java annotation example of how to implement a configurable thread pool

  • 2021-06-28 12:24:21
  • OfStack


The project requires multithreaded execution of 1 Task for ease of use of individual services.Intentionally encapsulated a public tool class, directly below the code:

PoolConfig (Thread Pool Core Configuration Parameter):

 * <h1> Thread pool core configuration (<b style="color:#CD0000"> Number of base thread pools, maximum thread pools, queue initial capacity, thread connection keep active seconds (default) 60s ) </b>)</h1>
 * <blockquote><code>
 * <table border="1px" style="border-color:gray;" width="100%"><tbody>
 * <tr><th style="color:green;text-align:left;">
 *  Property Name 
 * </th><th style="color:green;text-align:left;">
 *  Attribute Meaning 
 * </th></tr>
 * <tr><td>
 * queueCapacity
 * </td><td>
 *  Number of base thread pools 
 * </td></tr>
 * <tr><td>
 * count
 * </td><td>
 *  Maximum number of thread pools 
 * </td></tr>
 * <tr><td>
 * maxCount
 * </td><td>
 *  Queue Initial Capacity 
 * </td></tr>
 * <tr><td>
 * aliveSec
 * </td><td>
 *  Thread connections remain active seconds (default) 60s ) 
 * </td></tr>
 * </tbody></table>
 * </code></blockquote>
public class PoolConfig {
 private int queueCapacity = 200;
 private int count = 0;
 private int maxCount = 0;
 private int aliveSec;
 public int getQueueCapacity() {
 return queueCapacity;
 public void setQueueCapacity(int queueCapacity) {
 this.queueCapacity = queueCapacity;
 public void setCount(int count) {
 this.count = count;
 public void setMaxCount(int maxCount) {
 this.maxCount = maxCount;
 public void setAliveSec(int aliveSec) {
 this.aliveSec = aliveSec;
 public int getCount() {
 return count;
 public int getMaxCount() {
 return maxCount;
 public int getAliveSec() {
 return aliveSec;

ThreadPoolConfig (Thread pool configuration yml configuration item starts with thread):

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;
 * <h1> Thread pool configuration (<b style="color:#CD0000"> Thread pool core configuration, number of tasks processed by each business </b>)</h1>
 * <blockquote><code>
 * <table border="1px" style="border-color:gray;" width="100%"><tbody>
 * <tr><th style="color:green;text-align:left;">
 *  Property Name 
 * </th><th style="color:green;text-align:left;">
 *  Attribute Meaning 
 * </th></tr>
 * <tr><td>
 * pool
 * </td><td>
 *  Thread pool core configuration 
 *  [ {@link PoolConfig} ] 
 * </td></tr>
 * <tr><td>
 * count
 * </td><td>
 *  Initial number of tasks for each business task in the thread pool 
 * </td></tr>
 * </tbody></table>
 * </code></blockquote>
public class ThreadPoolConfig {
 private PoolConfig pool = new PoolConfig();
 Map<String, Integer> count = new HashMap<>();
 public PoolConfig getPool() {
 return pool;
 public void setPool(PoolConfig pool) {
 this.pool = pool;
 public Map<String, Integer> getCount() {
 return count;

Define the Task comment for ease of use:

public @interface ExcutorTask {
 * The value may indicate a suggestion for a logical ExcutorTask name,
 * to be turned into a Spring bean in case of an autodetected ExcutorTask .
 * @return the suggested ExcutorTask name, if any
 String value() default "";

Get a set of tasks using the Task annotation through reflection:

public class Beans {
 private static final char PREFIX = '.';
 public static ConcurrentMap<String, String> scanBeanClassNames(){
 ConcurrentMap<String, String> beanClassNames = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
 ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider provider = new ClassPathScanningCandidateComponentProvider(false); 
   provider.addIncludeFilter(new AnnotationTypeFilter(ExcutorTask.class));
   for(Package pkg : Package.getPackages()){
   String basePackage = pkg.getName();
     Set<BeanDefinition> components = provider.findCandidateComponents(basePackage); 
     for (BeanDefinition component : components) {
     String beanClassName = component.getBeanClassName();
     try {
    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(component.getBeanClassName());
    boolean isAnnotationPresent = clazz.isAnnotationPresent(ZimaTask.class);
     ZimaTask task = clazz.getAnnotation(ExcutorTask.class);
     String aliasName = task.value();
     if(aliasName != null && !"".equals(aliasName)){
     beanClassNames.put(aliasName, component.getBeanClassName());
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
     beanClassNames.put(beanClassName.substring(beanClassName.lastIndexOf(PREFIX) + 1), component.getBeanClassName());
   return beanClassNames;

Thread execution class TaskPool:

public class TaskPool {
 public ThreadPoolTaskExecutor poolTaskExecutor;
 private ThreadPoolConfig threadPoolConfig;
 private ApplicationContext context;
 private final Integer MAX_POOL_SIZE = 2000;
 private PoolConfig poolCfg;
 private Map<String, Integer> tasksCount;
 private ConcurrentMap<String, String> beanClassNames;
  public void init() {
 beanClassNames = Beans.scanBeanClassNames();
   poolTaskExecutor = new ThreadPoolTaskExecutor();
   poolCfg = threadPoolConfig.getPool();
 tasksCount = threadPoolConfig.getCount();
 int corePoolSize = poolCfg.getCount(), 
  maxPoolSize = poolCfg.getMaxCount(), 
  queueCapacity = poolCfg.getQueueCapacity(), 
  minPoolSize = 0, maxCount = (corePoolSize << 1);
 for(String taskName : tasksCount.keySet()){
  minPoolSize += tasksCount.get(taskName);
 if(corePoolSize > 0){
  if(corePoolSize <= minPoolSize){
  corePoolSize = minPoolSize;
  corePoolSize = minPoolSize;
 if(queueCapacity > 0){
 if(corePoolSize > 0){
  if(MAX_POOL_SIZE < corePoolSize){
  corePoolSize = MAX_POOL_SIZE;
 if(maxPoolSize > 0){
  if(maxPoolSize <= maxCount){
  maxPoolSize = maxCount;
  if(MAX_POOL_SIZE < maxPoolSize){
  maxPoolSize = MAX_POOL_SIZE;
 if(poolCfg.getAliveSec() > 0){
 public void execute(Class<?>... clazz){
 int i = 0, len = tasksCount.size();
 for(; i < len; i++){
  Integer taskCount = tasksCount.get(i);
  for(int t = 0; t < taskCount; t++){
   Object taskObj = context.getBean(clazz[i]);
   if(taskObj != null){
   poolTaskExecutor.execute((Runnable) taskObj);
  }catch(Exception ex){
 public void execute(String... args){
   int i = 0, len = tasksCount.size();
 for(; i < len; i++){
  Integer taskCount = tasksCount.get(i);
  for(int t = 0; t < taskCount; t++){
   Object taskObj = null;
   taskObj = context.getBean(args[i]);
    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(beanClassNames.get(args[i].toLowerCase()));
    taskObj = context.getBean(clazz);
   if(taskObj != null){
   poolTaskExecutor.execute((Runnable) taskObj);
  }catch(Exception ex){
 public void execute(){
 for(String taskName : tasksCount.keySet()){
  Integer taskCount = tasksCount.get(taskName);
  for(int t = 0; t < taskCount; t++){
   Object taskObj = null;
   taskObj = context.getBean(taskName);
    Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(beanClassNames.get(taskName));
    taskObj = context.getBean(clazz);
   if(taskObj != null){
   poolTaskExecutor.execute((Runnable) taskObj);
  }catch(Exception ex){

How to use it? (Everything needs a complete set of ^^)

1. Because you are using the springboot project, you need to add or application.yml

# Configuration Execution task Number of threads 
# Maximum survival time 
# Other configurations are the same 

2. Load the thread configuration we wrote into our project

public class TaskManager {
 private TaskPool taskPool;
 public void executor(){

3. Use Specifically

public class NeedExcutorTask implements Runnable{
 public void run() {
    Thread.sleep(1000L);"======  Task Execution  =====")

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