Analysis of similarities and differences between c:foreach traversal and s:iterator traversal in JSP

  • 2021-01-25 07:50:36
  • OfStack

This paper analyzes the similarities and differences between c:foreach traversal and s:iterator traversal in JSP. Share with you for your reference. The details are as follows:

1) jstl c: foreach

First let's look at a common servlet:

import com.xy.entity.Board;
import com.xy.entity.Topic;
import com.xy.entity.User;
public class ToMainAction extends HttpServlet
 private IBoarderDao boardDao = new BoardDaoImpl();
 private ITopicDao topicDao = new TopicDaoImpl();
 private IUserDao userDao = new UserDaoImpl();
 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
   throws ServletException,IOException
 //  Plate list 
 List<Board> boards = boardDao.getAllBoard();
 List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
 List<Topic> lastTopic = new ArrayList<Topic>();
 if (null != boards)
  for (Board b : boards)
  //  Return card number 
  List<Topic> topic = topicDao.getTopicByBoardId(b.getborderId());
   int num = topic.size();
  //  Recent updates 
  Topic t = topicDao.getLastTopic(b.getborderId());
  //  Author of the most recent update 
  User u = userDao.getUserByuId(t.getUid());
  request.setAttribute("boards", boards);
  request.setAttribute("count", count);
  request.setAttribute("users", users);
  request.setAttribute("lastTopic", lastTopic);
  RequestDispatcher dis = request.getRequestDispatcher("main.jsp");
  dis.forward(request, response);
 public void doPost
    (HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException
 this.doGet(request, response);


<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
<c:if test="${requestScope.boards!=null}">
 <c:forEach var="b" items="${requestScope.boards}" varStatus="status">
 <td width="6%" height="68">
 <td width="67%">
  <div align="left" class="blueSpan">
  <img src="images/topic.gif" width="18" height="21" />
  <a href="logined/ToListAction?boardId=${b.borderId}">
  <p align="left">
  <br />
  <p align="left">
  <br />
  <p align="left">
   Modification time: 
  <br />

(2) s: iterator

package com.xy.action;
public class ToMainAction extends ActionSupport implements RequestAware
 private IBoarderDao boardDao = new BoardDaoImpl();
 private ITopicDao topicDao = new TopicDaoImpl();
 private IUserDao userDao = new UserDaoImpl();
 private Map<String, Object> request;
 public void setBoardDao(IBoarderDao boardDao)
 this.boardDao = boardDao;
 public void setTopicDao(ITopicDao topicDao)
 this.topicDao = topicDao;
 public void setUserDao(IUserDao userDao)
 this.userDao = userDao;
 public String execute()
 //  Plate list 
 List<Board> boards = boardDao.getAllBoard();
 List<Integer> count = new ArrayList<Integer>();
 List<User> users = new ArrayList<User>();
 List<Topic> lastTopic = new ArrayList<Topic>();
 if (null != boards)
  for (Board b : boards)
  //  Return card number 
  List<Topic> topic = topicDao.getTopicByBoardId(b.getBorderId());
  if (null != topic)
   int num = topic.size();
  } else
  //  Recent updates 
  Topic t = topicDao.getLastTopic(b.getBorderId());
  //  Author of the most recent update 
  User u = userDao.getUserByuId(t.getUid());
  request.put("boards", boards);
  request.put("count", count);
  request.put("users", users);
  request.put("lastTopic", lastTopic);
 return SUCCESS;
 public void setRequest(Map<String, Object> request)
 this.request = request;

main. jsp:

<%@ taglib uri="/struts-tags" prefix="s"%>
<s:if test="#request.boards!=null">
 <s:iterator value="#request.boards" id="b" status="st">
 <td width="6%" height="68">
 <td width="67%">
   <div align="left" class="blueSpan">
  <img src="images/topic.gif" width="18" height="21" />
  <a href="logined/ToListAction?boardId="+<s:property value="#b.borderId"/>+">
   <s:property value="#b.borderName" />
  <s:property value=" #request.count[#st.index]" />
 <br />
  <p align="left">
  <s:property value="#request.lastTopic[#st.index].title" />
 <br />
  <p align="left">
  <s:property value=" #request.lastTopic[#st.index].userName" />
 <br />
  <p align="left">
   Modification time: 
  <s:property value=" #request.lastTopic[#st.index].modifyTime" />
  <br />

Hope this article described to everybody JSP program design has the help.

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