Java example of AC automaton full text retrieval

  • 2020-06-03 06:32:08
  • OfStack

Step 1: Build Trie tree and define Node type:

 * Created by zhaoyy on 2017/2/7.
interface Node {

  char value();

  boolean exists();

  boolean isRoot();

  Node parent();

  Node childOf(char c);

  Node fail();

  void setFail(Node node);

  void setExists(boolean exists);

  void add(Node child);

  List<Node> children();

Step 2: Implement two types of Node. If the vocabulary is all printable ASCII characters, use AsciiNode; otherwise (such as containing Chinese characters), use MapNode based on hash table. Both Node are integrated from AbstractNode:

 * Created by zhaoyy on 2017/2/8.
abstract class AbstractNode implements Node {

  private static final char EMPTY = '\0';
  private final char value;
  private final Node parent;
  private boolean exists;
  private Node fail;

  public AbstractNode(Node parent, char value) {
    this.parent = parent;
    this.value = value;
    this.exists = false; = null;

  public AbstractNode() {
    this(null, EMPTY);

  private static String tab(int n) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    return builder.toString();

  private static String toString(Node node, int depth) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    String tab = tab(depth);
    Node fail =;
    Node parent = node.parent();
        .append(" exists=\"")
        .append(" parent=\"")
        .append(parent == null ? "null" : parent.value())
        .append(" fail=\"")
        .append(fail == null ? "null" : fail.value())
    for (Node child : node.children())
      builder.append(toString(child, depth + 1));

    return builder.toString();

  public char value() {
    return value;

  public boolean exists() {
    return exists;

  public boolean isRoot() {
    return value == EMPTY;

  public Node parent() {
    return parent;

  public Node fail() {
    return fail;

  public void setFail(Node node) { = node;

  public void setExists(boolean exists) {
    this.exists = exists;

  public String toString() {
    return toString(this, 0);


 * Created by zhaoyy on 2017/2/8.
final class AsciiNode extends AbstractNode implements Node {

  private static final char FROM = 32;
  private static final char TO = 126;
  private final Node[] children;

  public AsciiNode() {
    this.children = new Node[TO - FROM + 1];

  public AsciiNode(Node parent, char value) {
    super(parent, value);
    this.children = new Node[TO - FROM + 1];

  public Node childOf(char c) {
    if (c >= FROM && c <= TO)
      return children[(int) c - FROM];
    else return null;

  public void add(Node child) {
    int index = (int) child.value();
    children[index - FROM] = child;

  public List<Node> children() {
    List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
    for (Node child : children)
      if (child != null)
    return nodes;


 * Created by zhaoyy on 2017/2/8.
final class MapNode extends AbstractNode implements Node {

  private final Map<Character, Node> children;

  public MapNode() {
    this.children = new HashMap<Character, Node>();

  public MapNode(Node parent, char value) {
    super(parent, value);
    this.children = new HashMap<Character, Node>();

  public Node childOf(char c) {
    return children.get(c);

  public void add(Node child) {
    children.put(child.value(), child);

  public List<Node> children() {
    List<Node> nodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
    return nodes;

Step 3.

First define an Node constructor:

 * Created by zhaoyy on 2017/2/8.
public interface NodeMaker {

  Node make(Node parent, char value);

  Node makeRoot();

Then AC automata is built to realize the creation and search methods:

 * Created by zhaoyy on 2017/2/7.
public final class WordTable {

  private final Node root;

  private WordTable(Collection<? extends CharSequence> words, NodeMaker maker) {
    Node root = buildTrie(words, maker);
    this.root = root;

  public static WordTable compile(Collection<? extends CharSequence> words) {
    if (words == null || words.isEmpty())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException();
    final NodeMaker maker;
    if (isAscii(words))
      maker = new NodeMaker() {
        public Node make(Node parent, char value) {
          return new AsciiNode(parent, value);

        public Node makeRoot() {
          return new AsciiNode();
    else maker = new NodeMaker() {
      public Node make(Node parent, char value) {
        return new MapNode(parent, value);

      public Node makeRoot() {
        return new MapNode();
    return new WordTable(words, maker);

  private static boolean isAscii(Collection<? extends CharSequence> words) {
    for (CharSequence word : words) {
      int len = word.length();
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        int c = (int) word.charAt(i);
        if (c < 32 || c > 126)
          return false;
    return true;

  private static Node buildTrie(Collection<? extends CharSequence> sequences, NodeMaker maker) {
    Node root = maker.makeRoot();
    for (CharSequence sequence : sequences) {
      int len = sequence.length();
      Node current = root;
      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        char c = sequence.charAt(i);
        Node node = current.childOf(c);
        if (node == null) {
          node = maker.make(current, c);
        current = node;
        if (i == len - 1)
    return root;

  private static void setFailNode(final Node root) {
    Queue<Node> queue = new LinkedList<Node>();
    while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
      Node parent = queue.poll();
      Node temp;
      for (Node child : parent.children()) {
        if (parent.isRoot())
        else {
          temp =;
          while (temp != null) {
            Node node = temp.childOf(child.value());
            if (node != null) {
            temp =;
          if (temp == null)

  public boolean findAnyIn(CharSequence cs) {
    int len = cs.length();
    Node node = root;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      Node next = node.childOf(cs.charAt(i));
      if (next == null) {
        next =;
        if (next == null) {
          node = root;
      if (next.exists())
        return true;

    return false;

  public List<MatchInfo> search(CharSequence cs) {
    if (cs == null || cs.length() == 0)
      return Collections.emptyList();
    List<MatchInfo> result = new ArrayList<MatchInfo>();
    int len = cs.length();
    Node node = root;
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
      Node next = node.childOf(cs.charAt(i));
      if (next == null) {
        next =;
        if (next == null) {
          node = root;
      if (next.exists()) {
        MatchInfo info = new MatchInfo(i, next);
        node = root;
      node = next;
    return result;

  public String toString() {
    return root.toString();

Define an entity that holds the search results:

 * Created by zhaoyy on 2017/2/7.
public final class MatchInfo {

  private final int index;
  private final String word;

  public MatchInfo(int index, String word) {
    this.index = index;
    this.word = word;

  public MatchInfo(int index, Node node) {
    StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    while (node != null) {
      if (!node.isRoot())
      node = node.parent();
    String word = builder.reverse().toString();
    this.index = index + 1 - word.length();
    this.word = word;

  public int getIndex() {
    return index;

  public String getWord() {
    return word;

  public String toString() {
    return index + ":" + word;

Step 4, call Demo:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    List<String> list = Arrays.asList("say", "her", "he", "she", "shr", "alone");
    WordTable table = WordTable.compile(list);

The output is as follows:

< exists="false" parent="null" fail="null">
 <s exists="false" parent=" " fail=" ">
 <a exists="false" parent="s" fail="a">
  <y exists="true" parent="a" fail=" ">
 <h exists="false" parent="s" fail="h">
  <e exists="true" parent="h" fail="e">
  <r exists="true" parent="h" fail=" ">
 <h exists="false" parent=" " fail=" ">
 <e exists="true" parent="h" fail=" ">
  <r exists="true" parent="e" fail=" ">
 <a exists="false" parent=" " fail=" ">
 <l exists="false" parent="a" fail=" ">
  <o exists="false" parent="l" fail=" ">
  <n exists="false" parent="o" fail=" ">
   <e exists="true" parent="n" fail=" ">
</ >

[1:she, 4:say, 31:alone]

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