Solution of struts json type abnormal return to js bullet frame problem

  • 2021-12-11 18:39:54
  • OfStack

Solution of struts json type abnormal return to js bullet frame problem

When the struts framework is configured with exceptions, for example:

<package name="sysCnn" namespace="/" extends="json-default"> 
      <result name="error">/WEB-INF/pages/error.jsp</result> 
      <result name="over">/js/over.js</result> 
      <exception-mapping result="error" exception="java.lang.Exception" /> 
      <exception-mapping result="over" exception="" /> 
    <action name="ConnONGL_*" class="" method="{1}"> 
      <result name="success" type="json" > 
          <param name="root">jsonMap</param> 

When action throws an exception, ideally, you want to go to the exception information page or js pop-up box prompt. Because of json type, the exception information page or pop-up box prompt can only be displayed in console of the browser

To modify ajax, comment out dataType: "Json", and the js bullet box can be displayed normally

    //dataType:"Json",   This line is commented out  

Thank you for reading, hope to help everyone, thank you for your support to this site!

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