Spring MVC automatically injects enumerated types into objects

  • 2020-07-21 08:11:41
  • OfStack

spring MVC cannot be injected directly if there is an enumerated type in an object, because it only implements automatic conversion injection of 1 basic data type, but it also provides an extensible interface that can be extended according to your needs. Here is an example:

First: This is an enumeration class:

 *  News category  
 * @author: ShangJianguo 
 * 2014-6-11  In the morning 10:51:07 
public enum ENews { 
  company("0"), //  Corporate news  
  industry("1");//  Industry news  
  private final String value; 
  private ENews(String v) { 
    this.value = v; 
  public String toString() { 
    return this.value; 
  public static ENews get(int v) { 
    String str = String.valueOf(v); 
    return get(str); 
  public static ENews get(String str) { 
    for (ENews e : values()) { 
      if(e.toString().equals(str)) { 
        return e; 
    return null; 

The following is an entity class:

public class News { 
  private ENews type; 
  private String adminuid; 
  private String title; 
  private String summary; 
  private String author; 
  private String origin; 
  private String originurl; 
  private String content; 
    //  omit setter and getter methods  

Here is the controller layer:

@RequestMapping(value="/news/update", method=RequestMethod.POST) 
public boolean edit_update(Map<String, Object> model,HttpServletRequest request,News news){ 
  String adminid = getAdminid(); 
  if (news != null) { 
    if (newsSO.update(news)) { 
      return true; 
  return false; 

However, at this point the program is not able to run properly, the real point is the following, write an enumerated transformation class (Converter) :

public class StringToENewsConverter implements Converter<String, ENews>{ 
  /* (non-Javadoc) 
   * @see com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.Converter#convert(java.lang.Object) 
   * @author: ShangJianguo 
   * 2014-6-12  In the afternoon 4:56:30 
  public ENews convert(String source) { 
    String value = source.trim(); 
    if ("".equals(value)) { 
      return null; 
    return ENews.get(Integer.parseInt(source)); 

Then configure in the configuration file for spring mvc:

<bean id="conversionService" class="org.springframework.format.support.FormattingConversionServiceFactoryBean"> 
  <property name="converters"> 
      <bean class="com.ngenius.core.converters.StringToENewsConverter" /> 

In this way, spring can run when injecting the fields of the object, directly converting the content received from the front end to ENews type for encapsulation.

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