A simple example of WebService to XML

  • 2021-12-13 16:41:01
  • OfStack

A simple example of WebService to XML



 public XmlDataDocument GetSiteAData(string AssignName)
    XmlDataDocument xd = new XmlDataDocument();
    DataSet ds = BusinessWork.BusinessWorkDataSet("TreeView1");

      xd = new XmlDataDocument(ds);
      XmlNode root1 = xd.DocumentElement;
      XmlNodeList roots = root1.SelectNodes("url");
      foreach (XmlNode roota in roots) // Mark all elements with site names 
        XmlElement Link = xd.CreateElement("SiteName");
        Link.InnerText = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["SiteName"].ToString();
    return xd;

Asynchronous invocation

  IAsyncResult ar1;
    IAsyncResult ar2;

    localhost.WebService serviceA = new localhost.WebService();
    XmlNode xmlNode1;
    XmlNode xmlNode2;

    //// Direct call 
    //xmlNode1 = serviceA.GetSiteAData("2");
    // Asynchronous invocation 
    ar1 = serviceA.BeginGetSiteAData("3", null, null);
    ar2 = serviceA.BeginGetSiteAData("2", null, null);
    xmlNode1 = serviceA.EndGetSiteAData(ar1);
    xmlNode2 = serviceA.EndGetSiteAData(ar2);

    StringBuilder xmlString1;
    xmlString1 = new StringBuilder(xmlNode1.OuterXml);

    XmlDataDocument xd = new XmlDataDocument();

    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
    ds.ReadXml(new XmlNodeReader(xd));
    GridView1.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];

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