uploadify upload and background file validation code analysis

  • 2020-05-16 07:01:59
  • OfStack

Background upload method

@RequestMapping(value = "/api_upload", method = RequestMethod.POST) 
public @ResponseBody String upload(HttpServletRequest request,HttpServletResponse response) { 
// Get upload path  
String uploadFilePath=ParameterConstants.UPLOAD_FILE_PATH; 
String storePath=""; 
MultipartHttpServletRequest multipartRequest = (MultipartHttpServletRequest) request; 
//  Gets the foreground pass value  
String[] folders = multipartRequest.getParameterValues("path"); 
String folder = ""; 
if (folders != null) { 
folder = folders[0]; 
Map<String, MultipartFile> fileMap = multipartRequest.getFileMap(); 
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMM"); 
String ymd = sdf.format(new Date()); 
storePath += ymd + "/"; 
//  Create folders  
File file = new File(uploadFilePath+storePath); 
if (!file.exists()) { 
String fileName = null; 
String path = null; 
for (Map.Entry<String, MultipartFile> entity : fileMap.entrySet()) { 
//  Upload file name  
MultipartFile mf = entity.getValue(); 
fileName = mf.getOriginalFilename(); 
String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString().replaceAll("\\-", "");//  return 1 A random UUID .  
String suffix = fileName.indexOf(".") != -1 ? fileName.substring( 
fileName.lastIndexOf("."), fileName.length()) : null; 
String newFileName = uuid + (suffix != null ? suffix : "");//  Constitutes the new file name.  
File uploadFile = new File(uploadFilePath+storePath + newFileName); 
try { 
*  Verify the validity of the uploaded file  
CommonsMultipartFile cmf =(CommonsMultipartFile)mf; 
boolean isValid=CheckoutFileType.getUpFilelegitimacyFlag(cmf.getFileItem(),".jpg.gif.png.jpeg"); 
System.out.println(" Uploading pictures is illegal "); 
return null; 
FileCopyUtils.copy(mf.getBytes(), uploadFile); 
storePath = storePath + newFileName; 
} catch (IOException e) { 
return storePath; 

File validity validation class

package com.kaiyuan.common.util; 
import java.io.FileInputStream; 
import java.io.IOException; 
import java.io.InputStream; 
import java.util.HashMap; 
import java.util.Map; 
import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem; 
* @Description:  Processing uploaded attachments , Check for legality   On the server side, the problem of file type is judged. Therefore, the method of obtaining the file header is used.  
*  Read the first few bytes of the file directly to determine if the uploaded file is formatted  
public class CheckoutFileType { 
//  Record each file header and the corresponding file type  
public static Map<String, String> mFileTypes = new HashMap<String, String>(); 
//  All legal file suffixes  
public static String res_fileType = ".jpg.gif.png.jpeg"; 
static { 
// images 
mFileTypes.put("FFD8FFE0", ".jpg"); 
mFileTypes.put("89504E47", ".png"); 
mFileTypes.put("47494638", ".gif"); 
mFileTypes.put("49492A00", ".tif"); 
mFileTypes.put("424D", ".bmp"); 
// PS and CAD 
mFileTypes.put("38425053", ".psd"); 
mFileTypes.put("41433130", ".dwg"); // CAD 
mFileTypes.put("252150532D41646F6265", ".ps"); 
//  Office document class  
mFileTypes.put("D0CF11E0", ".doc"); // ppt , doc , xls 
mFileTypes.put("504B0304", ".docx");// pptx , docx , xlsx 
/**  Note that due to the text document input content is too much, when reading the file header is more variable -START **/ 
mFileTypes.put("0D0A0D0A", ".txt");// txt 
mFileTypes.put("0D0A2D2D", ".txt");// txt 
mFileTypes.put("0D0AB4B4", ".txt");// txt 
mFileTypes.put("B4B4BDA8", ".txt");//  The head of the file is Chinese character  
mFileTypes.put("73646673", ".txt");// txt, The head of the file is in English letters  
mFileTypes.put("32323232", ".txt");// txt, The file header is a number  
mFileTypes.put("0D0A09B4", ".txt");// txt, The file header is a number  
mFileTypes.put("3132330D", ".txt");// txt, The file header is a number  
/**  Note that due to the text document input content is too much, when reading the file header is more variable -END **/ 
mFileTypes.put("7B5C727466", ".rtf"); //  diary  
mFileTypes.put("255044462D312E", ".pdf"); 
//  Video or audio  
mFileTypes.put("3026B275", ".wma"); 
mFileTypes.put("57415645", ".wav"); 
mFileTypes.put("41564920", ".avi"); 
mFileTypes.put("4D546864", ".mid"); 
mFileTypes.put("2E524D46", ".rm"); 
mFileTypes.put("000001BA", ".mpg"); 
mFileTypes.put("000001B3", ".mpg"); 
mFileTypes.put("6D6F6F76", ".mov"); 
mFileTypes.put("3026B2758E66CF11", ".asf"); 
//  Compressed package  
mFileTypes.put("52617221", ".rar"); 
mFileTypes.put("1F8B08", ".gz"); 
//  Program files  
mFileTypes.put("3C3F786D6C", ".xml"); 
mFileTypes.put("68746D6C3E", ".html"); 
mFileTypes.put("7061636B", ".java"); 
mFileTypes.put("3C254020", ".jsp"); 
mFileTypes.put("4D5A9000", ".exe"); 
mFileTypes.put("44656C69766572792D646174653A", ".eml"); //  mail  
mFileTypes.put("5374616E64617264204A", ".mdb");// Access Database file  
mFileTypes.put("46726F6D", ".mht"); 
mFileTypes.put("4D494D45", ".mhtml"); 
*  Gets file header information based on the file's input stream  
* @param filePath 
*  The file path  
* @return  File header information  
public static String getFileType(InputStream is) { 
byte[] b = new byte[4]; 
if (is != null) { 
try { 
is.read(b, 0, b.length); 
} catch (IOException e) { 
return mFileTypes.get(getFileHeader(b)); 
*  Gets file header information based on the byte array the file is converted to  
* @param filePath 
*  The file path  
* @return  File header information  
public static String getFileHeader(byte[] b) { 
String value = bytesToHexString(b); 
return value; 
*  The file that will read the header information byte Array to string Type said   The following code is used to verify the file type.  
*  Place the bytes in front of the array 4 A convert 16 Base string, and when you convert, you first sum 0xFF do 1 Subsum operation.  
*  This is because there are a lot of negative Numbers in the byte array of the entire file stream, and you can get rid of all the symbol bits in front of you,  
*  So that translates to theta 16 Base strings are kept at most two digits, if positive and less than 10 , so only after the transformation 1 position  
*  You need to fill in the front 0 The purpose of doing so is to facilitate comparison before taking out 4 The bit loop can be terminated  
* @param src The file whose header information is to be read byte An array of  
* @return  File header information  
private static String bytesToHexString(byte[] src) { 
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); 
if (src == null || src.length <= 0) { 
return null; 
String hv; 
for (int i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { 
//  In order to 106 Base (base)  16 ) returned as an unsigned integer 1 A string representation of an integer parameter, converted to uppercase  
hv = Integer.toHexString(src[i] & 0xFF).toUpperCase(); 
if (hv.length() < 2) { 
System.out.println(" Gets file header information :" + builder.toString()); 
return builder.toString(); 
*  Determine if the uploaded file is legal   ( 1 ), the first 1 : check the file extension,  (2 ),   The first 2 : to check the documents MIME type   .  
* @param attachDoc 
* @return boolean 
public static boolean getUpFilelegitimacyFlag(FileItem attachDoc,String allowType) { 
boolean upFlag = false;//  To be true means that the upload condition is met, while to be false means that the standard does not meet  
if (attachDoc != null) { 
String attachName = attachDoc.getName(); 
System.out.println("####### Uploaded file :" + attachName); 
if (!"".equals(attachName) && attachName != null) { 
/**  Returns the index of the specified substring that appears on the rightmost side of this string  **/ 
String sname = attachName 
/**  system 1 Convert to lowercase  **/ 
sname = sname.toLowerCase(); 
/**  The first 1 Step: check the file extension to see if it meets the required scope  **/ 
if (allowType.indexOf(sname) != -1) { 
upFlag = true; 
*  The first 2 Step: get the file header of the uploaded attachment and determine which type it belongs to , And get its extension   Read the first few bytes of the file directly to determine if the uploaded file is formatted  
*  Prevents upload attachments from changing the extension to bypass validation  
if (upFlag) { 
byte[] b = new byte[4]; 
String req_fileType = null; 
try { 
req_fileType = getFileType(attachDoc.getInputStream()); 
} catch (IOException e) { 
// TODO Auto-generated catch block 
System.out.println("/////// The type of file the user uploads ///////////" 
+ req_fileType); 
/**  The first 3 Step: check the file extension to see if it meets the required scope  **/ 
if (req_fileType != null && !"".equals(req_fileType) 
&& !"null".equals(req_fileType)) { 
/**  The first 4 Step: verify the uploaded file extension is within its specified scope  **/ 
if (allowType.indexOf(req_fileType) != -1) { 
upFlag = true; 
} else { 
upFlag = false; 
} else { 
/**  Special case check , If the user uploads the extension name , Text file , Upload is allowed -START **/ 
if (sname.indexOf(".txt") != -1) { 
upFlag = true; 
} else { 
upFlag = false; 
/**  Special case check , If the user uploads the extension name , Text file , Upload is allowed -END **/ 
return upFlag; 
*  Main function for testing  
* @param args 
* @throws Exception 
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
// final String fileType = getFileType("D:/BICP-HUAWEI.mht"); 
FileInputStream is = null; 
String value = null; 
String filePath = "e:/aa/c.txt"; 
try { 
is = new FileInputStream(filePath); 
byte[] b = new byte[4]; 
is.read(b, 0, b.length); 
value = bytesToHexString(b); 
} catch (Exception e) { 
} finally { 
if (null != is) { 
try { 
} catch (IOException e) { 

Front-end upload js

$(document).ready(function() { 
new TextMagnifier({ 
inputElem: '#bankCardNo', 
align: 'top', 
splitType: [4,4,4,5,5], 
delimiter:' ' 
'formData' : { 
'swf' : '${pageContext.request.contextPath}/js/upload/uploadify.swf', 
'uploader' : getBasePath()+'/upload/api_upload;jsessionid=${pageContext.session.id}', 
'cancelImg' : '${pageContext.request.contextPath}/js/upload/uploadify-cancel.png', 
'buttonText': ' upload ', 
'auto' : true, 
'multi' : true, 
'fileTypeExts': '*.jpg;*.gif;*.png;*.jpeg;', 
'fileTypeDesc': ' upload ', 
'onUploadSuccess':function(file,data,response) { 
if(data!=null && data.length>0){ 
var uploadFiles=$("#tickets").val().split(','); 
var uploadFileSize=uploadFiles.length; 
layer.msg(" Up to upload 5 image "); 
return ; 
/* layer.ready(function(){ 
photos: '#imgShow', 
}); */ 
layer.msg(" Upload failed "); 
'onUploadError':function(file, errorCode, errorMsg, errorString) { 
if(errorString.indexOf('The upload limit has been reached')){ 
'onSelect' : function(file) { 
//alert('The file ' + file.name + ' was added to the queue.'); 
'onSelectError' : function(file, errorCode, errorMsg){ 
case -110: 
layer.msg(" The file size is over 2M"); 
case -100: 
layer.msg(" Up to upload 5 image "); 
'onDialogClose' : function(queueData) { 
var uploadFiles=$("#tickets").val().split(','); 
var uploadFileSize=uploadFiles.length; 
layer.msg(" Up to upload 5 image "); 
return false; 

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