Common problems and solutions when MyBatis parameter type is String

  • 2020-06-15 09:05:18
  • OfStack

1. Interpolation problem when the parameter is String

Suppose you have the following 1Dao interface method

public Account findByAccountType (String type)throws DaoException;

The corresponding Mapper xml

<select id="findByAccountType " parameterType="string" resultType="account">
  select *
  form account
    <if test ="type != null">

1 Generally we write in this way, which is true for other types, but for String it throws the following exception:

There is no getter for property named 'type ' in 'class java.lang.String'

Because MyBatis requires that if the parameter is String, no matter what the parameter of the interface method is, the reference in ES21en.xml needs to be changed to _parameter to be recognized:

<select id="findByAccountType " parameterType="string" resultType="account">
  select *
  form account
    <if test ="_parameter!= null">

2. Comparing string parameters for equality


<if test="_parameter == '1' ">


<if test='_parameter == "1" '>
<if test="_parameter == '1'.toString() ">

Note: The above questions are not limited to < if > Tags, other dynamic sql tags have the same problem when processing String.

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