Details and simple examples of Java File class

  • 2020-09-28 08:53:51
  • OfStack

Details and simple examples of Java File class

File() : constructor, which typically creates file objects based on the specified location of the file.

CanWrite() : Returns whether the file is writable.  
CanRead() : Returns whether the file is readable.  
CompareTo(File pathname) : Checks the order between the specified file paths.  
Delet() : Removes the file from the file system.  
DeleteOnExit() : Removes a file from the system when the program completes successfully.  
Equals(Object obj) : Checks whether the pathname of a particular object is equal.  
Exists() : Determine if the folder exists.  
GetAbsoluteFile() : Returns the full path to the file.  
GetAbsolutePath() : Returns the full path to the file.  
GetName() : Returns the file name.  
GetParent() : Returns the file parent directory path.  
GetPath() : Returns the potential relative path of the file.  
GetParentFile() : Returns the path to the folder where the file is located.  
HashCode() : Returns the file hash code.  
IsDirectory() : Determines whether the path indicates a file.  
IsFile() : Determines whether the path indicates a file.  
LastModified()  : Returns the last modified time flag for the file.  
Length() : Returns the file length.  
List() : Returns a list of files and directories.  
Mkdir() : Generates the specified directory.  
RenameTo(File dest) : Rename file.  
SetReadOnly() : Sets the file to be readable.  
ToString() : Returns a string of file status.  
ToURL() : Converts the path string of a file to URL 

File.GetCreationTime  Read creation time  
File.SetCreationTime  Set the creation time  
2. File.GetLastAccessTime  Read the last access time  
3. File.SetLastAccessTime  Set the last access time  
File.GetLastWriteTime  Read the last modification time  
4. File.SetLastWriteTime  Set the last modification time  
File.GetAttributes  Read file properties  
 File.SetAttributes  Set file properties  

Practice chapters:


public class FileContent { 
/* File  Common USES of classes:  
1 , the method of establishing the file  
public static void createFile(){ 
/* Window  Method to create a file in  */ 
File file1 = new File("C:\\tmep\\myword.txt"); 

/*  A more secure method of creating documentation  */ 
File file2 = new File("c:"+File.separator+"temp"+File.separator+""); 

//File.separator  Is the symbol for the file path ==\\ 

/*  Introduction to related properties  */ 
public static void main(String[] args){ 
File myFile = new File("C:"+File.separator+"word.txt"); 

// Create a file  
}catch(Exception ex){ 


// Gets the name of the file  ==word.txt 

// Gets the path to the file  ==c:\word.txt 

// Determine if the document is complete  

// Gets the root directory of the file  ==c:\ 
myFile.exists(); // Determine if the file exists  

System.out.println(" Determine if it is a directory :"+myFile.isDirectory()); 
System.out.println(" Determine if it's a file :"+myFile.isFile()); 
System.out.println(" Determine if it is a hidden file :"+myFile.isHidden()); 
System.out.println(" Determine if it is readable :"+myFile.canRead()); 
System.out.println(" Determine if it is writable :"+myFile.canWrite()); 

//mkdir(); Create a single-level directory  
//mkdirs(); Create multilevel directories  
//createNewFile();  Create a file  
// try{ 
// File tmp = File.createTempFile("foo", "tmp");// Create temporary files  
//  System.out.println(" The temporary file just created is at: " + tmp.getCanonicalPath()); 
// }catch(Exception ex){ 

// } 


// Get all the tails   And calculate the rest of the space  
public static void show() { 
 File[] roots = File.listRoots();// Take all the roots, if yes windows The system will then get all the disks  
  for (int i = 0; i < roots.length; i++) { 
  System.out.println("Free space = " + roots[i].getFreeSpace()); 
  System.out.println("Usable space = " + roots[i].getUsableSpace()); 
  System.out.println("Total space = " + roots[i].getTotalSpace()); 


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