SpringMVC receive request parameters and page parameters

  • 2020-05-19 04:59:47
  • OfStack

spring receive request parameters:

1. Get it using HttpServletRequest

public String login(HttpServletRequest request){ 
  String name = request.getParameter("name") 
  String pass = request.getParameter("pass") 

2,Spring will automatically inject form parameters into method parameters, and the name property of the form will remain 1. And Struts21

public String login(HttpServletRequest request, 
                String name, 
 @RequestParam("pass")String password) //  The form properties are pass, With variable password receive  

3. Automatically inject Bean properties

<form action="login.do"> 
 User name: <input name="name"/> 
 Password: <input name="pass"/> 
<input type="submit" value=" landing "> 
// encapsulated User class  
public class User{ 
 private String name; 
 private String pass; 

public String login(User user) 

Pass value to page:

When the Controller component is processed, pass the value to the jsp page,

1, use HttpServletRequest and Session and then setAttribute(), just like 1 in Servlet

2, use the ModelAndView object

3, use the ModelMap object

4. Use the @ModelAttribute annotation

The Model data is passed to success.jsp using HttpServletRequest's Attribute

public ModelAndView login(String name,String pass){ 
  User user = userService.login(name,pwd); 
  Map<String,Object> data = new HashMap<String,Object>(); 
  return new ModelAndView("success",data); 

Example using ModelMap parameter object:

ModelMap data is passed to success.jsp using Attribute of HttpServletRequest

public String login(String name,String pass ,ModelMap model){ 
  User user = userService.login(name,pwd); 
  return "success"; 

Use the @ModelAttribute example

Used on the arguments section of the Controller method or on the Bean attribute method
The @ModelAttribute data is passed to success.jsp using HttpServletRequest's Attribute

public String login(@ModelAttribute("user") User user){ 
  return "success"; 
public String getName(){ 
  return name; 

Session storage:

You can take advantage of HttpServletReequest's getSession() method

public String login(String name,String pwd 
              ModelMap model,HttpServletRequest request){ 
   User user = serService.login(name,pwd); 
   HttpSession session = request.getSession(); 
   return "success"; 

By default, Spring MVC USES forwarding to locate views. If you want to use redirection, you can do the following

1. Use RedirectView

2, use redirect: prefix

public ModelAndView login(){ 
  RedirectView view = new RedirectView("regirst.do"); 
  return new ModelAndView(view); 

Or use the following methods, which are commonly used at work:

public String login(){ 
  return "redirect:regirst.do"; 

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