Implementation data collation of Java singleton pattern

  • 2020-05-12 02:34:55
  • OfStack

The implementation of Java singleton pattern is summarized in this paper. The implementation methods of java singleton pattern are summarized as follows:

This is what the singleton pattern says in many books:

public class SingleTon1 {
  private SingleTon1(){ 
  private static SingleTon1 instance = null;
  public static SingleTon1 getInstance(){
    if(instance == null){
      instance = new SingleTon1();
    return instance;

But the actual development is not so write, because there is a serious problem, multi-threaded concurrent access, may produce multiple instances!!

Here are some common methods:

1. Use the synchronized keyword

package singleton;
public class SingleTon1 {
  private SingleTon1(){
  private static SingleTon1 instance = null;
  // Multithreaded problem solving 1 But not very efficient! Because every call is locked! 
  public static synchronized SingleTon1 getInstance(){
    if(instance == null){
      instance = new SingleTon1();
    return instance;
  public void print(){
  private static Object object = new Object();
  // Very clever method, only in null Lock it in, then leave it out 
  public static SingleTon1 getInstance2(){
    if(instance == null){
      synchronized (object){
        instance = new SingleTon1();
    return instance;

2. Lock

package singleton;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
public class SingleTon2 {
  private SingleTon2(){
  private static ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
  private static SingleTon2 instance = null;
  public void print(){
  public static SingleTon2 getInstance2(){
    if(instance == null){
      if(instance == null){ // Notice here also to judge!! 
        instance = new SingleTon2();
    return instance;

3. Use of static variables:

package singleton;
public class SingleTon3 {
  public static void print(){
  public static Nested getNested(){
    return Nested.instance;
  // This is the class created by the singleton 
  static class Nested{
   private Nested(){
  static Nested instance = new Nested();

This is a common pattern for creating singletons:

Test test code:

package singleton;
import singleton.SingleTon3.Nested;
public class Test2 {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    Nested singleton;
    Myrunnable mm = new Myrunnable();
    Myrunnable m1 = new Myrunnable();
    Myrunnable2 m2 = new Myrunnable2();
    new Thread(m1).start();
    new Thread(m2).start();
    if(m1.singleton == m2.singleton){ // Is the same 1 a 
      System.out.println(" Is the same 1 a ");
      System.out.println(" Is not the same 1 a ");
  class Myrunnable implements Runnable{
    Nested singleton;
      public void run() {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        singleton = SingleTon3.getNested();
  class Myrunnable2 implements Runnable{
    Nested singleton;
    public void run() {
      // TODO Auto-generated method stub
      singleton = SingleTon3.getNested();


Is the same one


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