getObject of method instance resolution in spring FactoryBean

  • 2021-01-19 22:15:53
  • OfStack

This paper mainly studies the relevant contents of getObject() method in FactoryBean in spring, as follows.

The FactoryBean interface defines the following three interface methods:

Object getObject(): Returns an instance of Bean that was created by FactoryBean. If isSingleton() returns true, the instance will be placed in the single-instance cache pool of the Spring container. boolean isSingleton(): Determines whether the scope of Bean created by FactoryBean is singleton or prototype. Class getObjectType(): Returns the type in which FactoryBean created Bean.

When in the configuration file < bean > FactoryBean#getObject() is the object returned by FactoryBean#getObject(), which is a proxy for getBean(). FactoryBean# getObject() is a proxy for getBean().

When we configure Car, there is one for each of the Car attributes < property > Element tags. Suppose we want to specify configuration values for all properties of Car once in a comma-separated way, rather than in a neat way, we can write a single FactroyBean to achieve this:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean;
public class CarFactoryBean implements FactoryBean{
	private String carInfo;
	public Stirng getCarInfo(){
		return carInfo;
	public void setCarInfo(String carInfo){
	public Object getObject()throws Exception{
		Car car=new Car();
		String[]infos = carInfo.split(",");
		return car;
	public Class getObjectType(){
		return Car.class;
	public Boolean isSingleton() {
		return true;

Now that we have CarFactoryBean, we can define Car Bean in the configuration file using the following configuration:

<bean id="car" class="com.lxm.fb.carFactoryBean">  
     <property name="carInfo" value=" The red flag CA72,200,20000.00"/>  

When ES56en (" ES57en ") is called, ES58en discovers through reflection that ES59en implements the interface of ES60en, at which point the Sping container calls the interface method CarFactoryBean# ES63en () to return the object created by the factory class. If the user wants to obtain an instance of CarFactoryBean, it is necessary to explicitly prefix beanName with" & "Front: getBean(" & car").


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