Java sends mail javax.mail

  • 2020-05-05 11:12:06
  • OfStack

Direct on the source:
1. Basic message information (set to static for convenience)
below is best as an javabean

package com.lgf.Email; 
import java.util.Date; 
public class EmailMessage  
   *  Message in the mail , You can set it up yourself.  
   *  To make it easy to set it all to static  
//  Recipient's mailbox  
  public static String TO = "";   
//  Sender email  
  public static String FROM = "";  
  public static String FROM_NAME = "xxx";  
//   Cc people    
  public static String CC="";   
//   Dark to send people  
  public static String BCC="";     
//  Type of message  
  public static String Email_Content = "text/plain"; 
//  Email title  
  public static String Email_Subject = "Test Email With JavaMail";   
//  header  
  public static String Email_Header = "This Is Email Header";   
//  content  
  public static String Email_Body = "<a href=\"\">This Is Email Body</a>";  
//  The server   Such as QQ Can be set to 
  public static String Email_Host = "";      
//  Send time  
  public static Date sendDate = new Date();  
//  Do you need to verify the username and password  
  public static boolean validate = true;    

2. Server authentication (that is, the user name and password at the time of normal login)

package com.lgf.Email; 
import javax.mail.Authenticator; 
import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication; 
 *  Authentication of username and password  
 * @author lgf 
public class MailAuthenticator extends Authenticator{ 
  private String username="xxxxx";   
  private String password="xxxxx";   
  public MailAuthenticator() { 
   *  Set the username and password for authentication  
  public MailAuthenticator(String userName , String password) { 
    this.username = userName; 
    this.password = password; 
  protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() 
    return new PasswordAuthentication(this.username,this.password);   

  3. Set up the information and steps
before sending the email

package com.lgf.Email; 
import java.util.Properties; 
import javax.activation.DataHandler; 
import javax.activation.DataSource; 
import javax.activation.FileDataSource; 
import javax.mail.Address; 
import javax.mail.Authenticator; 
import javax.mail.BodyPart; 
import javax.mail.Message; 
import javax.mail.Multipart; 
import javax.mail.Session; 
import javax.mail.Transport; 
import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress; 
import javax.mail.internet.MimeBodyPart; 
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage; 
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart; 
import com.lgf.SendEmail.MailAuthenticator; 
public class SendEmail  
  *  Sending regular mail   
  * @throws Exception  
  public void doSendNormalMail()  
//     Acquiring system environment   
    Properties prop = new Properties();  
    Authenticator auth = null; 
//    Determine whether validation is required to send the message  
    if (EmailMessage.validate)  
//       Mail server authentication    Username and password  
      auth = new MailAuthenticator();  
//    Add the necessary information  
    prop.put("", EmailMessage.Email_Host);   
    prop.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");   
//     Set up a dialog to communicate with the mail server  
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop, auth);   
//    Display in console Debug information  
//    Set the mail object  
    Message message = new MimeMessage(session);   
//       Set email subject   
//       Set the subject line    
      message.setHeader("Header", EmailMessage.Email_Header);  
//       Set sending time    
//       Set the sender address   and   The name  
      Address address = new InternetAddress(EmailMessage.FROM, EmailMessage.FROM_NAME);   
//      Adds the sender message to the message  
//      Set sender address  
      Address toAddress = new InternetAddress(EmailMessage.TO);  
//       Set the recipient address  
      message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);   
//      Set multiple recipient addresses    
//     message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO,new InternetAddress(""));   
//       Format your message  
      message.setContent("Content", EmailMessage.Email_Content);  
//       Set email content    Must be after setting the file format  
//      Save the information added above  
//       Send E-mail   
      System.out.println("sendNormalEmail()  Start sending emails... ");   
      System.out.println(" Send successfully! ");   
    } catch (Exception e) 
        System.out.println(" error ");   
   *  send HTML Formatted mail  
  public void doSendHtmlMail()  
//     Acquiring system environment   
    Properties prop = new Properties();  
    Authenticator auth = null; 
    if (EmailMessage.validate) 
//       Mail server authentication    Username and password  
      auth = new MailAuthenticator(); 
//    Add the necessary information  
    prop.put("", EmailMessage.Email_Host);   
    prop.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");   
//     Set up a dialog to communicate with the mail server  
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop, auth);   
//    Set the mail object  
    Message message = new MimeMessage(session);   
//       Set email subject   
//       Set the subject line    
      message.setHeader("Header", EmailMessage.Email_Header);  
//       Set sending time    
//       Set the sender address   and   The name  
      Address address = new InternetAddress(EmailMessage.FROM, EmailMessage.FROM_NAME);   
//      Adds the sender message to the message  
//      Set sender address  
      Address toAddress = new InternetAddress(EmailMessage.TO);  
//       Set the recipient address  
      message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);   
//      Set multiple recipient addresses    
//     message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO,new InternetAddress(""));   
//      Sets the content of the message to be sent    The following is sending hmml 
//      Format your message  
      EmailMessage.Email_Content = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; 
      message.setContent(EmailMessage.Email_Body, EmailMessage.Email_Content);  
//      Save the information added above  
//       Send E-mail   
      System.out.println("doSendHtmlMail()  Start sending emails... ");   
      System.out.println(" Send successfully! ");   
    } catch (Exception e) 
        System.out.println(" error ");   
   *  Send email with attachment format  
  public void doSendAttachmentMail()  
//     Acquiring system environment   
    Properties prop = new Properties();  
    Authenticator auth = null; 
    if (EmailMessage.validate) 
//       Mail server authentication    Username and password  
      auth = new MailAuthenticator(); 
//    Add the necessary information  
    prop.put("", EmailMessage.Email_Host);   
    prop.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");   
//     Set up a dialog to communicate with the mail server  
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(prop, auth);   
//    Set the mail object  
    Message message = new MimeMessage(session);   
//       Set email subject   
//       Set the subject line    
      message.setHeader("Header", EmailMessage.Email_Header);  
//       Set sending time    
//       Set the sender address   and   The name  
      Address address = new InternetAddress(EmailMessage.FROM, EmailMessage.FROM_NAME);   
//      Adds the sender message to the message  
//      Set sender address  
      Address toAddress = new InternetAddress(EmailMessage.TO);  
//       Set the recipient address  
      message.setRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO, toAddress);   
//      Set multiple recipient addresses    
//     message.addRecipient(Message.RecipientType.TO,new InternetAddress(""));   
//      Sets the content of the message to be sent    The attachment is sent below  
      message.setContent(EmailMessage.Email_Body, EmailMessage.Email_Content);  
      BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();   
      Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();   
      messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();   
//      Set up the uploaded resource  
      DataSource source = new FileDataSource("E:\\3.doc");  
//      Added to the  
      messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));   
//      Set file name , Remember the suffix  
//      Save the information added above  
//       Send E-mail   
      System.out.println("doSendAttachmentMail()  Start sending emails... ");   
      System.out.println(" Send successfully! ");   
    } catch (Exception e) 
        System.out.println(" error ");   
   * @param args 
  public static void main(String[] args) 
//   new SendEmail().doSendNormalMail(); 
//   new SendEmail().doSendHtmlMail(); 
    new SendEmail().doSendAttachmentMail(); 

The above is the Java email javax.mail detailed code, I hope to help you achieve java email.

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