Use case details of the Java annotation

  • 2020-05-26 08:37:13
  • OfStack

Use of Java annotations

The use of annotations is very simple. Just indicate a comment where it is needed, such as on a method:

public class Test { 
public String tostring() { 
return "override it"; 

For example, annotations on a class:

public class Test { 

So Java's built-in annotations can be used directly, but many times we need to define our own annotations. For example, spring commonly USES a large number of annotations to manage dependencies between objects. Let's see how to define one of your own annotations, and implement one that injects a string into a class via @Test and a string into a method via @TestMethod.

1. Create an Test annotation that declares the class to be acted on and retained at runtime, with the default value of default.

public @interface Test { 
String value() default "default"; 

2. Create TestMethod annotations that declare the action on the method and leave it at runtime.

public @interface TestMethod { 
String value(); 

3. Test class, after running, output default and tomcat-method strings. Since @Test has no incoming value, output the default value, while @TestMethod outputs the injected string.

public class AnnotationTest { 
public void test(){ 
public static void main(String[] args){ 
Test t = AnnotationTest.class.getAnnotation(Test.class); 
TestMethod tm = null; 
try { 
tm = AnnotationTest.class.getDeclaredMethod("test",null).getAnnotation(TestMethod.class); 
} catch (Exception e) { 

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