Examples of Java 7 common sorting methods in detail

  • 2020-07-21 07:50:27
  • OfStack

Direct insertion sort

<code class="language-java hljs ">import java.util.HashMap; 
public class InsertSort { 
 private static int contrastCount = 0;// Compare the number of  
 private static int swapCount = 0;// Switching frequency  
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
  System.out.println(" Direct insertion sort: \n  Assuming the previous sequence is sorted, insert the unsorted Numbers into the sorted sequence , Time complexity O(n^2), Space complexity O(1) , stable sorting "); 
  HashMap<integer,integer> hashMap = new HashMap<integer,integer>(); 
  init(hashMap);// Initialize the   
  System.out.println(" The initial sequence is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0);// print  
  insert(hashMap);// The sorting  
  *  Initialization function  
  * @param hashMap 
 private static void init(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap) { 
  hashMap.put(0, null);// The first 1 Place empty  
  hashMap.put(1, 0); 
  hashMap.put(2, 5); 
  hashMap.put(3, 11); 
  hashMap.put(4, 12); 
  hashMap.put(5, 13); 
  hashMap.put(6, 4); 
  hashMap.put(7, 1); 
  hashMap.put(8, 5); 
  hashMap.put(9, 8); 
  hashMap.put(10, 6); 
  hashMap.put(11, 4); 
  hashMap.put(12, 8);  
  *  Insert sort  
  * @param hashMap  The table to be sorted  
 private static void insert(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap){ 
  System.out.println(" Start insertion sort: "); 
  int i,j; 
  // Sorting start time  
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis();  
  for(i=2; i<hashmap.size(); author="" code="" contrastcount="0;// Compare the number of " count="1;// Only count execution times " d="1, Time complexity o(n^1.3), Space complexity o(1) Unstable sort ");" end="System.currentTimeMillis();" h2="" hashmap="" hhf="" hillsort="" i="1;" id=" Hill sorting " import="" int="" integer="" j="" long="" n="" param="" pre="" private="" public="" start="System.currentTimeMillis();" static="" swapcount="0;// Switching frequency " void="" x="1;x<=d;x++){//1 A total of d group "></hashmap.size();></integer,></integer,></integer,integer></integer,integer></code>

Bubble sort

<code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs ">import java.util.HashMap; 
 *  Bubble sort  
 * @author HHF 
 * 2014 years 3 month 19 day  
public class BubbleSort { 
 private static int contrastCount = 0;// Compare the number of  
 private static int swapCount = 0;// Switching frequency  
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
  System.out.println(" Bubble sort: \n  The first 1 The wheel precipitates the maximum value to the bottom, using the pairwise comparison method from scratch, if i Is greater than i++ Then switch, down 1 From the first time 1 I start the loop, and I subtract the number of comparisons 1 , and then repeat in turn ," 
    + "\n  if 1 The second comparison is any exchange, can be terminated early, time complexity O(n^2), Space complexity O(1) , stable sorting ");   
  HashMap<integer,integer> hashMap = new HashMap<integer,integer>(); 
  init(hashMap);// Initialize the   
  System.out.println(" The initial sequence is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0);// print  
  bubble(hashMap);// The sorting  
  *  Initialization function  
  * @param hashMap 
 private static void init(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap) { 
  hashMap.put(0, null);// The first 1 Place empty  
  hashMap.put(1, 10); 
  hashMap.put(2, 5); 
  hashMap.put(3, 11); 
  hashMap.put(4, 12); 
  hashMap.put(5, 13); 
  hashMap.put(6, 4); 
  hashMap.put(7, 1); 
  hashMap.put(8, 5); 
  hashMap.put(9, 8); 
  hashMap.put(10, 6); 
  hashMap.put(11, 4); 
  hashMap.put(12, 8);  
  *  Do bubble sort  
  * @param hashMap  The table to be sorted  
 private static void bubble(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap){ 
  System.out.println(" Start bubbling sort: "); 
  // Sorting start time  
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  boolean swap = false;// Whether or not exchange occurs  
  int count = 1;// Just to count  
  for(int i=1; i<hashmap.size(); int="" j="1;" swap="false;">hashMap.get(j+1)){// You need to swap j  and  j+1 
     hashMap.put(0, hashMap.get(j)); 
     hashMap.put(j, hashMap.get(j+1)); 
     hashMap.put(j+1, hashMap.get(0)); 
     swap = true; 
     contrastCount++;// happen 1 comparative  
     swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
     swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
     swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
    contrastCount++;// Jump out of the if There are 1 comparative  
   print(hashMap, count++); 
  // End of sorting time  
  long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  System.out.println(" The result is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0);// Outputs the sequence at the end of the sort  
  hashMap.clear();// empty  
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+contrastCount+"  comparative \t"); 
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+swapCount+"  swaps \t"); 
  System.out.println(" Execution time is "+(end-start)+" ms "); 
  *  Prints the sorted elements  
  * @param hashMap  Sorted tables  
  * @param j  The first j Trip to sort  
 private static void print(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap, int j){ 
  if(j != 0) 
   System.out.print(" The first  "+j+"  Trip: \t"); 
  for(int i=1; i<hashmap.size(); code=""></hashmap.size();></integer,></hashmap.size();></integer,></integer,></integer,integer></integer,integer></code></code>

Quick sort

<code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs ">import java.util.HashMap; 
public class QuickSort { 
 private static int contrastCount = 0;// Compare the number of  
 private static int swapCount = 0;// Switching frequency  
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
  System.out.println(" Quicksort: \n  take 1 The Numbers are the dividing line, the ones that are smaller are on the left, the ones that are larger are on the right, and then you recurse to the left and the right , Time complexity O(nLgn), Space complexity O(n) Unstable sort ");  
  HashMap<integer,integer> hashMap = new HashMap<integer,integer>(); 
  init(hashMap);// Initialize the   
  System.out.println(" The initial sequence is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0, 0);// print  
  System.out.println(" Start quicksort: ");  
  // Sorting start time  
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  quick(hashMap, 1, hashMap.size()-1);// The sorting  
  // End of sorting time  
  long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  System.out.println(" The result is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0, 0);// Outputs the sequence at the end of the sort  
  hashMap.clear();// empty  
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+contrastCount+"  comparative \t"); 
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+swapCount+"  swaps \t"); 
  System.out.println(" Execution time is "+(end-start)+" ms "); 
  System.out.println("( Note: This output sequence is a sequence of code execution,   I'm going to recurse on the left hand side   again   The right-hand side recursively,   The recursive sequences in textbooks are often left and right at the same time, for the record )"); 
  *  Initialization function  
  * @param hashMap 
 private static void init(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap) { 
  hashMap.put(0, null);// The first 1 Place empty  
  hashMap.put(1, 10); 
  hashMap.put(2, 5); 
  hashMap.put(3, 11); 
  hashMap.put(4, 12); 
  hashMap.put(5, 13); 
  hashMap.put(6, 4); 
  hashMap.put(7, 1); 
  hashMap.put(8, 5); 
  hashMap.put(9, 8); 
  hashMap.put(10, 6); 
  hashMap.put(11, 4); 
  hashMap.put(12, 8);  
  *  Do quick sort  
  * @param hashMap  The table to be sorted  
  * @param low 
  * @param high 
 static int count = 1; 
 private static void quick(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap, int low, int high){ 
  if(low<high){ hashmap="" high="" int="" integer="" k="quickOnePass(hashMap," low="" param="" private="" static=""> hashMap, int low, int high){  
  hashMap.put(0, hashMap.get(low));// choose 1 A boundary value   At this time the first low Values in bit elements are no longer overwritten  
  swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
  while(low<high){ high="">hashMap.get(low)){// Start walking from left to right   Until you have the wrong data   or   The end of the    
    contrastCount++;// happen 1 comparative  
   if(low<high){ hashmap="" integer="" j="" k="" param="" private="" return="" static="" void=""> hashMap, int j, int k){ 
  if(j != 0) 
   System.out.print(" The first  "+j+"  Trip: ( Dividing line for "+k+")\t"); 
  for(int i=1; i<hashmap.size(); code=""></hashmap.size();></high){></high){></high){></integer,></integer,></integer,integer></integer,integer></code></code></code>

Direct selection sort

<code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs ">import java.util.HashMap; 
public class SelectionSort { 
 private static int contrastCount = 0;// Compare the number of  
 private static int swapCount = 0;// Switching frequency  
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
  System.out.println(" Selection sort: \n  Each time, select the smallest, and swap with the element at the corresponding location , Time complexity O(n^2), Space complexity O(1) Unstable sort ");   
  HashMap<integer,integer> hashMap = new HashMap<integer,integer>(); 
  init(hashMap);// Initialize the   
  System.out.println(" The initial sequence is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0, 0);// print  
  select(hashMap);// The sorting  
  *  Initialization function  
  * @param hashMap 
 private static void init(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap) { 
  hashMap.put(0, null);// The first 1 Place empty  
  hashMap.put(1, 10); 
  hashMap.put(2, 5); 
  hashMap.put(3, 11); 
  hashMap.put(4, 12); 
  hashMap.put(5, 13); 
  hashMap.put(6, 4); 
  hashMap.put(7, 1); 
  hashMap.put(8, 5); 
  hashMap.put(9, 8); 
  hashMap.put(10, 6); 
  hashMap.put(11, 4); 
  hashMap.put(12, 8);  
  *  Sort by selection  
  * @param hashMap  The table to be sorted  
 private static void select(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap){ 
  System.out.println(" Start sorting by selection: ");  
  // Sorting start time  
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  int count = 1;// Only count execution times  
  for(int i=hashMap.size()-1; i>1; i--){// The number of times you need to loop the query   The last 1 I don't have to worry about the elements  
   int k = i;// Record the subscript of the maximum value of the search sequence   The initial position is where the number should be placed  
   for(int j=1; j<i; code="" i="1;" int="" j=""></i;></integer,></integer,></integer,integer></integer,integer></code></code></code></code>

Heap sort

<code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs ">import java.util.HashMap; 
public class HeapSort { 
 private static int contrastCount = 0;// Compare the number of  
 private static int swapCount = 0;// Switching frequency  
 private static int printCount = 1;// Number of printings performed  
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
  System.out.println(" Heap sort: \n  First of all to establish 1 A heap (by first arranging the sequences 2 Tree, then from the bottom up, from right to left so that each 1 The parent node in the child tree is larger than the child node, and then records piled into the sequence from top to bottom, left to right.) ," 
    + "\n  Then take the root and bottom of the heap   The child node swap, collate the heap, and then repeatedly swap, collate, time complexity O(nlgn), Space complexity O(1) Unstable sort ");   
  HashMap<integer,integer> hashMap = new HashMap<integer,integer>(); 
  init(hashMap);// Initialize the   
  System.out.println(" The initial sequence is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0);// print  
  heap(hashMap);// The sorting  
  *  Initialization function  
  * @param hashMap 
 private static void init(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap) { 
  hashMap.put(0, null);// The first 1 Place empty  
  hashMap.put(1, 10); 
  hashMap.put(2, 5); 
  hashMap.put(3, 11); 
  hashMap.put(4, 12); 
  hashMap.put(5, 13); 
  hashMap.put(6, 4); 
  hashMap.put(7, 1); 
  hashMap.put(8, 5); 
  hashMap.put(9, 8); 
  hashMap.put(10, 6); 
  hashMap.put(11, 4); 
  hashMap.put(12, 8);  
  *  Heap sort  
  * @param hashMap  The table to be sorted  
 private static void heap(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap){ 
  System.out.println(" Start building a heap: ");   
  // Sorting start time 87 
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  for(int i=(hashMap.size()-1)/2; i>=1; i--){// Start building heap  
   sift(hashMap, i, hashMap.size()-1);// All the nodes should be in good position  
  System.out.println(" Built and successfully "); 
  for(int j=hashMap.size()-1; j>=1; j--){// Put the number one every time 1 The element and the last 1 An unsorted swap   Then adjust the regulation 1 One node is enough  
   hashMap.put(0, hashMap.get(1)); 
   hashMap.put(1, hashMap.get(j)); 
   hashMap.put(j, hashMap.get(0)); 
   sift(hashMap, 1, j-1);// The place that's left to sort is j-1 
   swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
   swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
   swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
  // End of sorting time  
  long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  System.out.println(" The result is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0);// Outputs the sequence at the end of the sort  
  hashMap.clear();// empty  
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+contrastCount+"  comparative \t"); 
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+swapCount+"  swaps \t"); 
  System.out.println(" Execution time is "+(end-start)+" ms "); 
  *  The first i Bit elements are moved to the appropriate position   Compared to the maximum value of its children   If there is an exchange   Continue the comparison  
  * @param hashMap 
  * @param i  The index of the number to be moved  
  * @param n  Represents the scope to look for   from 1 to n a  
 private static void sift(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap, int i, int n){ 
  int j = 2*i;//j for i The left child  
  hashMap.put(0, hashMap.get(i));// The number currently to be sorted  
  while(j<=n){// If there are left children  
   if(hashMap.containsKey(j+1) && hashMap.get(j)<hashmap.get(j+1)){ else="" hashmap="" i="j;// Transfer root node subscript " integer="" j="" param="" private="" static="" void=""> hashMap, int j){ 
  if(j != 0) 
   System.out.print(" The first  "+j+"  Trip: \t"); 
  for(int i=1; i<hashmap.size(); code=""></hashmap.size();></hashmap.get(j+1)){></integer,></integer,></integer,></integer,integer></integer,integer></code></code></code></code></code>

Merge sort

<code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs ">import java.util.HashMap; 
public class MergeSort { 
 private static int contrastCount = 0;// Compare the number of  
 private static int swapCount = 0;// Switching frequency  
 private static int printCount = 1;// Only count execution times  
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
  System.out.println(" Merge sort: \n  So let's break down the data n Group, and then no two groups start merging, adjacent two merge as 1 New ordered queues, and repeat the merge until the whole queue is ordered , Time complexity O(nlgn), Space complexity O(n) , stable sorting ");   
  HashMap<integer,integer> hashMap = new HashMap<integer,integer>();// unsorted  
  HashMap<integer,integer> hashMapNew = new HashMap<integer,integer>();// sorted  
  hashMapNew.put(0, null);// The first 1 Place empty  
  init(hashMap);// Initialize the   
  System.out.println(" The initial sequence is: "); 
  print(hashMap, 0);// print  
  System.out.println(" Starting merge sort: "); 
  // Sorting start time  
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis();   
  merge(hashMap, hashMapNew, 1, hashMap.size()-1);// The sorting  
  // End of sorting time  
  long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  System.out.println(" The result is: "); 
  print(hashMapNew, 0);// Outputs the sequence at the end of the sort  
  hashMap.clear();// empty  
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+contrastCount+"  comparative \t"); 
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+swapCount+"  swaps \t"); 
  System.out.println(" Execution time is "+(end-start)+" ms "); 
  System.out.println("( Note: This output sequence is a sequence of code execution,   I'm going to recurse on the left hand side   again   The right-hand side recursively,   The recursive sequences in textbooks are often left and right at the same time, for the record )"); 
  *  Initialization function  
  * @param hashMap 
 private static void init(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap) { 
  hashMap.put(0, null);// The first 1 Place empty  
  hashMap.put(1, 10); 
  hashMap.put(2, 5); 
  hashMap.put(3, 11); 
  hashMap.put(4, 12); 
  hashMap.put(5, 13); 
  hashMap.put(6, 4); 
  hashMap.put(7, 1); 
  hashMap.put(8, 5); 
  hashMap.put(9, 8); 
  hashMap.put(10, 6); 
  hashMap.put(11, 4); 
  hashMap.put(12, 8);  
  *  Merge sort  
  * @param hashMap  The table to be sorted  
  * @param hashMapNew  Sorted tables  
 private static void merge(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap, HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMapNew, int low, int high){ 
  if(low == high){ 
   hashMapNew.put(low, hashMap.get(low)); 
   swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
   int meddle = (int)((low+high)/2);// Will this 1 The median of the mean of a sequence number  
   merge(hashMap, hashMapNew, low, meddle);// Continue recursion on the left hand side of the sequence  
   merge(hashMap, hashMapNew, meddle+1, high);// Recurse the sequence on the right  
   mergeSort(hashMap, hashMapNew, low, meddle, high);// Combine adjacent sequences  
   for(int i=low; i<=high; i++){// Will already be sorted hashMapNew 【 low . high  】  covered hashMap 【 low . high In order to enter 1 Submerge recursively  
    hashMap.put(i, hashMapNew.get(i)); 
    swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
  *  Merge sort   The  【  low . meddle "And" meddle+1 . high And for 1 An orderly hashMapNew 【 low,high 】  
  * @param hashMap  The table to be sorted   
  * @param hashMapNew  Sorted tables  
  * @param low  low  
  * @param meddle  The median  
  * @param high  high  
 private static void mergeSort(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap, HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMapNew, int low, int meddle, int high){ 
  int k = low; 
  int j = meddle+1; 
  while(low<=meddle && j<=high){// The two sequences are combined 1 A sequence of   The order of arrival from childhood  
   if(hashMap.get(low) < hashMap.get(j)){ 
    hashMapNew.put(k++, hashMap.get(low++));// Put it in place  
    hashMapNew.put(k++, hashMap.get(j++));// Put it in place  
   contrastCount++;// happen 1 comparative  
   swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
  // If you have 1 There are too many squares   Then assign the value directly  
   hashMapNew.put(k++, hashMap.get(low++));// Put it in place  
   swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
   hashMapNew.put(k++, hashMap.get(j++));// Put it in place  
   swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
  print(hashMapNew, printCount++); 
  *  Prints the sorted elements  
  * @param hashMap  Sorted tables  
  * @param j  The first j Trip to sort  
 private static void print(HashMap<integer, integer=""> hashMap, int j){ 
  if(j != 0) 
   System.out.print(" The first  "+j+"  Trip: \t"); 
  for(int i=1; i<hashmap.size(); code=""></hashmap.size();></integer,></integer,></integer,></integer,></integer,></integer,></integer,integer></integer,integer></integer,integer></integer,integer></code></code></code></code></code></code>

Least-significant cardinality sort

<code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs "><code class="language-java hljs ">/** 
 *  Least-significant cardinality sort  
 * @author HHF 
public class LSDSort { 
 private static int contrastCount = 0;// Compare the number of  
 private static int swapCount = 0;// Switching frequency  
 private static int printCount = 1;// Only count execution times  
 public static void main(String[] args) { 
  System.out.println(" Lowest priority radix sort: \n  According to the bits, 10 Bit, hundreds sort, you don't have to compare, you just have to take the remainder of the logarithm and save it to the subscript 2 Dimension array, and then read in turn, each 1 The base system repeats in sequence  , Time complexity O(d ( n+rd ) ), Space complexity O(n+rd) , stable sorting ");   
  int[] data = { 173, 22, 93, 43, 55, 14, 28, 65, 39, 81, 33, 100 }; 
  System.out.println(" The initial sequence is: "); 
  print(data, 0);// print  
  LSD(data, 3); 
 public static void LSD(int[] number, int d) {// d How many bits are there in the largest number  
  int k = 0;//number The small scale  
  int n = 1;// When comparing 10 When a  n=10  When you compare the hundreds place  n=100  I'm going to lower the high to get the remainder  
  int m = 1;// Are comparing number The last digit of the data  
  int[][] temp = new int[10][number.length];//  The first of an array of 1 The dimension represents the possible remainder 0-9 2 Dimensions, in turn, record the same number of the remainder  
  int[] order = new int[10];//  An array of orderp[i] The remainder used to represent the bit is i The number of Numbers  
  // Sorting start time  
  long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  while (m <= d) {//d=5 Is more 5 time  
   for (int i = 0; i < number.length; i++) {// the number The remainder of the number inserted into temp in  
    int lsd = ((number[i] / n) % 10);// Find the remainder of the number  
    temp[lsd][order[lsd]] = number[i];// Save to the appropriate place  
    order[lsd]++;// This remainder has several Numbers  
    swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
   for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {// will temp The data is extracted sequentially  
    if (order[i] != 0)// If the remainder has no data, no consideration is required  
     for (int j = 0; j < order[i]; j++) {// A number that has a remainder 1 How many are there  
      number[k] = temp[i][j];//11 The assignment  
      swapCount++;// happen 1 swaps  
    order[i] = 0;// Set it to zero so we can go down 1 Time to use  
   n *= 10;// Into the system +1  Go forward  
   k = 0;// From the very beginning  
   m++;// Into the system +1 
   print(number, printCount++); 
  // End of sorting time  
  long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); 
  System.out.println(" The result is: "); 
  print(number, 0);// Outputs the sequence at the end of the sort  
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+contrastCount+"  comparative \t"); 
  System.out.print("1 A total of the  "+swapCount+"  swaps \t"); 
  System.out.println(" Execution time is "+(end-start)+" ms "); 
  *  Prints the sorted elements  
  * @param data  Sorted tables  
  * @param j  The first j Trip to sort  
 private static void print(int[] data, int j){ 
  if(j != 0) 
   System.out.print(" The first  "+j+"  Trip: \t"); 
  for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { 
   System.out.print(data[i] + " "); 
} </code></code></code></code></code></code></code>

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