spring boot integrates pagehelper of in two ways

  • 2020-12-10 00:43:43
  • OfStack

See the pagehelper - spring - boot, use rise very convenient, for more PageHelper can click https: / / github com/pagehelper/Mybatis - PageHelper.

When spring boot is integrated with mybatis and needs to be paginated, we first add maven support


Approach 1: We add application. yml(yml that spring needs to read)

 helperDialect: mysql
 reasonable: true
 supportMethodsArguments: true
 params: count=countSql

Then restart it.

The configuration file is eventually read by java and injected into spring bean, so our method 2 is to configure its bean class, which is easy to modify by hot loading. Of course, method 1 is easier.

Option 2: Create a new PageHeleperConfig under the annotations covering package

import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper;
import java.util.Properties;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

 * @author zhuxiaomeng
 * @date 2018/1/2.
 * @email 154040976@qq.com
public class PageHelperConfig {

 public PageHelper getPageHelper(){
 PageHelper pageHelper=new PageHelper();
 Properties properties=new Properties();
 return pageHelper;


Basic knowledge of pageHelper is:

import com.github.pagehelper.Page;
import com.github.pagehelper.PageHelper;

Page<T> tPage= PageHelper.startPage(page,limit);

The next sentence of the query to page. You only need to use List < T > receive

If you have questions you can download the open source project lenos Rapid development scaffolding, spring boot version to familiarize yourself with learning.

Address: https: / / gitee com/bweird/lenosp

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