Detail the processing of asynchronous requests by spring mvc

  • 2020-05-27 05:27:45
  • OfStack

Asynchronous processing of requests is added in spring mvc3.2 and above, which is encapsulated on the basis of servlet3.

1. Modify web.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<web-app version="3.0" xmlns=""

1.1. Declare version="3.0" and web-app_3_0.xsd

1.2. Enable asynchronous support for servlet or filter Settings: < async-supported > true < /async-supported > , modify the web.xml application of WEB

<!-- spring mvc -->

2. Make controller class support async

2.1, return java. util. concurrent. Callable asynchronous processing to complete

package org.springframework.samples.mvc.async;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller;
import org.springframework.ui.Model;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.async.WebAsyncTask;
public class CallableController {
  public @ResponseBody Callable<String> callable() {
    return new Callable<String>() {
      public String call() throws Exception {
        return "Callable result";
  public Callable<String> callableWithView(final Model model) {
    return new Callable<String>() {
      public String call() throws Exception {
        model.addAttribute("foo", "bar");
        model.addAttribute("fruit", "apple");
        return "views/html";
  public @ResponseBody Callable<String> callableWithException(
      final @RequestParam(required=false, defaultValue="true") boolean handled) {
    return new Callable<String>() {
      public String call() throws Exception {
        if (handled) {
          // see handleException method further below
          throw new IllegalStateException("Callable error");
        else {
          throw new IllegalArgumentException("Callable error");
  public @ResponseBody WebAsyncTask<String> callableWithCustomTimeoutHandling() {
    Callable<String> callable = new Callable<String>() {
      public String call() throws Exception {
        return "Callable result";
    return new WebAsyncTask<String>(1000, callable);
  public String handleException(IllegalStateException ex) {
    return "Handled exception: " + ex.getMessage();

2.2, the asynchronous returns org. When processing is complete. springframework web. context. request. async. DeferredResult other threads, such as 1 or 1 AMQP JMS message, Redis notice, etc. :

public DeferredResult<String> quotes() {
 DeferredResult<String> deferredResult = new DeferredResult<String>();
 // Add deferredResult to a Queue or a Map...
 return deferredResult;
// In some other thread...
// Remove deferredResult from the Queue or Map

3. Modification of spring configuration file

spring mvc's dtd declaration must be greater than or equal to 3.2

<!--  Instead of setting, use the default timeout  -->
  <mvc:async-support default-timeout="3000"/>

Examples of actual use:

function deferred(){
    deferred();// Each request completed , Again hair 1 Time request , Avoid client periodic refreshes to retrieve data 

The benefit of this is to avoid the performance problems caused by the long-term use of the web server connection pool, and to generate a non-web service thread to handle the call, increasing the throughput of the web server

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