How do I deploy the spring boot project into an tomcat container

  • 2020-06-15 09:09:25
  • OfStack

Publish the ES1en-ES2en project to the tomcat container as usual web project 1

1. Modify the packaging

Set it in pom.xml <packaging>war</packaging>

2. Remove the embedded tomcat plug-in

Find the spring-ES20en-ES21en-ES22en dependency node in ES17en. xml and add the following code.

  <!--  Remove embedment tomcat The plug-in  -->

3. Add servlet-ES27en dependencies

You can do either of the following. You can choose 1


4. Modify the startup class and override the initialization methods

We usually start with the main method, there is a startup class of App, the code is as follows:

public class Application {
  public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

We need a configuration similar to web.xml to launch the spring context by adding one SpringBootStartApplication class to the sibling of the Application class, as follows:

 *  Modify the startup class, inherit  SpringBootServletInitializer  Pay equal attention to writing  configure  methods 
public class SpringBootStartApplication extends SpringBootServletInitializer {
  protected SpringApplicationBuilder configure(SpringApplicationBuilder builder) {
    //  Notice that it points to the original main Method-Executed Application Start the class 
    return builder.sources(Application.class);

5. Package and deploy

In the project root directory (the directory containing pom.xml), type on the command line:

mvn clean package will do, and wait for the completion of packaging. [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS will be packaged successfully.

Then put the war package in target directory into webapps directory of tomcat, start tomcat, and deploy automatically.

Finally, type in the browser

http://localhost:[port number]/[package project name]/

Release success

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