Detail example of Java Decorator pattern

  • 2020-10-23 20:05:23
  • OfStack

This article gives an example of the Java decorator pattern. To share for your reference, the details are as follows:

Decorative pattern

Dynamically extend the functionality of an object without changing the original class file and using inheritance. It wraps the real object by creating a wrapper object, also known as decoration.

The decorator object accepts all requests from the client. It forwards these requests to real objects. Decorator objects can add additional functionality before or after forwarding these requests.

This ensures that additional functionality can be added externally at run time without modifying the structure of a given object. In object-oriented design, extensions to a given class are usually implemented through inheritance.


The purpose of both Decorator and inheritance is to extend the functionality of an object, but Decorator can provide more flexibility than inheritance.

2. By using different specific decorative classes and the permutation and combination of these decorative classes, designers can create many combinations of different behaviors.


The roles in the decorator mode are:

(1) Abstract component (Component) role: Give an abstract interface to the specification of objects ready to receive additional responsibilities.
(2) Concrete artifact (Concrete Component) role: Define a class that will receive additional responsibilities.
(3) Decoration (Decorator) role: it holds an instance of a component (Component) object and implements an interface with abstract component interface 1.
(4) Specific decoration (Concrete Decorator) Role: responsible for adding additional responsibilities to component objects.

The sample code

Let's take a shredded cake as an example. Shredded cake can have many flavors, but the basic one is a original shredded cake. On this basis, we can add one or more kinds of eggs, beef, sirloin and so on.

Abstract component (Component) roles

package  Decorator pattern ;
 *  Abstract class interface, specification of pie properties 
 * @author oooo
public interface Cake {
// Two attributes 
  public String descripestion();
// Property description 
  public Double money();
// Price description 

Specific artifact (Concrete Component) roles

package  Decorator pattern ;
 *  Original shredded cake class 
 * @author oooo
 * The class responsible for receiving additional attributes 
public class shreddedcake implements Cake{
// implementation Cake interface 
  public String descripestion() {
    // Description attribute 
    return " Plain shredded cake ";
  public Double money() {
     // Describe the price 
    return 3.5;

Decorate (Decorator) characters

package  Decorator pattern ;
 *  Establish a connection with the pie, get the original pie attribute, and add the mediation of the attribute. 
 * @author oooo
public abstract class Deractor implements Cake{
  Cake cake;
  public Deractor(Cake cake) {
  public String descripestion(){
    return cake.descripestion();
  public Double money(){

Specific decoration (Concrete Decorator) role

package  Decorator pattern ;
 *  Eggs shredded cake class 
 * @author oooo
 * Add egg properties 
public class EggshrededCake extends Deractor{
  public EggshrededCake(Cake cake) {
  public String descripestion() {
    return " egg "+cake.descripestion();
  public Double money() {
    return 3.5+1.5;

Specific decoration (Concrete Decorator) character

package  Decorator pattern ;
 *  Beef shredded cake 
 * @author oooo
 * Add beef attributes 
public class beffshredded extends Deractor{
  public beffshredded(Cake cake) {
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
  public String descripestion() {
    return " beef "+cake.descripestion();
  public Double money() {

The test class

package  Decorator pattern ;
public class Test {
   *  The test class 
   * @param args
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // new 1 Original shredded cake 
    shreddedcake sh=new shreddedcake();
    System.out.print("   Price:  ";
    // new 1 Egg class, with egg attribute attached to grab cake 
    EggshrededCake egg=new EggshrededCake(sh);
    System.out.print("   Price: ";
    // new 1 A beef type, attached to the beef attribute grab cake 
    beffshredded beff=new beffshredded(egg);
    System.out.print("   Price: ";

Output results:

 Plain shredded cake    Price:  3.5
 Egg plain shredded cake    Price: 5.0
 Beef and egg plain shredded cake    Price: 8.0

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I hope this article has been helpful for java programming.

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