Eclipse development java appears Failed to create the Virtual Machine error solution

  • 2020-07-21 07:44:11
  • OfStack

Eclipse development java appears Failed to create Java Virtual Machine error solution

1 Directly using Eclipse to develop Java, suddenly such a day, unable to start, splash window shows "Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine"

Modify the ES24en. ini configuration file to find the following snippet:








Is amended as:

 � launcher.XXMaxPermSize
 � launcher.XXMaxPermSize

Save and restart. It starts normally.

The next day, the problem arose again.

Try to modify other parameters when modifying parameters as follows:

# last 1 line


Is amended as:


eclipse started normally.

Why is 1 straight running well and suddenly this problem? (No environmental parameters have been modified.) At present, the reason is unknown, and we do not know whether there will be problems tomorrow.

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