Universal popup layer page of compatible with IE and firefox can be turned off to control width and height and screen background

  • 2020-05-17 06:08:45
  • OfStack

< %...@ page contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" language="java" import="java.sql.*" errorPage="" % >
< %.../*
General pop-up layer page (compatible with IE and firefox)
1.openWindows(width,height)-- open the function called by the pop-up layer to control the width and height of the layer
2.hiddenWindows()-- close the pop-up layer to call the function
3._displaySelect()-- hide the drop-down box tag because it is too high a priority
4. < div id="LockWindows" > -- used to mask pages below the popup layer
5. < div id="WindowDIV" > -- used to display the contents of the pop-up layer
Example (space removed) :
References on pages that require a pop-up layer < %@ include file="../common/common_openWindows.jsp"% >
< input type = "button" onclick = "openWindows (' 800 ', '700');" value=" edit "/ >
< input type = "button" onclick = "hiddenWindows ();" value=" off "/ >
*/% >
<style type="text/css">... 
position:absolute; top:10px; left:10px; background-color:#777777; z-index:2; display:none; 
/**//* Moz Family Using private properties -moz-opacity: 0.70 */ 
/**//* IE  Using private properties filter */ 
/**//*  Standard properties opacity support CSS3 Browser ( FF 1.5 Also support) */ 
opacity: 0.70; 
filter : progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=70,finishOpacity=100); 
width:expression(documentElement.clientWidth < 900?(documentElement.clientWidth==0?(body.clientWidth<900?'900':'auto'):'900px'):'auto'); 
#WindowDIV{...}{position:absolute; z-index:3; background-color:#FFFFFF; border:#000000 solid 1px; display:none;} 

< script type="text/javascript" > ...
// hide the drop-down box to solve the problem of too high priority of the drop-down box,
function _displaySelect()...{ 
var selects=document.getElementsByTagName("select");// All the drop-down boxes on the entire page  
var objWindow = $("WindowDIV"); 
var DIVselects = objWindow.getElementsByTagName("select");// All drop-down boxes for the entire pop-up layer  
for(var i=0;i<selects.length;i++)...{ 
for(var j=0; i<DIVselects.length; j++)...{ 
function openWindows(width,height)...{ 
var objWindow = $("WindowDIV"); 
var objLock = $("LockWindows");// This is used in IE Block the content below  
//  Determines if the width and height of the input is greater than the width and height of the current browser  
if(width>document.body.clientWidth) width = document.body.clientWidth+"px"; 
if(height>document.body.clientHeight) height = document.body.clientHeight+"px"; 
objWindow.style.width = width+"px"; 
objWindow.style.height = height+"px"; 
//  Center the pop-up layer  
function hiddenWindows()...{ 
<div id="LockWindows"> </div> 
<div id="WindowDIV"> 
<%...@ include file="../examination/openEditerDiv.jsp"%> 

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