A detailed example of an MyBatis annotation mapping in java

  • 2020-10-31 21:44:59
  • OfStack

A detailed example of an MyBatis annotation mapping in java

1. Ordinary mapping

@Select("select * from mybatis_Student where id=#{id}") 
public Student getStudent(int id); 
@Insert("insert into mybatis_Student (name, age, remark, pic,grade_id,address_id) values (#{name},#{age},#{remark}, #{pic},#{grade.id},#{address.id})") 
public int insert(Student student); 
@Update("update mybatis_Student set name=#{name},age=#{age} where id=#{id}") 
public int update(Student student); 
@Delete("delete from mybatis_Student where id=#{id}") 
public int delete(int id); 

2. Result set mapping

@Select("select * from mybatis_Student") 
public List<Student> getAllStudents(); 

3. Relational mapping

1), 1 to 1

@Select("select * from mybatis_Student") 
public List<Student> getAllStudents(); 

More than 1 to 2)

package com.skymr.mybatis.mappers; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Many; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Result; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Results; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select; 
import com.skymr.mybatis.model.Grade; 
public interface Grade2Mapper { 
  @Select("select * from mybatis_grade where id=#{id}") 
  public Grade getGrade(int id); 

Java code

package com.skymr.mybatis.mappers; 
import java.util.List; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Delete; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Insert; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.One; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Result; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Results; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Select; 
import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Update; 
import com.skymr.mybatis.model.Student; 
public interface Student2Mapper { 
  @Select("select * from mybatis_Student where id=#{id}") 
  public Student getStudent(int id); 
  @Insert("insert into mybatis_Student (name, age, remark, pic,grade_id,address_id) values (#{name},#{age},#{remark}, #{pic},#{grade.id},#{address.id})") 
  public int insert(Student student); 
  @Update("update mybatis_Student set name=#{name},age=#{age} where id=#{id}") 
  public int update(Student student); 
  @Delete("delete from mybatis_Student where id=#{id}") 
  public int delete(int id); 
  @Select("select * from mybatis_Student") 
  public List<Student> getAllStudents(); 
  @Select("select * from mybatis_Student where grade_id=#{gradeId}") 
  public List<Student> getStudentsByGradeId(int gradeId); 

4. Dynamic sql annotation mapping

provider class

package com.skymr.mybatis.mappers.provider; 
import java.util.Map; 
import org.apache.ibatis.jdbc.SQL; 
import com.skymr.mybatis.model.Student; 
public class StudentDynaSqlProvider { 
  public String insertStudent(final Student student){ 
    return new SQL(){ 
        if(student.getName() != null){ 
        if(student.getAge() > 0){ 
  public String updateStudent(final Student student){ 
    return new SQL(){ 
        if(student.getName() != null){ 
        if(student.getAge() > 0){ 
  public String getStudent(final Map<String,Object> map){ 
    return new SQL(){ 
          WHERE("name like #{name}"); 
  public String deleteStudent(){ 
    return new SQL(){ 

Mapper interface

public List<Student> getStudents(Map<String,Object> map); 

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