ssh Project environment setup Steps of web Project

  • 2021-01-02 21:57:37
  • OfStack

1. Create Web project

2. Add Struts2 support (Struts- version)
1. Copy the relevant jar package to the lib directory
(1) struts2-core-
(2) xwork-core-
(3) ognl-3.0.4.jar
(4) freemarker-2.3.18.jar
(5) commons-logging-1.1.1.jar
(6) commons-io-2.0.1.jar
(7) commons-lang-2.5.jar
(8) commons-fileupload-1.2.2.jar
(9) javassist-3.11.0.GA.jar
(10) struts2-spring-plugin- Spring)

2. Configure web. xml file
(1) Open the struts- \apps\ struts2-ES41en.war file to see the configuration of ES43en.xml
(2) Copy the relevant content as follows:


3. Copy the ES55en.xml file in ES50en- \apps\ struts2-ES53en.war to src. The content is as follows:


4. Add the relevant ES62en. hbm. xml file to the corresponding package, and the content is roughly as follows:


3. Add Spring support (Spring-framework-2.5.6 version)

1. Copy the related jar package to the lib directory

2. Copy applicationContext. xml to src directory under ES82en-ES83en-2.5.6 \samples directory and modify the file named ES88en-ES89en. xml


3. Modify the web. xml configuration file to add the following contents:

< ! Add listener, responsible for loading Spring file >
< listener >
< listener-class > org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener < /listener-class >
< /listener >
< ! -- Specifies the associated configuration file for Spring -- >
< context-param >
< param-name > contextConfigLocation < /param-name >
< param-value > classpath:applicationContext-*.xml < /param-value >
< /context-param >

4. Add Hibernate support (Hibernate-distribution-3.6.10.ES155en)

1. Copy the relevant package to lib, including hibernate-ES160en-3.6.10.Final\lib\required, jar as listed below:
2. Copy the DATABASE related jar files to lib, such as ES183en-ES184en-ES185en-5.1.18-ES186en.jar

5. Integration of Hibernate and Spring

1. Modify es194EN-ES195en. xml file to add the following contents:

<!--1. configuration DataSource The data source -->
<!--2. configuration SessionFactory-->
<!-- injection DataSource-->
<!-- Map file list -->
<!--Hibernate Related property configuration -->
<!--3. Define the transaction manager -->
<!--4. configuration Spring right Hibernate The propagation characteristics of transaction management -->
<!--5. configuration Spring right Hibernate Transaction pointcut -->

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