Use spring's interceptor to customize the cache implementation example code

  • 2021-01-25 07:28:40
  • OfStack

This paper mainly studies the implementation of custom cache using spring interceptor. The specific implementation code is shown below.

Memcached is a high-performance distributed memory object caching system for dynamic Web applications to reduce database load. It improves the speed of dynamic, database-driven Web sites by caching data and objects in memory to reduce the number of database reads. This article uses Memcached instances and spring interceptors to implement a custom implementation of caching. Using interceptors to read the generation strategy for key values taken from the defined cache tags.

Custom Cacheable

package com.jeex.sci;
public @interface Cacheable {
	String namespace();
	String key() default "";
	int[] keyArgs() default {
	String[] keyProperties() default {
	String keyGenerator() default "";
	int expires() default 1800;

Custom CacheEvict

package com.jeex.sci;
public @interface CacheEvict {
	String namespace();
	String key() default "";
	int[] keyArgs() default {
	String[] keyProperties() default {
	String keyGenerator() default "";

spring: MethodInterceptor public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable (MethodInvocation invocation) spring: MethodInterceptor public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) Throwable

public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invoction) throws Throwable {
	Method method = invoction.getMethod();
	Cacheable c = method.getAnnotation(Cacheable.class);
	if (c != null) {
		return handleCacheable(invoction, method, c);
	CacheEvict ce = method.getAnnotation(CacheEvict.class);
	if (ce != null) {
		return handleCacheEvict(invoction, ce);
	return invoction.proceed();

Process cacheable tags

private Object handleCacheable(MethodInvocation invoction, Method method, 
    Cacheable c) throws Throwable {
	String key = getKey(invoction, KeyInfo.fromCacheable(c));
	if (key.equals("")) {
		if (log.isDebugEnabled()){
			log.warn("Empty cache key, the method is " + method);
		return invoction.proceed();
	long nsTag = (long) memcachedGet(c.namespace());
	if (nsTag == null) {
		nsTag = long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis());
		memcachedSet(c.namespace(), 24*3600, long.valueOf(nsTag));
	key = makeMemcachedKey(c.namespace(), nsTag, key);
	Object o = null;
	o = memcachedGet(key);
	if (o != null) {
		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
			log.debug("CACHE HIT: Cache Key = " + key);
	} else {
		if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
			log.debug("CACHE MISS: Cache Key = " + key);
		o = invoction.proceed();
		memcachedSet(key, c.expires(), o);
	return o;

Process cacheEvit labels

private Object handleCacheEvict(MethodInvocation invoction,  
    CacheEvict ce) throws Throwable { 
  String key = getKey(invoction, KeyInfo.fromCacheEvict(ce));    
  if (key.equals("")) {  
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { 
      log.debug("Evicting " + ce.namespace()); 
  } else { 
    Long nsTag = (Long) memcachedGet(ce.namespace()); 
    if (nsTag != null) { 
      key = makeMemcachedKey(ce.namespace(), nsTag, key); 
      if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { 
        log.debug("Evicting " + key); 
  return invoction.proceed(); 

key is generated according to the parameters

// Generate parameters using the parameters of the intercepted method  
private String getKeyWithArgs(Object[] args, int[] argIndex) { 
  StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(); 
  boolean first = true; 
  for (int index: argIndex) { 
    if (index < 0 || index >= args.length) { 
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Index out of bound"); 
    if (!first) { 
    } else { 
      first = false; 
    key = key.append(args[index]); 
  return key.toString(); 

key is generated based on the properties

private String getKeyWithProperties(Object o, String props[])  
    throws Exception { 
  StringBuilder key = new StringBuilder(); 
  boolean first = true; 
  for (String prop: props) { 
    // the bean To get the name of the method  
    String methodName = "get"  
        + prop.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()  
        + prop.substring(1); 
    Method m = o.getClass().getMethod(methodName); 
    Object r = m.invoke(o, (Object[]) null); 
    if (!first) { 
    } else { 
      first = false; 
    key = key.append(r); 
  return key.toString(); 

key is generated using a custom generator

// Generate using a generator key 
private String getKeyWithGenerator(MethodInvocation invoction, String keyGenerator)  
    throws Exception { 
  Class<?> ckg = Class.forName(keyGenerator); 
  CacheKeyGenerator ikg = (CacheKeyGenerator)ckg.newInstance(); 
  return ikg.generate(invoction.getArguments()); 

Helper class that holds key information

private static class KeyInfo {
	String key;
	int[] keyArgs;
	String keyProperties[];
	String keyGenerator;
	static KeyInfo fromCacheable(Cacheable c) {
		KeyInfo ki = new KeyInfo();
		ki.key = c.key();
		ki.keyArgs = c.keyArgs();
		ki.keyGenerator = c.keyGenerator();
		ki.keyProperties = c.keyProperties();
		return ki;
	static KeyInfo fromCacheEvict(CacheEvict ce) {
		KeyInfo ki = new KeyInfo();
		ki.key = ce.key();
		ki.keyArgs = ce.keyArgs();
		ki.keyGenerator = ce.keyGenerator();
		ki.keyProperties = ce.keyProperties();
		return ki;
	String key() {
		return key;
	int[] keyArgs() {
		return keyArgs;
	String[] keyProperties() {
		return keyProperties;
	String keyGenerator() {
		return keyGenerator;

Parameter setting

// Use parameter Settings key 
@Cacheable(namespace="BlackList", keyArgs={0, 1}) 
public int anotherMethond(int a, int b) { 
  return 100; 

The test class:

package com.jeex.sci;
public @interface CacheEvict {
	String namespace();
	String key() default "";
	int[] keyArgs() default {
	String[] keyProperties() default {
	String keyGenerator() default "";


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