmpeg to process audio and video articles on the Internet, most of them are relatively simple. The landlord stepped on a lot of pits and filled a lot of pits in the practical operation process. I hope this detailed step on the pit & The pit filling guide can help everyone;

1. What is FFmpeg

Point I understand

2. Prepare for development

Before using Java to call FFmpeg to process audio and video, you need to install FFmpeg in two ways:

Introducing an open source framework encapsulating FFmpeg Manually install FFmpeg in the system

2.1 Introducing an open source framework encapsulating FFmpeg

JAVE. jar is an Java framework that encapsulates FFmpeg, and can directly call its API to process audio and video files in the project;

Advantages: Easy to use, direct introduction of JAVE. jar in the project can process media files, and after the completion of development can be packaged with the project 1 release, do not need to manually install FFmpeg related class library in the target running environment

Disadvantages: JAVE. jar was last updated in 2009, and its encapsulated FFmpeg version is 2009 or earlier, which is old and cannot use some new features
(Of course, you can also see if there are any other relatively new frameworks that encapsulate FFmpeg.)

The Maven coordinates are as follows:


2.2 Manual installation of FFmpeg in the system

It is a little troublesome to manually install FFmpeg in the running environment. You can install keywords like FFmpeg on Baidu windows/mac and install FFmpeg into the system according to the online installation tutorial;

Lazy link: Windows installation tutorial Mac installation tutorial

Advantages: It can directly call the related API of FFmpeg to process audio and video, and the version of FFmpeg is controllable

Disadvantages: Manual installation is troublesome, and both the development environment and the target running environment need to install FFmpeg first

3. Use FFmpeg to process audio and video

Using JAVE. jar to develop and directly use FFmpeg development code has a little difference, here to directly use FFmpeg development code to explain (development environment MacOS); (The code that uses JAVE, the code that uses FFmpeg directly will be attached at the end of the article for everyone to download and refer to)

With the MediaUtil. java class and its dependent classes, you will be able to implement:

Analyze the basic information of the source video, including video format, duration, bit rate, etc.; Analyze the basic information of audio and pictures; Converting the source video into new video with or without audio with different resolutions and different bit rates; Extract the frame picture at the specified time point in the source video to generate a static picture; Extracting the frame picture of the specified time period in the source video to generate an GIF dynamic picture; Intercepting 1 segment of the source video to form a new video; Extract the audio information in the source video and generate a separate MP3 file; Execute custom FFmpeg commands for audio and video media files;

3.1 Code Structure Combing

MediaUtil. java is the core class in the whole parsing program, which encapsulates various commonly used parsing methods for external call;

MetaInfo. java defines one attribute shared by multimedia data, and VideoMetaInfo. java MusicMetaInfo. java ImageMetaInfo. java inherits from MetaInfo. java, defining one attribute related to video, audio and picture data respectively.

AnimatedGifEncoder. java LZWEncoder. java NeuQuant. java will be used when extracting the number of video frames and making GIF dynamic pictures.

CrfValueEnum. java defines three commonly used crf values when FFmpeg compresses video, and PresetVauleEnum. java defines several commonly used compression rate values when FFmpeg compresses video.

Extended reading points about crf and preset

3.2 MediaUtil. java Main Program Class Parsing

3.2. 1 Points to Note Before Use

1. Specify the correct FFmpeg program execution path

After MacOS is installed, the execution path of FFmpeg program can be obtained by which ffmpeg command in the console. Before calling MediaUtil. java, the execution path of FFmpeg program in the system can be set by its setFFmpegPath () method, and then FFmpeg can be successfully called to parse audio and video;

Under Windows system, the path should be set theoretically as: the absolute path of FFmpeg executable program in the system (the actual situation needs to be supplemented by everyone)

2. Specify the regular expression needed to parse audio and video information

Because the project needs to parse the video and audio files with suffix format. MP4. WMV. AAC, after studying the parsing logic when JAVE. jar calls FFmpeg at the bottom, I set up regular expressions matching these three formats in MediaUtil. java for parsing (refer to the three expression values of durationRegex videoStreamRegex musicStreamRegex in the program);

Note: If you need to parse other suffix formats such as. MKV. MP3 media files, you probably need to modify the values of the three regular expressions durationRegex videoStreamRegex musicStreamRegex according to the actual situation, otherwise you may not be able to parse the correct information;

3. Many default values in the program can be modified according to actual needs, such as the default width or height value of video frame extraction, duration and so on;

3.2. 2 MediaUtil. java code

package media;

import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j;
import media.domain.ImageMetaInfo;
import media.domain.MusicMetaInfo;
import media.domain.VideoMetaInfo;
import media.domain.gif.AnimatedGifEncoder;
import org.apache.commons.collections4.CollectionUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * 基于FFmpeg内核来编解码音视频信息;
 * 使用前需手动在运行环境中安装FFmpeg运行程序,然后正确设置FFmpeg运行路径后MediaUtil.java才能正常调用到FFmpeg程序去处理音视频;
 * Author: dreamer-1
 * version: 1.0
public class MediaUtil {

 * 可以处理的视频格式
 public final static String[] VIDEO_TYPE = { "MP4", "WMV" };
 * 可以处理的图片格式
 public final static String[] IMAGE_TYPE = { "JPG", "JPEG", "PNG", "GIF" };
 * 可以处理的音频格式
 public final static String[] AUDIO_TYPE = { "AAC" };

 * 视频帧抽取时的默认时间点,第10s(秒)
 * (Time类构造参数的单位:ms)
 private static final Time DEFAULT_TIME = new Time(0, 0, 10);
 * 视频帧抽取的默认宽度值,单位:px
 private static int DEFAULT_WIDTH = 320;
 * 视频帧抽取的默认时长,单位:s(秒)
 private static int DEFAULT_TIME_LENGTH = 10;
 * 抽取多张视频帧以合成gif动图时,gif的播放速度
 private static int DEFAULT_GIF_PLAYTIME = 110;
 * FFmpeg程序执行路径
 * 当前系统安装好ffmpeg程序并配置好相应的环境变量后,值为ffmpeg可执行程序文件在实际系统中的绝对路径
 private static String FFMPEG_PATH = "/usr/bin/ffmpeg"; // /usr/bin/ffmpeg

 * 视频时长正则匹配式
 * 用于解析视频及音频的时长等信息时使用;
 * (.*?)表示:匹配任何除\r\n之外的任何0或多个字符,非贪婪模式
 private static String durationRegex = "Duration: (\\d*?):(\\d*?):(\\d*?)\\.(\\d*?), start: (.*?), bitrate: (\\d*) kb\\/s.*";
 private static Pattern durationPattern;
 * 视频流信息正则匹配式
 * 用于解析视频详细信息时使用;
 private static String videoStreamRegex = "Stream #\\d:\\d[\\(]??\\S*[\\)]??: Video: (\\S*\\S$?)[^\\,]*, (.*?), (\\d*)x(\\d*)[^\\,]*, (\\d*) kb\\/s, (\\d*[\\.]??\\d*) fps";
 private static Pattern videoStreamPattern;
 * 音频流信息正则匹配式
 * 用于解析音频详细信息时使用;
 private static String musicStreamRegex = "Stream #\\d:\\d[\\(]??\\S*[\\)]??: Audio: (\\S*\\S$?)(.*), (.*?) Hz, (.*?), (.*?), (\\d*) kb\\/s";;
 private static Pattern musicStreamPattern;

 * 静态初始化时先加载好用于音视频解析的正则匹配式
 static {
 durationPattern = Pattern.compile(durationRegex);
 videoStreamPattern = Pattern.compile(videoStreamRegex);
 musicStreamPattern = Pattern.compile(musicStreamRegex);

 * 获取当前多媒体处理工具内的ffmpeg的执行路径
 * @return
 public static String getFFmpegPath() {
 return FFMPEG_PATH;

 * 设置当前多媒体工具内的ffmpeg的执行路径
 * @param ffmpeg_path ffmpeg可执行程序在实际系统中的绝对路径
 * @return
 public static boolean setFFmpegPath(String ffmpeg_path) {
 if (StringUtils.isBlank(ffmpeg_path)) {
 log.error("--- 设置ffmpeg执行路径失败,因为传入的ffmpeg可执行程序路径为空! ---");
 return false;
 File ffmpegFile = new File(ffmpeg_path);
 if (!ffmpegFile.exists()) {
 log.error("--- 设置ffmpeg执行路径失败,因为传入的ffmpeg可执行程序路径下的ffmpeg文件不存在! ---");
 return false;
 FFMPEG_PATH = ffmpeg_path;"--- 设置ffmpeg执行路径成功 --- 当前ffmpeg可执行程序路径为: " + ffmpeg_path);
 return true;

 * 测试当前多媒体工具是否可以正常工作
 * @return
 public static boolean isExecutable() {
 File ffmpegFile = new File(FFMPEG_PATH);
 if (!ffmpegFile.exists()) {
 log.error("--- 工作状态异常,因为传入的ffmpeg可执行程序路径下的ffmpeg文件不存在! ---");
 return false;
 List<String> cmds = new ArrayList<>(1);
 String ffmpegVersionStr = executeCommand(cmds);
 if (StringUtils.isBlank(ffmpegVersionStr)) {
 log.error("--- 工作状态异常,因为ffmpeg命令执行失败! ---");
 return false;
 }"--- 工作状态正常 ---");
 return true;

 * 执行FFmpeg命令
 * @param commonds 要执行的FFmpeg命令
 * @return FFmpeg程序在执行命令过程中产生的各信息,执行出错时返回null
 public static String executeCommand(List<String> commonds) {
 if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(commonds)) {
 log.error("--- 指令执行失败,因为要执行的FFmpeg指令为空! ---");
 return null;
 LinkedList<String> ffmpegCmds = new LinkedList<>(commonds);
 ffmpegCmds.addFirst(FFMPEG_PATH); // 设置ffmpeg程序所在路径"--- 待执行的FFmpeg指令为:---" + ffmpegCmds);

 Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
 Process ffmpeg = null;
 try {
 // 执行ffmpeg指令
 ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder();
 ffmpeg = builder.start();"--- 开始执行FFmpeg指令:--- 执行线程名:" + builder.toString());

 // 取出输出流和错误流的信息
 // 注意:必须要取出ffmpeg在执行命令过程中产生的输出信息,如果不取的话当输出流信息填满jvm存储输出留信息的缓冲区时,线程就回阻塞住
 PrintStream errorStream = new PrintStream(ffmpeg.getErrorStream());
 PrintStream inputStream = new PrintStream(ffmpeg.getInputStream());
 // 等待ffmpeg命令执行完

 // 获取执行结果字符串
 String result = errorStream.stringBuffer.append(inputStream.stringBuffer).toString();

 // 输出执行的命令信息
 String cmdStr = Arrays.toString(ffmpegCmds.toArray()).replace(",", "");
 String resultStr = StringUtils.isBlank(result) ? "【异常】" : "正常";"--- 已执行的FFmepg命令: ---" + cmdStr + " 已执行完毕,执行结果: " + resultStr);
 return result;

 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- FFmpeg命令执行出错! --- 出错信息: " + e.getMessage());
 return null;

 } finally {
 if (null != ffmpeg) {
 ProcessKiller ffmpegKiller = new ProcessKiller(ffmpeg);
 // JVM退出时,先通过钩子关闭FFmepg进程

 * 视频转换
 * 注意指定视频分辨率时,宽度和高度必须同时有值;
 * @param fileInput 源视频路径
 * @param fileOutPut 转换后的视频输出路径
 * @param withAudio 是否保留音频;true-保留,false-不保留
 * @param crf 指定视频的质量系数(值越小,视频质量越高,体积越大;该系数取值为0-51,直接影响视频码率大小),取值参考:CrfValueEnum.code
 * @param preset 指定视频的编码速率(速率越快压缩率越低),取值参考:PresetVauleEnum.presetValue
 * @param width 视频宽度;为空则保持源视频宽度
 * @param height 视频高度;为空则保持源视频高度
 public static void convertVideo(File fileInput, File fileOutPut, boolean withAudio, Integer crf, String preset, Integer width, Integer height) {
 if (null == fileInput || !fileInput.exists()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("源视频文件不存在,请检查源视频路径");
 if (null == fileOutPut) {
 throw new RuntimeException("转换后的视频路径为空,请检查转换后的视频存放路径是否正确");

 if (!fileOutPut.exists()) {
 try {
 } catch (IOException e) {

 String format = getFormat(fileInput);
 if (!isLegalFormat(format, VIDEO_TYPE)) {
 throw new RuntimeException("无法解析的视频格式:" + format);

 List<String> commond = new ArrayList<String>();
 if (!withAudio) { // 设置是否保留音频
 commond.add("-an"); // 去掉音频
 if (null != width && width > 0 && null != height && height > 0) { // 设置分辨率
 String resolution = width.toString() + "x" + height.toString();

 commond.add("-vcodec"); // 指定输出视频文件时使用的编码器
 commond.add("libx264"); // 指定使用x264编码器
 commond.add("-preset"); // 当使用x264时需要带上该参数
 commond.add(preset); // 指定preset参数
 commond.add("-crf"); // 指定输出视频质量
 commond.add(crf.toString()); // 视频质量参数,值越小视频质量越高
 commond.add("-y"); // 当已存在输出文件时,不提示是否覆盖


 * 视频帧抽取
 * 默认抽取第10秒的帧画面
 * 抽取的帧图片默认宽度为300px
 * 转换后的文件路径以.gif结尾时,默认截取从第10s开始,后10s以内的帧画面来生成gif
 * @param videoFile 源视频路径
 * @param fileOutPut 转换后的文件路径
 public static void cutVideoFrame(File videoFile, File fileOutPut) {
 cutVideoFrame(videoFile, fileOutPut, DEFAULT_TIME);

 * 视频帧抽取(抽取指定时间点的帧画面)
 * 抽取的视频帧图片宽度默认为320px
 * 转换后的文件路径以.gif结尾时,默认截取从指定时间点开始,后10s以内的帧画面来生成gif
 * @param videoFile 源视频路径
 * @param fileOutPut 转换后的文件路径
 * @param time 指定抽取视频帧的时间点(单位:s)
 public static void cutVideoFrame(File videoFile, File fileOutPut, Time time) {
 cutVideoFrame(videoFile, fileOutPut, time, DEFAULT_WIDTH);

 * 视频帧抽取(抽取指定时间点、指定宽度值的帧画面)
 * 只需指定视频帧的宽度,高度随宽度自动计算
 * 转换后的文件路径以.gif结尾时,默认截取从指定时间点开始,后10s以内的帧画面来生成gif
 * @param videoFile 源视频路径
 * @param fileOutPut 转换后的文件路径
 * @param time 指定要抽取第几秒的视频帧(单位:s)
 * @param width 抽取的视频帧图片的宽度(单位:px)
 public static void cutVideoFrame(File videoFile, File fileOutPut, Time time, int width) {
 if (null == videoFile || !videoFile.exists()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("源视频文件不存在,请检查源视频路径");
 if (null == fileOutPut) {
 throw new RuntimeException("转换后的视频路径为空,请检查转换后的视频存放路径是否正确");
 VideoMetaInfo info = getVideoMetaInfo(videoFile);
 if (null == info) {
 log.error("--- 未能解析源视频信息,视频帧抽取操作失败 --- 源视频: " + videoFile);
 int height = width * info.getHeight() / info.getWidth(); // 根据宽度计算适合的高度,防止画面变形
 cutVideoFrame(videoFile, fileOutPut, time, width, height);

 * 视频帧抽取(抽取指定时间点、指定宽度值、指定高度值的帧画面)
 * 转换后的文件路径以.gif结尾时,默认截取从指定时间点开始,后10s以内的帧画面来生成gif
 * @param videoFile 源视频路径
 * @param fileOutPut 转换后的文件路径
 * @param time 指定要抽取第几秒的视频帧(单位:s)
 * @param width 抽取的视频帧图片的宽度(单位:px)
 * @param height 抽取的视频帧图片的高度(单位:px)
 public static void cutVideoFrame(File videoFile, File fileOutPut, Time time, int width, int height) {
 if (null == videoFile || !videoFile.exists()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("源视频文件不存在,请检查源视频路径");
 if (null == fileOutPut) {
 throw new RuntimeException("转换后的视频路径为空,请检查转换后的视频存放路径是否正确");
 String format = getFormat(fileOutPut);
 if (!isLegalFormat(format, IMAGE_TYPE)) {
 throw new RuntimeException("无法生成指定格式的帧图片:" + format);
 String fileOutPutPath = fileOutPut.getAbsolutePath();
 if (!"GIF".equals(StringUtils.upperCase(format))) {
 // 输出路径不是以.gif结尾,抽取并生成1张静态图
 cutVideoFrame(videoFile, fileOutPutPath, time, width, height, 1, false);
 } else {
 // 抽取并生成1个gif(gif由10张静态图构成)
 String path = fileOutPut.getParent();
 String name = fileOutPut.getName();
 // 创建临时文件存储多张静态图用于生成gif
 String tempPath = path + File.separator + System.currentTimeMillis() + "_" + name.substring(0, name.indexOf("."));
 File file = new File(tempPath);
 if (!file.exists()) {
 try {
 cutVideoFrame(videoFile, tempPath, time, width, height, DEFAULT_TIME_LENGTH, true);
 // 生成gif
 String images[] = file.list();
 for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
 images[i] = tempPath + File.separator + images[i];
 createGifImage(images, fileOutPut.getAbsolutePath(), DEFAULT_GIF_PLAYTIME);
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 截取视频帧操作出错 --- 错误信息:" + e.getMessage());
 } finally {
 // 删除用于生成gif的临时文件
 String images[] = file.list();
 for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
 File fileDelete = new File(tempPath + File.separator + images[i]);

 * 视频帧抽取(抽取指定时间点、指定宽度值、指定高度值、指定时长、指定单张/多张的帧画面)
 * @param videoFile 源视频
 * @param path 转换后的文件输出路径
 * @param time 开始截取视频帧的时间点(单位:s)
 * @param width 截取的视频帧图片的宽度(单位:px)
 * @param height 截取的视频帧图片的高度(单位:px,需要大于20)
 * @param timeLength 截取的视频帧的时长(从time开始算,单位:s,需小于源视频的最大时长)
 * @param isContinuty false - 静态图(只截取time时间点的那1帧图片),true - 动态图(截取从time时间点开始,timelength这段时间内的多张帧图)
 private static void cutVideoFrame(File videoFile, String path, Time time, int width, int height, int timeLength, boolean isContinuty) {
 if (videoFile == null || !videoFile.exists()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("源视频文件不存在,源视频路径: ");
 if (null == path) {
 throw new RuntimeException("转换后的文件路径为空,请检查转换后的文件存放路径是否正确");
 VideoMetaInfo info = getVideoMetaInfo(videoFile);
 if (null == info) {
 throw new RuntimeException("未解析到视频信息");
 if (time.getTime() + timeLength > info.getDuration()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("开始截取视频帧的时间点不合法:" + time.toString() + ",因为截取时间点晚于视频的最后时间点");
 if (width <= 20 || height <= 20) {
 throw new RuntimeException("截取的视频帧图片的宽度或高度不合法,宽高值必须大于20");
 try {
 List<String> commond = new ArrayList<String>();
 if (isContinuty) {
 commond.add(timeLength + "");
 } else {
 if (isContinuty) {
 commond.add(width + "*" + height);
 if (isContinuty) {
 commond.add(path + File.separator + "foo-%03d.jpeg");
 } else {

 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 视频帧抽取过程出错 --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());

 * 截取视频中的某1段,生成新视频
 * @param videoFile 源视频路径
 * @param outputFile 转换后的视频路径
 * @param startTime 开始抽取的时间点(单位:s)
 * @param timeLength 需要抽取的时间段(单位:s,需小于源视频最大时长);例如:该参数值为10时即抽取从startTime开始之后10秒内的视频作为新视频
 public static void cutVideo(File videoFile, File outputFile, Time startTime, int timeLength) {
 if (videoFile == null || !videoFile.exists()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("视频文件不存在:");
 if (null == outputFile) {
 throw new RuntimeException("转换后的视频路径为空,请检查转换后的视频存放路径是否正确");
 VideoMetaInfo info = getVideoMetaInfo(videoFile);
 if (null == info) {
 throw new RuntimeException("未解析到视频信息");
 if (startTime.getTime() + timeLength > info.getDuration()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("截取时间不合法:" + startTime.toString() + ",因为截取时间大于视频的时长");
 try {
 if (!outputFile.exists()) {
 List<String> commond = new ArrayList<String>();
 commond.add("" + timeLength);
 } catch (IOException e) {
 log.error("--- 视频截取过程出错 ---");

 * 抽取视频里的音频信息
 * 只能抽取成MP3文件
 * @param videoFile 源视频文件
 * @param audioFile 从源视频提取的音频文件
 public static void getAudioFromVideo(File videoFile, File audioFile) {
 if (null == videoFile || !videoFile.exists()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("源视频文件不存在: ");
 if (null == audioFile) {
 throw new RuntimeException("要提取的音频路径为空:");
 String format = getFormat(audioFile);
 if (!isLegalFormat(format, AUDIO_TYPE)) {
 throw new RuntimeException("无法生成指定格式的音频:" + format + " 请检查要输出的音频文件是否是AAC类型");
 try {
 if (!audioFile.exists()) {

 List<String> commond = new ArrayList<String>();
 commond.add("-vn"); // no video,去除视频信息
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 抽取视频中的音频信息的过程出错 --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());

 * 解析视频的基本信息(从文件中)
 * 解析出的视频信息1般为以下格式:
 * Input #0, mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2, from '6.mp4':
 * Duration: 00:00:30.04, start: 0.000000, bitrate: 19031 kb/s
 * Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264 (Main) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, bt709), 1920x1080, 18684 kb/s, 25 fps, 25 tbr, 25k tbn, 50 tbc (default)
 * Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 317 kb/s (default)
 * 注解:
 * Duration: 00:00:30.04【视频时长】, start: 0.000000【视频开始时间】, bitrate: 19031 kb/s【视频比特率/码率】
 * Stream #0:0(eng): Video: h264【视频编码格式】 (Main) (avc1 / 0x31637661), yuv420p(tv, bt709), 1920x1080【视频分辨率,宽x高】, 18684【视频比特率】 kb/s, 25【视频帧率】 fps, 25 tbr, 25k tbn, 50 tbc (default)
 * Stream #0:1(eng): Audio: aac【音频格式】 (LC) (mp4a / 0x6134706D), 48000【音频采样率】 Hz, stereo, fltp, 317【音频码率】 kb/s (default)
 * @param videoFile 源视频路径
 * @return 视频的基本信息,解码失败时返回null
 public static VideoMetaInfo getVideoMetaInfo(File videoFile) {
 if (null == videoFile || !videoFile.exists()) {
 log.error("--- 解析视频信息失败,因为要解析的源视频文件不存在 ---");
 return null;

 VideoMetaInfo videoInfo = new VideoMetaInfo();

 String parseResult = getMetaInfoFromFFmpeg(videoFile);

 Matcher durationMacher = durationPattern.matcher(parseResult);
 Matcher videoStreamMacher = videoStreamPattern.matcher(parseResult);
 Matcher videoMusicStreamMacher = musicStreamPattern.matcher(parseResult);

 Long duration = 0L; // 视频时长
 Integer videoBitrate = 0; // 视频码率
 String videoFormat = getFormat(videoFile); // 视频格式
 Long videoSize = videoFile.length(); // 视频大小

 String videoEncoder = ""; // 视频编码器
 Integer videoHeight = 0; // 视频高度
 Integer videoWidth = 0; // 视频宽度
 Float videoFramerate = 0F; // 视频帧率

 String musicFormat = ""; // 音频格式
 Long samplerate = 0L; // 音频采样率
 Integer musicBitrate = 0; // 音频码率

 try {
 // 匹配视频播放时长等信息
 if (durationMacher.find()) {
 long hours = (long)Integer.parseInt(;
 long minutes = (long)Integer.parseInt(;
 long seconds = (long)Integer.parseInt(;
 long dec = (long)Integer.parseInt(;
 duration = dec * 100L + seconds * 1000L + minutes * 60L * 1000L + hours * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
 //String startTime = + "ms";
 videoBitrate = Integer.parseInt(;
 // 匹配视频分辨率等信息
 if (videoStreamMacher.find()) {
 videoEncoder =;
 String s2 =;
 videoWidth = Integer.parseInt(;
 videoHeight = Integer.parseInt(;
 String s5 =;
 videoFramerate = Float.parseFloat(;
 // 匹配视频中的音频信息
 if (videoMusicStreamMacher.find()) {
 musicFormat =; // 提取音频格式
 //String s2 =;
 samplerate = Long.parseLong(; // 提取采样率
 //String s4 =;
 //String s5 =;
 musicBitrate = Integer.parseInt(; // 提取比特率
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 解析视频参数信息出错! --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());
 return null;

 // 封装视频中的音频信息
 MusicMetaInfo musicMetaInfo = new MusicMetaInfo();
 // 封装视频信息
 VideoMetaInfo videoMetaInfo = new VideoMetaInfo();

 return videoMetaInfo;

 * 获取视频的基本信息(从流中)
 * @param inputStream 源视频流路径
 * @return 视频的基本信息,解码失败时返回null
 public static VideoMetaInfo getVideoMetaInfo(InputStream inputStream) {
 VideoMetaInfo videoInfo = new VideoMetaInfo();
 try {
 File file = File.createTempFile("tmp", null);
 if (!file.exists()) {
 return null;
 FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, file);
 videoInfo = getVideoMetaInfo(file);
 return videoInfo;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 从流中获取视频基本信息出错 --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());
 return null;

 * 获取音频的基本信息(从文件中)
 * @param musicFile 音频文件路径
 * @return 音频的基本信息,解码失败时返回null
 public static MusicMetaInfo getMusicMetaInfo(File musicFile) {
 if (null == musicFile || !musicFile.exists()) {
 log.error("--- 无法获取音频信息,因为要解析的音频文件为空 ---");
 return null;
 // 获取音频信息字符串,方便后续解析
 String parseResult = getMetaInfoFromFFmpeg(musicFile);

 Long duration = 0L; // 音频时长
 Integer musicBitrate = 0; // 音频码率
 Long samplerate = 0L; // 音频采样率
 String musicFormat = ""; // 音频格式
 Long musicSize = musicFile.length(); // 音频大小

 Matcher durationMacher = durationPattern.matcher(parseResult);
 Matcher musicStreamMacher = musicStreamPattern.matcher(parseResult);

 try {
 // 匹配音频播放时长等信息
 if (durationMacher.find()) {
 long hours = (long)Integer.parseInt(;
 long minutes = (long)Integer.parseInt(;
 long seconds = (long)Integer.parseInt(;
 long dec = (long)Integer.parseInt(;
 duration = dec * 100L + seconds * 1000L + minutes * 60L * 1000L + hours * 60L * 60L * 1000L;
 //String startTime = + "ms";
 musicBitrate = Integer.parseInt(;
 // 匹配音频采样率等信息
 if (musicStreamMacher.find()) {
 musicFormat =; // 提取音频格式
 //String s2 =;
 samplerate = Long.parseLong(; // 提取采样率
 //String s4 =;
 //String s5 =;
 musicBitrate = Integer.parseInt(; // 提取比特率
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 解析音频参数信息出错! --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());
 return null;

 // 封装视频中的音频信息
 MusicMetaInfo musicMetaInfo = new MusicMetaInfo();
 return musicMetaInfo;

 * 获取音频的基本信息(从流中)
 * @param inputStream 源音乐流路径
 * @return 音频基本信息,解码出错时返回null
 public static MusicMetaInfo getMusicMetaInfo(InputStream inputStream) {
 MusicMetaInfo musicMetaInfo = new MusicMetaInfo();
 try {
 File file = File.createTempFile("tmp", null);
 if (!file.exists()) {
 return null;
 FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(inputStream, file);
 musicMetaInfo = getMusicMetaInfo(file);
 return musicMetaInfo;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 从流中获取音频基本信息出错 --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());
 return null;

 * 获取图片的基本信息(从流中)
 * @param inputStream 源图片路径
 * @return 图片的基本信息,获取信息失败时返回null
 public static ImageMetaInfo getImageInfo(InputStream inputStream) {
 BufferedImage image = null;
 ImageMetaInfo imageInfo = new ImageMetaInfo();
 try {
 image =;
 return imageInfo;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 获取图片的基本信息失败 --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());
 return null;

 * 获取图片的基本信息 (从文件中)
 * @param imageFile 源图片路径
 * @return 图片的基本信息,获取信息失败时返回null
 public static ImageMetaInfo getImageInfo(File imageFile) {
 BufferedImage image = null;
 ImageMetaInfo imageInfo = new ImageMetaInfo();
 try {
 if (null == imageFile || !imageFile.exists()) {
 return null;
 image =;
 return imageInfo;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 获取图片的基本信息失败 --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());
 return null;

 * 检查文件类型是否是给定的类型
 * @param inputFile 源文件
 * @param givenFormat 指定的文件类型;例如:{"MP4", "AVI"}
 * @return
 public static boolean isGivenFormat(File inputFile, String[] givenFormat) {
 if (null == inputFile || !inputFile.exists()) {
 log.error("--- 无法检查文件类型是否满足要求,因为要检查的文件不存在 --- 源文件: " + inputFile);
 return false;
 if (null == givenFormat || givenFormat.length <= 0) {
 log.error("--- 无法检查文件类型是否满足要求,因为没有指定的文件类型 ---");
 return false;
 String fomat = getFormat(inputFile);
 return isLegalFormat(fomat, givenFormat);

 * 使用FFmpeg的"-i"命令来解析视频信息
 * @param inputFile 源媒体文件
 * @return 解析后的结果字符串,解析失败时为空
 public static String getMetaInfoFromFFmpeg(File inputFile) {
 if (inputFile == null || !inputFile.exists()) {
 throw new RuntimeException("源媒体文件不存在,源媒体文件路径: ");
 List<String> commond = new ArrayList<String>();
 String executeResult = MediaUtil.executeCommand(commond);
 return executeResult;

 * 检测视频格式是否合法
 * @param format
 * @param formats
 * @return
 private static boolean isLegalFormat(String format, String formats[]) {
 for (String item : formats) {
 if (item.equals(StringUtils.upperCase(format))) {
 return true;
 return false;

 * 创建gif
 * @param image 多个jpg文件名(包含路径)
 * @param outputPath 生成的gif文件名(包含路径)
 * @param playTime 播放的延迟时间,可调整gif的播放速度
 private static void createGifImage(String image[], String outputPath, int playTime) {
 if (null == outputPath) {
 throw new RuntimeException("转换后的GIF路径为空,请检查转换后的GIF存放路径是否正确");
 try {
 AnimatedGifEncoder encoder = new AnimatedGifEncoder();
 BufferedImage src[] = new BufferedImage[image.length];
 for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) {
 encoder.setDelay(playTime); // 设置播放的延迟时间
 src[i] = File(image[i])); // 读入需要播放的jpg文件
 encoder.addFrame(src[i]); // 添加到帧中
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 多张静态图转换成动态GIF图的过程出错 --- 错误信息: " + e.getMessage());

 * 获取指定文件的后缀名
 * @param file
 * @return
 private static String getFormat(File file) {
 String fileName = file.getName();
 String format = fileName.substring(fileName.indexOf(".") + 1);
 return format;

 * 在程序退出前结束已有的FFmpeg进程
 private static class ProcessKiller extends Thread {
 private Process process;

 public ProcessKiller(Process process) {
 this.process = process;

 public void run() {
 this.process.destroy();"--- 已销毁FFmpeg进程 --- 进程名: " + process.toString());

 * 用于取出ffmpeg线程执行过程中产生的各种输出和错误流的信息
 static class PrintStream extends Thread {
 InputStream inputStream = null;
 BufferedReader bufferedReader = null;
 StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer();

 public PrintStream(InputStream inputStream) {
 this.inputStream = inputStream;

 public void run() {
 try {
 if (null == inputStream) {
 log.error("--- 读取输出流出错!因为当前输出流为空!---");
 bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
 String line = null;
 while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) {;
 } catch (Exception e) {
 log.error("--- 读取输入流出错了!--- 错误信息:" + e.getMessage());
 } finally {
 try {
 if (null != bufferedReader) {
 if (null != inputStream) {
 } catch (IOException e) {
 log.error("--- 调用PrintStream读取输出流后,关闭流时出错!---");


3.2. 3 Step on a pit & Fill a pit

1. When deploying Java program on Linux and other servers for video compression, pay more attention to the permission problem of running account under 1. Sometimes it may be because the running program does not have enough file operation permission, which leads to the failure of compression process;

2. After the first version of the program went online, such problems occasionally appeared:

In the process of calling for video compression, the whole program suddenly "stuck", and there was no log printed in the background. At this time, the whole compression process was not completed, as if the thread was suddenly blocked;

After many searches, it is found that when Java calls FFmpeg, it actually generates a sub-process in JVM to execute the compression process. This sub-process establishes three channel links with JVM (including standard input, standard output and standard error stream), and in the compression process, it actually keeps writing information to standard output and error stream;

Because the buffer size provided by the local system for standard output and error stream is limited, when the information written to standard output and error stream fills the buffer, the process performing compression will block;

Therefore, in the compression process, it is necessary to create two threads separately to read the information in the standard output and error stream continuously to prevent the whole compression process from blocking; (Refer to the operations of two internal class instances, errorStream and inputStream, in the executeCommand () method in MediaUtil. java)

3.3 Guidelines for Installing FFmpeg on an CentOS Server

Because the project is finally deployed on the CentOS server, the FFmpeg program needs to be installed on the server in advance, and many pits have been stepped on in this process. I wrote another summary article for this, refer to me here

4. Source downloads

Here are two versions of the source code for everyone to download for reference:

Introduces the encapsulation FFmpeg open source framework Jave. jar version point I download Manually install the version of FFmpeg in the system. Click me to download it


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