Use Java to write utility classes that control the connection execution and closure of JDBC

  • 2020-05-05 11:19:29
  • OfStack

simple Java database connection and close utility class
People who write JDBC apps often have a headache shutting down resources. The code is so boring, how can you close it with simple code

   *  Close all closed resources  
   * @param objs  Closable resource objects are Connection , Statement , ResultSet , other types of resources are automatically ignored  
  public static void closeAll(Object... objs) { 
    for (Object obj : objs) { 
      if (obj instanceof Connection) close((Connection) obj); 
      if (obj instanceof Statement) close((Statement) obj); 
      if (obj instanceof ResultSet) close((ResultSet) obj); 

This method, with the "..." Parameter, this is actually the variable-parameter method in Java5. You can simply close the resource object you want to close, regardless of the order or number. For example:

catch (SQLException e) { 
    } finally { 
      DBTools.closeAll(stmt, pstmt1, pstmt2, conn); 

Here's how to write the class in its entirety:

package com.lavasoft.ibatistools.common; 

import com.lavasoft.ibatistools.bean.Table; 
import com.lavasoft.ibatistools.metadata.DataSourceMetaData; 
import com.lavasoft.ibatistools.metadata.MySQLDataSourceMetaData; 

import java.sql.*; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Properties; 

*  simple Java Database connection and closing utility classes  
* @author leizhimin 11-12-20  In the afternoon 4:32 
public class DBTools { 
  private static String driverClassName, url, user, password; 

  static { 

  private static void init() { 
    InputStream in = DBTools.class.getResourceAsStream("/com/lavasoft/ibatistools/"); 
    Properties preps = new Properties(); 
    try { 
      driverClassName = preps.getProperty("jdbc.driver"); 
      url = preps.getProperty("jdbc.url"); 
      user = preps.getProperty("jdbc.username"); 
      password = preps.getProperty("jdbc.password"); 
    } catch (IOException e) { 

   *  To create a JDBC The connection  
   * @return  a JDBC The connection  
  public static Connection makeConnection() { 
    Connection conn = null; 
    try { 
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password); 
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
    } catch (SQLException e) { 
    return conn; 

  public static void close(Connection conn) { 
    if (conn != null) 
      try { 
      } catch (SQLException e) { 

  public static void close(ResultSet rs) { 
    if (rs != null) 
      try { 
      } catch (SQLException e) { 

  public static void close(Statement stmt) { 
    if (stmt != null) 
      try { 
      } catch (SQLException e) { 

   *  Close all closed resources  
   * @param objs  Closable resource objects are Connection , Statement , ResultSet , other types of resources are automatically ignored  
  public static void closeAll(Object... objs) { 
    for (Object obj : objs) { 
      if (obj instanceof Connection) close((Connection) obj); 
      if (obj instanceof Statement) close((Statement) obj); 
      if (obj instanceof ResultSet) close((ResultSet) obj); 

  public static void main(String[] args) { 
    DataSourceMetaData dbmd = MySQLDataSourceMetaData.instatnce(); 
    List<Table> tableList = dbmd.getAllTableMetaData(DBTools.makeConnection()); 
    for (Table table : tableList) { 

Because you are writing the tool and the connection is used sparingly, jdbc mode is used instead of connection pooling. The closing method is a great way to use, reducing the amount of code, and increasing the reliability and quality of the program.

A simple JDBC general utility
Support a variety of databases, unified way to generate connections, optimization, the simplest way to release resources.
Welcome to clap brick!

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; 
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; 

import java.sql.*; 
import java.util.List; 
import java.util.Properties; 

*  General database operation tools to provide database connection acquisition, SQL Execution, resource closure and other functions, support the database as Oracle10g , MySQL5.x . </P> 
* @author leizhimin 2012-03-05 11:22 
public class DBToolkit { 
  private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DBToolkit.class); 

  static { 
    try { 
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { 
      log.error(" Error loading database driver! "); 

   *  Create a database connection  
   * @param url     Database connection URL string  
   * @param properties  An arbitrary string token as a connection parameter / A list of value pairs; Usually at least  "user"  and  "password"  attribute  
   * @return  a JDBC Database connection to  
   * @throws SQLException  Thrown when the fetch connection fails  
  public static Connection makeConnection(String url, Properties properties) throws SQLException { 
    Connection conn = null; 
    try { 
      conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, properties); 
    } catch (SQLException e) { 
      log.error(" An exception occurred to obtain a database connection ", e); 
      throw e; 
    return conn; 

   *  Execute a static on a database connection SQL Statement query  
   * @param conn    Database connection  
   * @param staticSql  static SQL Statement string  
   * @return  Returns the query result set ResultSet object  
   * @throws SQLException  Thrown when an exception is executed  
  public static ResultSet executeQuery(Connection conn, String staticSql) throws SQLException { 
    ResultSet rs = null; 
    try { 
      // Please create SQL The object of  
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); 
      // perform SQL , and get the returned result  
      rs = stmt.executeQuery(staticSql); 
    } catch (SQLException e) { 
      log.error(" perform SQL Statement error, please check! \n" + staticSql); 
      throw e; 
    return rs; 

   *  Execute a static on a database connection SQL statements  
   * @param conn    Database connection  
   * @param staticSql  static SQL Statement string  
   * @throws SQLException  Thrown when an exception is executed  
  public static void executeSQL(Connection conn, String staticSql) throws SQLException { 
    Statement stmt = null; 
    try { 
      // Please create SQL The object of  
      stmt = conn.createStatement(); 
      // perform SQL , and get the returned result  
    } catch (SQLException e) { 
      log.error(" perform SQL Statement error, please check! \n" + staticSql); 
      throw e; 
    } finally { 

   *  Perform a batch of static executions on a database connection SQL statements  
   * @param conn   Database connection  
   * @param sqlList  static SQL Statement string collection  
   * @throws SQLException  Thrown when an exception is executed  
  public static void executeBatchSQL(Connection conn, List<String> sqlList) throws SQLException { 
    try { 
      // Please create SQL The object of  
      Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); 
      for (String sql : sqlList) { 
      // perform SQL , and get the returned result  
    } catch (SQLException e) { 
      log.error(" Perform batch SQL Statement error, please check! "); 
      throw e; 

   *  To obtain Oracle Data a specified Sequence The next value  
   * @param conn    Database connection  
   * @param seq_name Sequence The name of the  
   * @return Sequence The next value  
  public static long sequenceNextval(Connection conn, String seq_name) { 
    long val = -1L; 
    Statement stmt = null; 
    ResultSet rs = null; 
    try { 
      // Please create SQL The object of  
      stmt = conn.createStatement(); 
      // perform SQL , and get the returned result  
      rs = stmt.executeQuery("select " + seq_name + ".nextval from dual"); 
      if ( val = rs.getLong(1); 
    } catch (SQLException e) { 
      log.error("#ERROR# : To obtain Sequence Error value, please check! \n" + seq_name); 
      throw new RuntimeException(e); 
    } finally { 
    return val; 

   *  Close all closable JDBC Resources, regardless of their order, can always be executed in the right order  
   * @param objs  Closable resource objects are Connection , Statement , ResultSet , other types of resources are automatically ignored  
  public static void closeAll(Object... objs) { 
    for (Object obj : objs) 
      if (obj instanceof ResultSet) close((ResultSet) obj); 
    for (Object obj : objs) 
      if (obj instanceof Statement) close((Statement) obj); 
    for (Object obj : objs) 
      if (obj instanceof Connection) close((Connection) obj); 

  private static void close(Connection conn) { 
    if (conn != null) 
      try { 
      } catch (SQLException e) { 
        log.error(" Closed database connection abnormal! "); 

  private static void close(ResultSet rs) { 
    if (rs != null) 
      try { 
      } catch (SQLException e) { 
        log.error(" Closed result set abnormal! "); 

  private static void close(Statement stmt) { 
    if (stmt != null) 
      try { 
      } catch (SQLException e) { 
        log.error(" Shut down SQL Statement exception! "); 

   *  Test code, no use  
   * @param args 
   * @throws SQLException 
  public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException { 
    String tns = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@\n" + 
        "(description= \n" + 
        "\t(ADDRESS_LIST =\n" + 
        "\t\t(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=\n" + 
        "\t\t(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=\n" + 
        "\t\t(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=\n" + 
        "\t\t(load_balance=yes)\n" + 
        "\t)\n" + 
        "\t(connect_data =\n" + 
        "\t\t(service_name=KFCS)\n" + 
        "\t\t(failover_mode =\n" + 
        "\t\t\t(type=session)\n" + 
        "\t\t\t(method=basic)\n" + 
        "\t\t\t(retries=5)\n" + 
        "\t\t\t(delay=15)\n" + 
        "\t\t)\n" + 
        "\t)\n" + 
    Properties p_ora = new Properties(); 
    p_ora.put("user", "base"); 
    p_ora.put("password", "1qaz!QAZ"); 
    p_ora.put("internal_logon", "normal"); 

    Connection ora_conn = makeConnection(tns, p_ora); 
    ResultSet rs1 = ora_conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select count(1) from base.cfg_static_data");; 

    Properties p_mysql = new Properties(); 
    p_mysql.put("user", "root"); 
    p_mysql.put("password", "leizm"); 
    String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/tdmc"; 
    Connection mysql_conn = makeConnection(url, p_mysql); 
    ResultSet rs2 = mysql_conn.createStatement().executeQuery("select count(1) from cfg_code");; 

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