java method to get the largest number from the int array

  • 2020-06-12 09:04:24
  • OfStack

The first thing is to have the concept of array, know what is an array, simply speaking is to store 1 group of data 1 combination, is an array... Ha ha

Given an int array, the program gets the maximum number from the array.

Thinking analysis:

1, 1 array can have a lot of Numbers, so if you want to take the largest number, that's just a number and a number and you can compare them and you can pick them, right
So: first define a variable to be the first number of the array, and then compare it with the second and third number of the array, when it encounters a larger number than itself, assign the dozen value to the variable, and then traverse to the end.


package com.itheima;
 * 2 ,   known 1 a int An array of ,  Program to get the largest number from an array .
 * @author
public class Test2 {
	public static void main(String[] args)
		int values[] = {1,2,9,3,4,5};
		int max = getMax(values);
		System.out.printf("The MAX values: %d\n", max);
	public static int getMax(int[] values)
		int tmp=Integer.MIN_VALUE;
			for(int i=0; i<values.length; i++)
					tmp = values[i];
		return tmp;		

This is how java gets the largest number from the int array, as shown in 1.

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