Complete code of countdown dynamic display effect realized by pure jsp

  • 2021-08-31 08:47:46
  • OfStack

This paper describes the code of countdown dynamic display effect realized by pure jsp. Share it for your reference, as follows:

<%@ page language="java" import="java.util.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
<div id="showTimes"></div>
 long current_time=System.currentTimeMillis();
 long end_time=1337875200000l;
 long time=end_time-current_time;
var second = <%= time / 1000%>; //  Seconds remaining 
//  Write 1 Methods that specify seconds as days 
var toDays = function(){
 var s = second % 60; //  Seconds 
 var mi = (second - s) / 60 % 60; //  Minutes 
 var h = ((second - s) / 60 - mi ) / 60 % 24; //  Hours 
 var d = (((second - s) / 60 - mi ) / 60 - h ) / 24 //  Days 
return " Remaining: " + d + " Days " + h + " Hours " + mi + " Minutes " + s + " Seconds ";
// And then write 1 Timer 
 second --;
 document.getElementById("showTimes").innerHTML = toDays ();
}, 1000);

I hope this article is helpful to everyone's JSP programming.

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