Talk about the difference between mybatis and $and how to prevent the injection of sql

  • 2020-05-12 02:34:48
  • OfStack

The difference between # and $in mybatis

1. Treat all incoming data as a string, and put a double quotation mark on the automatically incoming data. For example, order by #user_id#, if the value passed in is 111, then order by "111" will be the value parsed into sql; if the value passed in is id, sql will be order by "id".

2. $generates the incoming data directly in sql. For example, order by $user_id$, if the value passed in is 111, then the value parsed into order by user_id will be order by user_id, if the value passed in is id, then the value parsed into sql will be order by id.

3. # prevents sql injection to a large extent.

4. The $method does not prevent Sql injection.

5.$1 is generally used to pass in database objects, such as table names.

6.1 if you can use #, don't use $.

Prevent Sql injection

Note: the SQL statement should not be written as select * from t_stu s_name name like '%$name$%', which makes it extremely vulnerable to injection attacks.

Parameters in the form of "${xxx}" are directly involved in sql compilation and cannot avoid injection attacks. But when it comes to dynamic table names and column names, you can only use parameter formats like "${xxx}".

When writing mybatis mapping statements, try to use a format such as "#{xxx}". If you have to use a parameter like "${xxx}", do the filtering manually to prevent an sql injection attack.


<sql id="condition_where">  
  <isNotEmpty property="companyName" prepend=" and ">  
    t1.company_name like #companyName#  

The java code is pretty much the same as your old one, but there's nothing wrong with it. Would you mind encapsulating null and '%' into one method

if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(this.companyName)) {  
  table.setCompanyName("%" + this.companyName + "%");  

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